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Author Topic: Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise  (Read 293 times)


Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise
« on: June 10, 2008, 10:07:47 am »
*in a shaky hand*

Jenra 27, 1434

I almost lost Danael a few days ago.  Thank the Gold that his last strand didn't snap when he fell in that blasted cave!  It is only now I've the strength to even write about it.  Thankfully his soul remains bound to his body still, and I found him sleeping when I arrived home.  We're only just married still, and we've so much more living to do together.  As I crawled into bed to hold him close to myself I couldn't help but think for a moment of giving up this hazardous life we lead.  Adventuring is so much a part of each of us though, that like Addison, I know we can't truly be alive without it.  At least, I don't feel that I can.  Maybe Danael could.

The troop we were with was simply too large and disorganized.  Some say there's safety in such numbers, but as Danael often says, "Every army has it's casualties."  In all my life I've noticed it to be true that the more there are involved, the more often at least one of them ends up dying.  On the other hand, we can't do much of anything worth doing on our own either.  I think for us it will be important to travel with a group, but one no larger than eight members, including ourselves.  Between six and eight seems to be the magic number of folks needed to get most things done, especially if we each contribute skills that are largely unique and supportive of eachother.

For Danael and I both, the reality that our next deaths could be our very last is something we cannot afford to take lightly.  I don't think either of us could bear to lose the other, not yet.

There's more I have thought of writing about, but I'm not sure I should yet.  I haven't told Danael because I don't want to get his hopes up if it's not what it may be.  Flows are ... running late.  It could just be stress, or perhaps I've finally reached that time of life where the river dries up...  I just don't know.  Perhaps I'll seek out a priestess soon for some sort of confirmation.


Re: Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2008, 01:38:13 pm »
Febra 13, 1434

Well, recent events surrounding a well didn't go so well.  There I was, just oging to Orc's Watch to look at the horses there and contemplate buying a new one to get around on.  I step inside the gate, and who do you suppose is there?  Ophey!  Along with a gang of fellows that included Muhk', a man called Marc, and a half-giant (I think) called Dubble.  Well, anyhow, Ophey and I being who we are, we began to chat and I soon found myself invited to go along on a mining expedition for topaz.

It was when we were about to set out to cross the desert that things got wierd.  The main gate of Orc's Watch started opening and closing randomly.  Not long after that, as we investigated the odd gate happenings, some sort of spirits began to attack us.  Well, we fought them off and eventually found ourselves talking to the horse-dealer to see how long such things might've been going on in Orc's Watch and where they seemed to be concentrated.  That's when the fellow pointed out the old, 'poisoned' well that the townsfolk stopped using after adventurers who drank from it started dying.

Well, being who we are, Ophey and I were curious and decided to look further into that old well, and see what we might find.  It turned out that the well was infested with oozes and puddings, and while we were pulling up a bucketfull it jumped onto Muhk and started spreading like you wouldn't believe.  In the end, I had to burn it off poor Muhk with some alchemist's fire I was lucky enough to have in my packs.  After patching him up and tending his burns, I got the bright idea to drop some alchemist's fire right down into the well to try cleansing it...

Well, okay, truth be told it wasn't the brightest idea I've ever had.  The alchemist's fire ignited all right, and then the remaining puddings erupted from the well and nearly killed us all.  Poor Ophey, they caught her completely off-guard and there wasn't anything we could do for her til after it was al over.  Dubble also fell beneath the puddings, and I nearly did as well.  If it weren't for Marc's quick healing, I could've been a gonner, permanently.  Thankfully the blessing from his god was enough to allow me to fight back against the remaining puddings and destroy them.  When we returned to see what could be done for Ophey and Dubble, I found Ophey dead, and then Dubble's spirit gave up it's hold to his body and invoked the call of the bindstone to get him a new start.  Meanwhile, Marc' called on his god once more, and was able to raise Ophey back to life right there.

I felt so horrible...  If I hadn't dropped those last two flasks of alchemist's fire into the well, no one would've died at that time...  But, on the other hand, after looking back into the well, I could confirm it was at least emptied of all the oozes and puddings that had occupied it, so no more adventurers will die from it's 'poisoned' water.  I still really need to learn to be more careful and think ahead a bit more before doing things that could turn out to be disasterous.


