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Author Topic: Thoughts of a Wanderer  (Read 214 times)


Thoughts of a Wanderer
« on: June 30, 2007, 11:14:37 pm »
Soon after arriving in Port Hemptead and taking a look around I've found some people looking for help. One lady named Martha had a problem in the sewers and Trent, of the Guard needed some kobolds put back in their places.
It wasn't hard to find assistance, some people here seem helpful.

I've met a couple of guildmembers in my adventure to the Kobold Camp and after helping me suceed they have informed me I will be needing much coins to purchase various equipament that will improve my skills. Most likely buying from them, smart merchants...
I will NOT collect coins for personal richness, but no problem at all if these coins are to be spent enhancing my art.

They talked and talked and showed me their wares... To make a long story short, I am in debt of Four Thousand coins to one Ben, from this nameless guild they took me to. The gloves they presented me with were indeed quality merchandise, but I am afraid I'll be changing gloves quite often, so I must watch out for meaningless purchasing.

While browsing their inumerous chests I've also found a Robe that might prove useful for my adventures. Maybe some other time, however.

Must focus on getting coins to pay my debt, first of all. Perhaps in the future I can find independent crafters, these guilds seem to monopolize the market, and that's not fair to the indies.
Must focus not to let anyone else charm me with their wares, credits, wonders and then charging me more coins than my home village had in one full year.

Nechemiah, out.


Re: Thoughts of a Wanderer
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2007, 09:06:41 pm »
It has been some months since I report my thoughts.

My body wants only to get better, my mind looks only for knowledge. The constant struggle to perfect my arts is difficult and time consuming, but I am ready to accept and respect it. I take my time watching others and noting their behaviour, exploring paths and memorizing them. I travel along wariors, wizards and other adventurers at times, grouping up with these adventurers turned out to be quite rewarding, especially if we are helping someone. The profit is split equally and I don't mind taking a few coins to purchase better equipament. For now it is all.

