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Author Topic: Journal Fragments of a Drow Ranger  (Read 440 times)


Re: Journal Fragments of a Drow Ranger
« Reply #40 on: October 15, 2006, 02:06:27 pm »
The anger against praylor has faded. I no longer wish to kill him, for him spreading false tales about my demise. Hurt him yes.

Things are better than before. The children are alot bigger now, and are a bunch of hellions. Some of the things they do...are creative to say the least. Seems ash has been spending more time with them as well, as I see her around. Its good for the children, because they miss her when she isnt around, and cause more mischive.

Talked to Rod again, he showed me some interesting arrows he made. They crackle with electricty when lauched. It is a satisfactory sound. Also, I need to mine more platty, he said he will make a mighty for my bow. And an interesting trip with him into haven with an young ranger, I went for the platty, Rod coal and feldspar. So we destroyed the ogre population, it was the most fun i have had in years.

*hears a noise* Kids...what they break now...?


Re: Journal Fragments of a Drow Ranger
« Reply #41 on: November 10, 2006, 01:02:34 am »
Well. Im sticking deep in the high forest. Theres a plague going around and I am not going near it..Unless i hear word about my children. I miss them, its been many months since I last saw them. I hope they are well and dont have the plague. Maybe I should send a bird to ash inquiring about her and the kids.

Sitting here in the forest..I am calm..happier. Just quiet and sounds of the forest...

*sits in the deep shadows relaxing against a tree, happy for once in years*


Re: Journal Fragments of a Drow Ranger
« Reply #42 on: November 26, 2006, 01:47:15 am »
Ash is dead. Gone.

I went over to dregar, my way to vale, when I stumbled upon Ash's broken body. A thread of life still remained in her body somehow, like she was fighting to hold on, not to die alone..*wet splotches like tears dot the page* Crying, I held her body, and she started to talk. I dont kow if she knew I was there or not, but I will record what she said.

The last words of Ash

"Now I don;t want you all going around depressed dammit. I want to see people happy and smiling. I'm where I belong.. My soul will be sent to the aborea."

"Im where I need to be... with Glenn. Take my body to folians temple and put me beside him. Talk behind my back and I'll come back for yer arses"

This is where she started to cough up blood, I help clear it away so she could continue. After a few minutes she did.

"Rodlin is a manharlot and I hope he rots in baater. But love him anyway. Make sure you tell him all of that"

"Tell Rhynn to plot one more evil deed for me. And tell Emie she's the beez knees..thats about it I think"

"oh.. and nepp. Tell someone to give you a hug and tell you to take care. I'll see you on the other side. Ash and Glenn are reunited. Love you all.."

Then she died. I took her body to folian's temple, to a priest there. I told him "Bury her by Glenn" and left the place..

So now here I sit. Alone. Empty. No will to go on. Well, the children. I'll just..spend time with them..they..are old enough to understand..and Ty..tell her..*rest becomes smeared, unreadble*


Re: Journal Fragments of a Drow Ranger
« Reply #43 on: November 27, 2006, 12:39:21 pm »
*in a fit of rage he enters the forest cave, but with no tactics or thinking clearly he is cut down*

Why? Folian, why can't I protect the things I love? Am I meant to loose everything?

*he wanders off, fades off into the shadows by the hlint pond, still reflecting on his latest death*


Re: Journal Fragments of a Drow Ranger
« Reply #44 on: February 11, 2007, 02:27:00 pm »
To Tyrian:

Sorry to burden you, this is my will.

Please take care of the children as you see fit, make sure they have a good home.

As for my stuff on me, you can have them, do with what you want.

Two diamond rings, one bulls, one wisdom.
My swords
My armors
And my two bows,

Also the silver jewlery set Ash gave me. Please do with it as you see fit. and any other rings I might have on me. Take what little gold I have as well.

Please let my son have the bastard sword, so he has something to remember me by.