Re: Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2008, 09:37:18 am »
Mar 1, 1434

A few days ago I fell in battle, to lousy vines in the Hallowblight.  I don't know what we were thinking really, treading into that danger...  I guess I shouldn't have felt so confident in the myth that helping Brownies brought good fortune...  At least it brought good enough fortaune that I avoided that dreaded last visit of the Soul Mother once more.

I could give up adventuring all together I suppose...  But I fear I'd just waste away at home feeling dull and depressed if I tried that route.  The answer must become learning to tread more carefully in all things I do, as I keep writing and telling myself.  In the moment though, I just don't seem to think about things.  I ride on the thrill of just doing what feels right at the time... and that puts me into danger I should be smart enough to avoid.  Can I change who I am enough that I don't leave Danael a widower?

On another note, I still haven't been to see a priestess.  I walked into the temple of Deliar in Port Hempstead with every intent to do so, but then turned out again.  I felt frightened to face the possibility of being with child at my age... or worse still, of finding the child I think may be growing in me to be harmed by that recent death of my own...  I suppose I could just wait for things to show naturally, or not.  It shouldn't be long now for that to happen on it's own, if it's happening at all.


Re: Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2008, 09:25:48 am »
Mar 16, 1434

I got the nerve up again to go see a priestess...well, sort of.  I was actually about to turn and leave again when the priestess stopped me with a comment about how long I'd been staring.  After some awkward discussion, I came to the point of why I was there in the first place and the priestess laid her hand upon me to discern my condition.

It turns out I am not with child.  Neither yet have I lost my fertility as aging woman do.  Aparently, I've just been overstressed, as sometimes happens I guess.

I know Danael would like to have a child.  So, I'm sure we'll keep trying.  Part of me fears having a child though, thinking on how it seems I've failed to do a good job of raising Calvin.  I'm an adventuress.  I don't think that my life will ever settle down to something considered ordinary.  I am unsure whether that means I would make a suitable mother or not.  But another thought is that if I did have a child now, would I live long enough to see them to adulthood?  Would Danael?

I used to dream of having a child of my own, a whole family of them even...  Now, I'm not so sure that would be right.  I wish I could think clearly enough to be more at ease about this dilema.  Perhaps I need to talk more with Danael about all if this.


Re: Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2008, 08:23:41 am »
Apreal 17, 1434

I had a nice talk with Danael, sitting together on the old bench at the end of the pond in Hlint.  I told him of my fears for any child we might have, and also what I had found out from the priestess previously.  When all was said, we decided we'll keep trying together for a child.  Danael says that since he's resigned his knighthood he can serve the church as he chooses, so he'll have plenty of time to spend raising a child.

I should also try to bring Calvin more into our new family.  Perhaps I should ask him if he'd like to adopt the family name as his own as well?  The Old Culture does allow for such.  On the other hand, maybe he thinks himself closer in ties to his mother and father, and would wish to keep their family name.  I won't know til I have the opportunity to ask though.

Since Calvin seems to be more concerned with wooing Amireana than spending time catching up with me, maybe it's a good bet I can get hold of him again through her.


Re: Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2008, 08:56:09 am »
Month of the high sun, 1434

I , Treana Min Poetr, have fallen into a long dream.  I do not wish to awake for I fear that all the kindness that my Danael bestows wilst fade as all dreams do.

The date sounds odd written that way, doesn't it?  But that's how I told myself to write it...  well, how the Danael here in this dream told me to write it.  He also told me to write about how I'm dreaming, and all that up there in those first words.  Don't know why I'm bothering to write in this dream-journal anyhow... I'll wake up and they'll whip me again, and when I fall back asleep I'll be in a different dream and this probably won't even be here.

Augra, 1434

There, that's better.  Is it really already Augra though?  Last time I wrote in this, well, in my real journal it was Apreal.  Anyhow, Dream-Danael here is telling me "Month of the High Sun" is how his mentor, Jack, called it when they herded sheep together.  Funny how my brain makes up things like this Jack person to fill in gaps in the things I don't know about.  I can't imagine my Danael being a shepherd ever.  Or, well, I guess I can, since I'm dreaming it.

