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Author Topic: The Dance of the Cantor  (Read 315 times)

gilshem ironstone

The Dance of the Cantor
« on: December 25, 2014, 02:45:36 am »
This is my effort to write down what I have learned so that I might find my way better along the path.  The War Singers possessed a find tradition of apprenticeship and obscurity in their teachings so the lessons learned were always fleshed out through experience rather than an abstract conception.  Let's start with the name: War Singer.  It seems natural to think that they are bards or minstrels who ply the martial arts, but that would be an assumption based on abstraction and bears little on the truth of the matter.  They played a game of subterfuge with those encountering their reputation in order to always possess the high ground.  Although they were mercenaries, they were not bloody-minded.  The war they fought was always one within; they vied to vanquish the pressures that separated them from the immediacy of their experiences.I say this, but I do not know this as I know the letters that I use to form the words I writeThis is a simple impression of one who spent time livng amongst them as an initiate and who has endeavored to carry on their legacy now that they have passed to the Pits and beyond.  I can play the double-game and contemplate that I perhaps and only believing what I wish, but even if that were the case, and it is about even money that it is, then I would still hold the same belief, for this is what I want and where I wish to travel. Ever since leaving Leringard, I have created the possibility in my life that there is something beyond the mundane that I can tap in to.  This world of magic and wonder is, in my mind, an elevated place where I can bridge the gap between observer and observed, where I can strip away the image of myself as seamstress' son, or faillure or whatever.Anyway, there is more to this than just some notion of fulfillment, but I don't know what to write so I will leave it for later.  

