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Author Topic: The Rosewyne Twins  (Read 314 times)


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    The Rosewyne Twins
    « on: June 25, 2004, 07:45:00 pm »
    From what we have learned, our children have a very special gift.  We are learning what these gifts are.  All that we truly know at this moment is they are a hope of the future.  

    Quintayne & Kasha Rosewyne

    //I will try and update stories about the Twins in this post.


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      RE: The Rosewyne Twins
      « Reply #1 on: June 25, 2004, 07:45:00 pm »
      *Realizing the babies are getting restless in her cribs, Kasha begins to look around the house for something to block off an area of the floor.  Looking throughout the house she stops at one of the cases full of Quintayne’s books.  She gathers many books and begins to place them in stacks upon the floor. She thinks to herself “I knew these would come in handy someday” she grins at that thought.  Having made a suitable area for the babies to lay she gathers a few soft blankets and lays them down in the space.  Gathering her journal and Quill, she carefully lays them on the table.  She makes her way to the bedroom to gather the babies. She stands there smiling at them for a moment as they both seem enthralled with the miniature Gold Dragon and Dwarven Pick Axe that hangs above their cradles.  First she gathers Aurhinius and kisses him gently on the cheek and then rubs their noses together.  As she carries him out of the room she stops by Quintayne’s desk.  He sets there surrounded by paperwork and appears to be hard at work.  “Look at your silly Daddy with that stern look on his face” He looks up from the desk smiling at her. “Did you need something my love?”  Kasha replies “No we are good just bringing the babies out here” He smiles at Aurhinius and tickles his nose with the tip of his Quill.  She lays him down and goes to get Jadaria.  Jadaria is still starring at the miniatures with great interest.  She picks her up and carries her out laying her next to her brother.  Placing another log into the fire she settles down at the table opening her journal and begins to look through all her old drawings.  She glances over checking on the babies once again and watches them turn over and begin to stare at one another as if they are speaking to each other. Dipping her quill into the ink she begins to draw.  The only sound that can be heard is the crackling of the fire and the room is filled with the soft golden light of the flames.  Finishing her drawing she sits for a moment just watching them.  She watches Aurhinius for a moment with great interest. He has raised himself onto his knees.  He continues to look at his Sister almost showing her how to do the same.  Kasha calls out to Quintayne for surely he will wish to see this amazing site as well.  Quintayne enters the room with that stern look upon his face. Smiling at him she tells him “Wipe that look off your face. Are you trying to scare the children?” He smiles at her “Yes my love”.  Settling down at the table next to Kasha they both begin to watch the babies.  They are both amazed at the amount of communication that seems to be happening between the two.  Jadaria slowly rises onto her knees once again looking to Aurhinius almost for a look of approval.  The proud parents look on watching them closely. Aurhinius slowly begins to rock back and forth and finally moves his little legs. Kasha turns to Quintayne with a smile so bright it could erase any darkness.  Quintayne seems to once again be in shock watching his children, a few  words stumbling out of his mouth “He .. He is.. He is crawling Kasha!”.  They continue to watch Aurhinius as he moves with a bit more skill as he turns to his sister looking into her eyes almost encouraging her to do the same.  After a few minutes Jadaria too begins to move her legs slowly.  She continues to look at Aurhinius for guidance.  The proud parents watch this miracle happening before their eyes.  Looking around the room Kasha speaks with a hint of laughter “We are going to be busy now” *


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        It seemed like only yesterday
        « Reply #2 on: April 25, 2005, 06:44:00 pm »
        *Kasha enters the room lighting the lone candle on her desk. Thinking about the recent events in her life she opens her journal and begins to write*

        When things in the world seemed dim and not a light left to shine a peace came upon the world like no other. A day of mysteries and joy unlike any other. Who would have thought the day would end that way? A visit to the Tower of Darkness and riddles with the Shifter, a drop of water which could cause just ripple in the tides. The day the Seilwood Witch was returned to us from her unknown prison. I never would have guessed that was the day that would change the world forever. My companions that day were very close to me indeed; Ozy, Nathan and my love Quintayne. It did not take long for us to know where to get the answers. Moments after the Witch was returned, her sisters appeared to welcome her return. Time stopped in that moment for everyone else but me. It was then I knew it was time. The children were born. Jadaria was first and she could be heard across the lands I have no doubt and in the quiet of the next moment came Aurhinius. *sighs* It seems like only yesterday.

        The years have gone by and we have watched them grow. So many miracles have happened in their lives. Both of my children have a very special gift. These children are unlike any other that I have ever known. They are blessed not by one but one but by two gods. The blessings of Dorand and Rofirein are upon them. They come from a family line that is very strong in values and beliefs. To this day they still wear the symbols of each. A simple charm bracelet made by myself with a small Dwarven pick and a gold dragon as the only two charms. I shall never forget the eve where a golden light surrounded the house and settled the restless children. That was the first night they slept all night long. I hope to teach Jadaria the things which my mother taught me and I know that Aurhinius will make me very proud as he grows.