Dream Danael wants me to write about the day I was captured.  Why would I want to write about that?  Is there something in that memory that my brain's tryin' to tell me that might help me get out of here?  Oh, no, Dream-Danael is asking about whether I fought against my captors.  So, I guess my brain's telling me to keep fighting.  I'm tired of fighting though, and I'm smart enough to know I'll never get out of here alive.  Who would come and face these darkelves for the sake of one silly woman who got herself enslaved?  Now he's asking if I have been able to keep track of time.  How can I?  There's no sky, only darkness here, and the whippings don't seem to come on any schedule.

I think I'll be auctioned off soon.  I've heard the other slaves whispering that they think I have nice skin.  I don't see how they can think that with the way my backs been torn to shreds by the whips.

I'm tired of writing in this dream.


Re: Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2008, 04:37:41 pm »
Oclar 4, 1434

I don't care anymore if this is all a dream or not...  I still can't tell which world is real.  In the one I spend time with m'lanna, Danael, and things are so beautiful... In the other I am beaten and whipped in darkness and constant pain.  Shadows amid the darkness bow down to whisper despair into my ears as they continue to inflict agony on me body and soul.  I silently pray and long for death to come to me in that abyss.  When I am beaten to exhaustion I awaken once more here, in Danael's arms, on the cold stone floor, but together.  And I cry, because I know it won't last long enough before I find myself once again in shadow and pain.

Danael insists that this is the real world and the other is the dream.  I'm afraid to admit to believing him, because I think if I do finally, I'll wake within the pit once more to find only despair, a mockery of my dying hope, and to find I am unable again to dream this place in his arms.  This journal I want to say I'm dreaming of writing in right now is full of words...  If I read them, the old entries, will they confirm this to be dream, or reality?

"...Where is the Crafter to make me whole again?"


Re: Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2008, 10:01:06 am »
Novlar 17, 1434

This journal...  is real.  I feel it in my hands when I hold it to read...  I feel the fibre of it's pages when I stroke my quill over it's pages to write.  I could dream those things, true, but I could never remember all that I've written word for word and have it ring so truly as reading of my past here does.

If this world of comfort between the darknesses were the imaginary one, wouldn't my hair be long again?  Wouldn't Addison and Erathim be available to share my love as Danael is?  My father, mother, siblings, and even grandpa? But they are dead, and so they cannot come to this real world any longer.  Wouldn't Pranzis still be Pranzis, and not Prantz?  If this were the a dream, couldn't I have the world the I way I want it?  With Calvin and Caniel still close to me?

The dreams are those nightmares of deepest despair that haunt my mind.  I will overcome them.  I am a survivor, and a warrior.   I am a wife, and a mother.  Though the phantoms of my mind still try to dissuade me from the truth, I am needed and loved and wanted, at least by Danael.  I must persist, and overcome the urge to run and cower.  I've been through too much tragedy to give up now.  I must live again.

I don't know if I can do it on my own.  But, I have his help, his love.  We can together.


Re: Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2008, 08:44:03 am »
Jenra 20, 1435

My progress on re-outiftting myself has been slower than I'd like.  I guess I shouldn't complain though, since Teach sold me an old adamantium rapier with a high-grade enchantment already on it.  Unfortunately, I didn't have as much True in the bank as I'd thought I did, so I still owe him quite a bit for the fine rapier.  Still, having such a fine weapon will make gaining the True to repay him for it, and more True for other things, that much easier to gain.

I've been avoiding Danael somewhat when I go out about my business.  I think he probably knows what I'm about anyhow.  When I'm ready, I'll go with a party of hearty adventurers and gain my revenge on those vile darkelves.  I just don't want to be dissuaded while I prepare.  This is just something I need to do, to get back part of what I lost.

I think I'm ready to reclaim another part of myself, one that Danael will pleased to help with I'm sure.  I'll have to discuss it with him soon.


