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Author Topic: A new life...  (Read 294 times)


A new life...
« on: February 15, 2005, 09:46:00 pm »
               I know not this new feeling I have inside my heart… But I know it has always been there. But, my tribe taught me to believe differently; to be a hunter, a fierce warrior, and a whimsical soul, a follower of Kithairien. As I look back on my life, I realize it was never the path that I wanted, but one that was chosen for me out of tradition and the respect of my tribe. I ignored the stirrings within my chest and became what my tribe expected. Now that I have saved my tribe and their way of life and fulfilled my last oath to The Runner, he has let me go to begin my life anew. Where will I go now? Where do I even begin to piece together the distant stirrings of my soul into something cohesive enough to become my path? I know not even where to begin.
                 I have traveled to temple after temple, praying to find what has been calling me for so long, but still can find no answers - only more questions. While mining deposits or cutting gems, I feel alive. I hear distant melodies while I do this but I know not what they mean. Is this what has been calling to me all this time? I met my old companion, Elixir the dwarf, yesterday inside the cave in Seilwood.
                 I know not how he found me but was glad that he did for an Ooze had found and paralyzed me while I was mining and listening to the song. When I asked him how he knew I was here he said that he heard call form his god to come here. We talked a while about his god Beryl and I told him my story of being released by Kithairien. He appeared to be studying me and asked why I was here. I told him that I was there to gather minerals to cut into gems to work on my craft. He then asked me why I wanted to be a gem crafter and I told him that it has always been in my heart to do but because of my tribes religion and them wanting and need strong warriors that I had to put aside what I wanted to do for the sake of the tribe. And then I heard it again the low hum of the melody that I have heard while gather minerials but this time it was louder andit appeared that Elixir heard it too. I asked Elixir if he heard the hum and he nodded and said it was the stone calling to him. He paused then, and studied me appraisingly, before asking me for how long I had heard the song. I told him that I have always heard it. He then gave that low chuckle that he does and started to ask me more questions about my craft, about how I felt when I was done with one item. I told him that when I am finished I feel something intangible that calls me to finish the stone - that I could do more to complete the cut; one more burr to remove on the surface; calling me to complete what was not perfect, yet needed to be. I told him that must have just been my own foolish pride. He just looked at me and laughed. “What is so funny?”, I thought. Once done with mining the minerals we went back to Hlint to craft them and Elixir quietly watched me at my work. He seemed pleased at my determination to craftthe malachite minerals into polished gemstones, even though most of my cuts produced naught but malachite dusts.
                 Once I was done with my small store of polished malachite, Elixir and I spoke a little more about Beryl and all that she governed and taught to her clergy. He spoke to me as well of the “deep song” – that resonant music that sounds near the edge of my consciousness, and how it was the way that the children of Her Perfection spoke to one another from the warm womb of the earth. “The deep song”, Elixir explained (albeit a bit less intelligibly), “is all around us. It is how Beryl speaks to her children, and how they speak to us. It is also how we may speak with Beryl when we feel the need upon us. I was very confused. “How could Beryl be calling me if I was not her follower?” Elixir laughed again, and said, “Maybe you have always followed her in your heart and never known the name of what you followed.”
             I somehow find his words reassuring, as the hope blossoms deep within me that my future, which was so uncertain only a day ago, feels brighter, and filled with purpose. I can almost hear her voice, calling to me from the depths of the earth. I want to know my path. Elixir has suggested I make a pilgrimage to the temple of Beryl in the town of Stone. I hope that I will find my answers when I get there… Quill…


RE: A new life...
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2005, 12:21:00 pm »
          The other day I was given a summons to come to Point Harbor to meet one of Beryl’s followers, a deep gnome by the name Neb, and he is to escort me to Stone where I am to undergo a test to see if I am worthy enough to follow Her Perfection. I set sail from Port Hampshire. The captain reassures me that we would make good time for the sky was clear and winds bountiful. 
        As the captain promised the sea was calm and the sky clear. As I stood up on deck of his ship, I had time to reflect my years of service to Kithairein and of the life I was to leave behind.
       My teachings began at an early age, hunting and learning ways of a warrior, to wait patiently but when the time comes to act swift and with all strength. My tribe taught me not to rely on others for no one knows what intentions they might have. They also showed me how to live free, never settling down and staying only for a period of time so not to take too much from the land. Also they spoke of only one law of nature and how it was to be held most high among all other laws.  The elder of the tribe always said to “Embrace nature and its gifts. Never take from the land what you do not need.”  These values were taught to me everyday in different situations and in different ways but their core value never changed. I was one of the Runners people and that meant I was free as the animals to make my choice in this life as long as it came from the land. But still to this day, I did and still do not call that freedom . . . But then for my tribe and my people I would do what they wanted for as I saw it there was no other way..
            Freedom to me is being able to make my own choices no matter how big or small. Even has an Elf, I may not be on this earth a long time and the choices that I make I want to feel that I made the decision from the heart and not from what others thought was best. I know that Beryl will ask things from me but the things I know she wil ask of me I would want to do for myself aswell. It will be  Her Perfection that will guide my hand and my heart.  
       Now I am truly free. Traveling to Stone to feel the embrace of my new god,The Deep Mother. Even out at sea I hear her melody calling me home . . .


RE: A new life...
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2005, 07:46:00 pm »
It has been sometime since my trip to Stone. Many things have happened since then and I am certain that many more things are to come. I have been accepted in to her faith but yet have I been giving acceptance into her clergy. Neb told me that I must go out to prove my faith to be received into the priesthood of Her Perfection. I set off on my quest to affirm my fidelity to the Deep Mother.
            On my travels to prove my loyalty to Beryl have met many of her followers, but one has become a true friend. Vin Onyxblade, a deep gnome with a low voice. He has shown me much in faith and workmanship of jewelry.
            We have traveled far and wide, through the forest of Seilwood, the mines of Haven, and even as far as the desert caves of Dregar in search of gems to cut and work into jewelry. In that time he taught me more of Beryl’s will and how her followers used stealth and cunning to avoid confrontation with those that might want to harm us. Later Vin showed how to survive in the most merciless terrain. He said that the Deep Mother has taught his people how to survive where others could not for them to be better-protected form their enemies.
            After our distant journey looking and gathering minerals was complete we set off for Hlint. Upon reaching Hlint, we started working the minerals to cut gems. I began first on trying to cut the stone, which after some more help from Vin, I started to get higher quality gems. While working Vin told me how not only did we work the minerals into gems and put them in jewelry we also bring out the inner power of the gem to give it wearer blessing from the Deep Mother.
            We worked for many days, until Vin thought I had made great progress. Once done, we made another pilgrimage to Stone. We offered thanks to Beryl for our bountiful jewelry. Together we stayed at the temple for a couple of days to pray and to be as close as we could to Her Perfection.
            This is where I find myself now. Still in Stone, waiting for Vin to finish gathering hops for something he is working on. I can only hope that I have lived up to my new faith.  Further, I hope that soon that I am brought into her clergy. Sometimes I see more that I could do to help others, to help guard and hide them from many unfriendly eyes. But, I can do now is have reliance in Her Perfection.
Quillwem Laylluanilm
Greenstone of Beryl