        As children do they have both grown and as a parent I cannot.. or should not hinder their growth. Jadaria has an ability which I do not fully understand. I pray that she use it for good and I have no doubt that she will. She has spent many nights with Quintayne reading with him and asking many questions about Rofirein. She has learned so much and yet has so very much to learn. She is now in the hands of a trainer. One of which I pray will unlock her ability and help her to learn and understand it. I hate to see her in the pain that she has had to endure because of the evil which plagues the lands. I put my faith in Rofirein and her trainer that she will learn while not losing sight of who she is or the morals and beliefs of which her father and I have taught her.

        Soon Aurhinius will be wishing to make a difference in the world and I only pray that he will allow his father to teach him. He too is very strong in the faith of Rofirein and wishes to smite the evil of the world. He is so very brave for his age and yet very much still a child.

        I put my faith in my family and those around me to promote the good of the world. Standing together we can defeat evil and let peace once again restore itself upon the land.

        *The candle flickers a bit as Aurhinius enters the room. She wipes a tear from her eye as he approaches her. He walks over to her and hugs her tightly, “Its okay mom, I miss her too” She hugs him back and kisses him gently on the forehead. “Will you keep my company until your father gets home?” He nods gently and pulls her from the chair. “come and tell me a story”


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          A letter to Xora
          « Reply #3 on: April 29, 2005, 03:15:00 am »
          *She stands in her daughter's room remembering her laugh and the innocent smile on her face. Next she remembers the pain which her daughter has had to endure. She gathers her thoughts and decides to put them into words*


          I hope this letter finds you well. I have been thinking about Jadaria non stop since the day we brought her to you. I hope that you are able to help her understand her gift and ways which she can deal with it so it wont cause her so much pain. I understand that not all things happen quickly and it may take her sometime.

          Quintayne and I will definetly respect your wishes at to visiting her but I do have a request. Can you tell me how she is doing? I miss her so very much. Is she listening to you and learning her lessons? She is a very bright child and knows many things even beyond that which I could ever know. I hope that you allow her to remain herself and by that I mean that she does not lose sight of who she is. I dont want her to become cold and emotionless. I hope that she is encouraged to say her prayers to Rofirein as she, Aurhinius and Quintayne did every night.

          If she needs anything please do not hesitate to let me know. I will get anything for her that she needs. We all miss her deeply but we understand that we must to this for her own well being. I understand that you are busy with her and her studies but if you could take a moment to reply to this letter it would be appreciated greatly. Tell her that we love her and we all miss her. I thank you for your time.


          Kasha Rosewyne

          *She wraps the scroll up tightly sealing it with Dragon in yellow wax. Walking outdoors she finds the closest messenger and gives him a few gold coins to deliver the letter as soon as possible*


          RE: The Rosewyne Twins
          « Reply #4 on: April 29, 2005, 07:03:00 am »
          *days later a tightly wrapped scroll in a scroll case and sealed with wax lies at your door step*
            I have informed Jadaria that you are asking about her, it made her smile. 
            Do not fear, I only aid those find what they are capable of with the weave, if she becomes "cold and emotionless" it will not be at my hand.  Perhaps you feel I am not the right person for this job, if so you only need to pick her up at any time.
            *no signature or anything*


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            RE: Letter to Xora
            « Reply #5 on: May 10, 2005, 06:25:00 pm »

            I would like to thank you for giving Rurik the message for me.  My family and I were very happy to hear such news.
            I am very glad that she is doing well.  I know that she is a very good child and she has a good amount of respect for those which have her best interest at heart.  

            I have known as well as very few others that she has a very special gift.  While I dont understand what her gift is, I definetly respect it.  I am not sure what to think of it when you say that it has exceeded what you expected.  Is there a way that you can explain to me her gift.  I wish to understand it so that I may help her with it as well.  I hope that she will be able to return home and we can all help her while she is helping others.  I respect that she needs time to learn how to control her ability however, I miss her desperately.  

            I would like to thank you for helping her learn.  She is very lucky to have someone that can help her to develop her talents.  Time is coming soon where we will get to come and visit her.  I know that I am very eager to see her again.  I feel as though she has grown a great deal since the last time I saw her yet she will always be my little girl.  I would ask one thing of you if I may.  Would you allow her to write to me?  I understand that it might not be beneficial for her but if at all possible I ask that you allow it.  Please tell Jadaria that we love her and we miss her.

            Thank you for your time.  Please continue to take such good care of her.


            Kasha Rosewyne

            *She gently kisses the parchment sending as much love to Jadaria as she can. Sealing the parchment with the seal of Gold Dragon she walks into Ft Llast finding to the closest messenger to be delivered to the tower*