Re: Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2008, 08:08:26 am »
Apreal 11, 1435

Many things have happened in my life recently to aid in my recovery from the Deep.  Sala has been praying over me with the focus of her resolve and the blessings of Lucinda behind her efforts, and as a result I'm able to let go many of my fears and regain more of my spirit of before.  Danael's also been his wonderful, supportive and encouraging self.  Between the relief brought by Sala's prayers, and Danael's tenderness, I find I am able once again to occupy our bed at home without fear.  Well, excepting the lingering fear I have of the dark and dark places, especially those underground.  Thankfully Lucinda provides me the blessing of the cantrip for simple light, and if I wished I believe I could also cast a more permanent light upon an object.

On top of those things, Calvin has come home at last.  I found him at the Stormcrest some days ago, and we talked at length.  He is lonely, and has his heart set on Amireana, but believes she's abandonned him since he's not seen her lately.  I talked him into moving back home, and taking his grandmother's old room, since he's really too old to be bunking in the same room as Marianna now.  Calvin expressed a fear of his grandmother, Caniel, and it seemed more than just words to me.  Perhaps as though he genuinely thinks she might harm him.  I doubt she ever would, but I know she can be quite stern and spiteful sometimes too.  He asked me to retire from adventuring, so great is his loneliness, he believes if I continue I'll die and leave him all alone.

Danael still expresses a deep desire to have a child, especially with the news of his brothers newborn twins.  I would still wish a child as well, but need to overcome some of the trauma still haunting me from the Deep and my time there.  At my age, I can't afford to wait any longer if I do wish to bear a child.  Aeridan willing, Danael and I will have our own babe in the near future.

Perhaps it truly is time for me to retire from fighting evil and monsters, and begin the adventures of raising a family with all my heart and soul.  I could probably still find time to progress in my crafts, but obtaining materials to do so will likely not be possible if I stop going to get them myself.  I can't afford to buy the materials I need from adventuring suppliers, and I doubt anyone would just hand any to me.


Re: Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2008, 08:47:06 am »
Mai 28, 1435

Oh that man is infuriating!  I understand now why Danael had such loathing for him for so long.  Ben has to be the most spiteful, hateful person I've met aside from the Darkelves that held me captive in the Deep.  I met him in Hlint the other day and all seemed fine, we greeted eachother nicely and all.  Then I tried to ask him in a whisper if he knew why the Queen's soldiers had been stationed on the gates there and he spoke out loudly to make it sound like I'd called them lazy louts or some such.  Then he instead said to them I wanted to buy them all a round at the tavern.  After that, he started making horrible insults about Danael and myself, calling him worthless and me a nosey old hag.  In the span of only a minute our conversation had changed from a pleasant one between brother and sister-in-law, to a littany of derogatory abasement!  I wanted to pound the tar out of him right then and there, but restrained myself and told him to just leave me.

He had me so riled up, I took Olaf to Haven and was thinking about even trying to mine iron alone there to work off my steam, but then the sun set.  Those mines looked even more foreboding in the dark, even though I know they can't be any darker inside at night than they are during the day.  But the feeling...  I may as well call it what it is, the fear I have of darkness now nearly paralyzes me.  I climbed up to the overlook for a few moments and instead cried out my hurt feelings before coming back down to wait out the night with Olaf near the road.

Well, that's when that lousy wretch showed up again.  He had the gall to come tell me that Tariana had told him to apologize, and brought me a mum from the overlook, but then he went right back to saying how worthless he thinks Danael is, and that he's a sentimental fool, and how much of a nosey old hag he thinks I am.  He also needled me about my fear of the dark when my light spell faded and I had to cast another, even going so far as to use a darkness spell to try and unnerve me.  I couldn't take his abusiveness anymore and I just let loose on him, fists flying.  I pounded him good too, and he hit back with a few good blows himself, but when it was done he was the one laying unconscious.

He he finally picked himself up off the ground, he made to try and make peace again, and I thought maybe he was at least slightly sincere, so I gave him the benefit of a doubt.  Then Natalie showed up, and we had to explain to her our bloody bruises.  Fortunately she was fairly understanding, but I had the feeling she was apprehensive about having me near her children when Ben asked me in to see them.  Anyhow, since he'd been acting at least moderately civil at that point I went in anyway, because Danael had made me promise to go visit and hold the babes.

I was holding Stephan and had made a comment about how I remembered when Calvin was that size.  Ben couldnt' let the opportunity pass, evidently and began needling me again by asking if I'd breast fed Calvin too, when he was young, or whether Addison had done that.  I tried to blow it off.  Well, then I mentioned that Calvin had come to live at home again and he asked if I was feeding him again and if a changed his pants for him too!  I wasn't going to stay for more abuse, so I handed Stephan back to 'Lee and left.  I don't understand how any woman could find anything of worth to love in that man!  Every word that comes from his mouth is barbed and thorned to hurt the heart.  I'll not have anything to do with him any more.  Though I do feel sorry for 'Lee having chosen such a wretch to spend her days with.  She could've done much better than him.


Re: Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2008, 08:15:19 am »
Junar 15, 1435

Well, that's one burden off my shoulders.  I finally paid back Teach the remaining True I'd incurred as debt when I bought my new adamantium rapier from him.  Now I can start saving up for other things again.

He'd invited me with himself and some others for a trip to the Ore Hills, and I was thinking of joining them until that waste of flesh of a brother-in-law of mine made his appearance.  Sala said she'd work on his manners, but I'm not going to be suckered in by him and his pretended niceties only to have his vile tongue start pricking me with barbs when I've relaxed my guard again.

The flow from the plumbing seems stopped again.  I should go seek the aid of a specialist, perhaps, before I go bothering Danael with it.


Re: Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2008, 11:20:24 pm »
Augra 13, 1435

Well, it's been two months now, and the last fews weeks I've been feeling nauscious almost constantly.  If I'm not with child, then I don't know what's happening.  I'm pretty sure of it though.  At least I haven't actually vommitted from the morning sickness though.  If Danael hasn't noticed yet either, it's only because he's always gone doing things for the church.  I'll make sure to tell him the news in the morning though, before he can head out on me again.  If I had to guess, I'd put the date of conception sometime in Mai, maybe near the start of Junar possibly.  Looking in the mirror before dressing, I can see I'm starting to show a bit already.  I still wonder at the miracle of it.  By all rights my body should be too old to produce a child at the age of fifty-five.

I think Marianna knows or at least suspects, she made me a "special" soup for dinner tonight that helped with the nausia a bit.  She said it was one of her grandmother's recipies for dealing with certain "conditions" but of course didn't specify exactly which ones.

I see Calvin moping around the house a lot now that he's home again.  I'm starting to wonder about Amireanna a bit myself.  I haven't seen or heard from her in a long time.


Re: Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2008, 08:11:51 pm »
Novlar 17, 1435

Since my trip up into the mountains with Ami', Calvin, and a few others (one of which I'll refrain from naming just for spite), I've been staying here at home and taking it easy.  From the way my belly's bulging now, I'd wager I'll be giving birth in another three months or so.  At least the nausia has passed, but I'm still getting the oddest cravings and find myself visiting the outhouse more often as well.  Marianna has been an absolute gem through it all, and in fact she seems happier about the impending birth than I am.  Danael's been very excited too, and I often catch him humming and singing quietly as he goes about his business when he's home.  I'd probably be more enthused myself if my back weren't getting sore now.  Oh well, just a few more months and then we'll have another voice to join the choir.

I've continued to give retirement more and more thought.  It makes sense for me, I think.  I haven't sold any of my hobby-works in litterally years, and even though I'm not the richest lady in town by any means, I do think we've got enough in the bank to live on for the rest of our days.  Though there won't be much for our child to inherit when those days are done, so perhaps there is at least that one motivation in favor of continued adventuring.  Still, with adventuring comes greater risk of passing away before our child should come of age.

And yet, sitting here at home these last couple months, I've felt that ever-calling itch to go places I've never seen, to embrace the action of melee like a lady in a great ballroom dance.  Yes, the tickling curiosity to learn new wonderful things still nags at me.  It feels absolutely horrid not to go and do.  If I should choose to retire, will I always feel this way, or will I one day enjoy the mindless boring tedium?


Re: Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2008, 01:41:07 pm »
Jenra 5, 1436

Well, it's my birthday today.  Yippie!  Another year gone past and now I'm 56 years old, and amazingly almost due to give birth to a child within the next three to six weeks, give or take a few days.

I've been spending a lot of time on the couch re-reading some of the many books about birds I've collected over the years, and studying a bit more about the fundamentals of magic leading up to the casting of third circle spells.  My back has been getting incredibly sore when I stay on my feet for too long, and it takes some effort to get up in the first place.  All this sitting or reclining is driving me nuts.  I'm way past ready for this child to enter the world and leave my womb!

I should be thinking more on the destiny in store for my little one, and choose a good name for him or her.  Perhaps I should make a trip to see a fortune teller, or maybe even Kali in Leringard to have cards read for the little one?  That would at least get me out of the house a bit, but I wonder if it would be wise to travel at this late stage.

No one even comes to visit me.  I haven't even seen Calvin at home much recently.  Most days it's just me and Marianna here, and sometimes we play cards together to pass the time.  When I think of how sweet she's been to me over all the years, I sometimes start to cry in thankfulness for her kindness.  She sure does Prunilla proud, the way she brings such comfort to our home.  After the child is born, she said she's going to go back home to visit her folks in Haven for a month or two.  I've gladly set aside enough funds for her to make that trip with the best accomodations along the way.  She deserves as much after all her years here working for me.

Well, journal, that's all I care to write about for now.  See ya.


Re: Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2008, 12:12:02 am »
Jenra 24, 1436

Oh gods the day is getting close!  Everything is in readiness, hopefully, and I know I certainly feel more than ready.  Just the other day I felt almost as though my labour was starting, but it turned out to be a false alarm.  Prunilla be praised Marianna was here and helped me stay calm.

Dalan had visited me just a few days after my birthday, too.  He even brought me a pie to share while he was here.  He's such a sweetheart, especially for a Dwarf.  After he left I fondly recalled some of the early days of our friendship.  I still treasure that staff he made for me when I passed Rhynn's wizarding test and took my first steps as a novice wielder of the Al'Noth.  Lady of the Blue Rose, he called me back then.  I'm so happy for him that things with Grenna have been working out so well and that they have children of their own now too.  Maybe my little one can play with his children as they grow up together, at least for a while.

Ugh, I need to go lay down for a while, my back is getting sore again even sitting here at my writing desk.  Any day now...any day.


Re: Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2008, 08:01:48 pm »
Freas, Febra 13, 1436

She's finally here!  And I'm exhausted, but I felt I needed to write about this immediately.  Well, as soon as I woke up again anyhow.  Late in the evening of the 12th, last night, I went into the first stages of labor.  Marianna heard me from her own room and quickly came to be my midwife for the whole ordeal...  Or blessed event as some would call it.

I woke up rather abruptly with a bit of a shout from the onset of the first pains.  Danael shot out of bed and went for his sword he was so startled.  I think I might've elbowed him rather sharply too when I flinched, so that might've had a bit to do with it.  Anyhow, once he realized what was going on he came to my side and held my hand very supportively.  I must've squeazed it nearly hard enough to break his knuckles at a few points, but he just hid the gritting of his teeth behind a loving smile, and used his other hand to run his fingers through my hair to comfort me.

Finally, after hours and hours, just after the sun rose and began to show through our second story window of our bedroom, her head finally began to clear, and after that things got easier.  Except that Danael passed out cold at the sight of it.  I still held his hand in a death-grip though, until the very end when I heard our daughter begin to cry after her first breaths.  Marianna had a silly smirk on her face when finally she held forth my daughter, wrapped in clean linnen for me to hold and whispered into my ear, "You've a beautiful daughter, Miss Tree."  She let me hold her for a few moments, but then took her to the crib Danael had made for her so that the afterbirth could be taken care of.  What a mess.  We'll need a new set of sheets and even a new mattress for the bed, so I sent Danael out to buy some.

Anyhow, I fell asleep after that for a while, and when I woke I had Marianna bring me my journal and quill & ink.  Now that I'm near finished writing, I'm going to hold my daughter again for a while and see if she's ready to nurse yet.  She's been sleeping as soundly as I have from what Mariana tells me.  I wish Calvin had been here to see his sister born.  He'll see her soon enough though, I'm sure.  Danael & I really need to pick a name for her soon.

Sellan A'Endu Poetr - "Sheltering the Enduring Promise"
Arwen Min Poetr - "Healer of Promise"
Emia Na'Ona Min Poetr - "Mother and Sister of Promise"
Melanna Jin Poetr - "Blossom in Promise"
Zoenna Poetr - "Peaceful Promise"
Desiir Owemin Poetr - "Desired One of Promise"

So many possibilities...


Re: Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2008, 01:54:30 pm »
Febra 19, 1436

Well, it's been almost a week now since she was born to us.  Danael and I have discussed what to name her, and Danael seems to favor Melanna Jin Poetr.  I suppose I shouldn't be surprised since he's confessed to having cared for another woman by the name Melanna in his past, years before we really started anything near a serious relationship ourselves.  Still, I have to admit the name carries a beautiful meaning, "Blossom in Promise," so I think our daughter's name is chosen.

I'm unsure of whether to perform her naming ceremony when she reaches the age of one, in the traditions of the Old Culture.  Danael may not be so accepting of her receiving her tatoos at that age as I myself did.  I can't remember how I felt about it myself, so long ago, but I imagine it might've been a bit scary for me.  Yet the arcane marking is, from what I know, quite painless.  I'm sure with my studies of transmutation I could manage the manipulation of the Al'Noth easilly enough myself.  Anyhow, that's something for thought another day.

After laying in bed all week at Marianna's insistance, and Danael's backing of her, I'm ready to get out of this house again for a while.  Perhaps I'll go on a trip with our little Melanna and visit some friends in Mistone.


Re: Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2008, 05:56:29 pm »
Junar 9, 1436

I've thought long and hard on it, and I've decided to retire from adventuring.  I might still get out and about a bit with Melanna, to see friends and show her different parts of the world, but other than that sort of thing I'm through.  I suppose if word ever came that my skills were really needed for anything of import that I might come out of retirement for that.  I'm not going to hold my breath on something like that happening though.

I've come a long way in life since losing my family, my home, and my beloved Erathim so long ago.  I've traveled much of the world, made some good friends, fallen in love with Addison, bore the grief of losing her, rasied Calvin, and finally found love again with Danael.  I look forward to raising Melanna with all my attention.  Maybe she'll become a bit of a spoiled brat, but I'll still be around to love her.  She and Calvin can count on their mother to be here for them, and that's worth staying alive for.

With a bit of luck, we'll all live happily ever after.  Who wouldn't want that, right?


Re: Treana Min Poetr - Heart of Promise
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2008, 02:14:01 pm »
Augra 5, 1438

When I came home with Marianna from buying food from the market in the city today, my eyes fell on the doorway to the library in a way they haven't done in years.  The doorway seemed to beckon me to come in, and in I came.  Marianna watched after Melanna behind me, but from the look I saw on her face when I glanced back I think she knew what drew me here.  Here to this old tome of a journal that sat covered in two years worth of dust on one corner of my desktop.  I dusted off the top of the cork on my jar of ink in the ink-well as I opened it, and dipped my quill into the black for the first time in just as long.

It's a shame, really, that I've neglected further study of the Al'Noth since Melanna was born.  As well as neglecting this journal.  With her in our lives though, Danael and I have been so busy raising her that we haven't looked back much on our adventuring days at all.

So why am I bothering to write?  The rumors, of course.  Passing the temple of Sulterio on the way from the marketplace, we overheard a messenger.  There's war on Belinara.  Not just war though.  The messenger brought news of a call to adventurers to aid there, with the suggestion of some sort of special mission needing doing.  This didn't seem the exagerated sort of story like others we'd heard recently about the things going on in Kuhl.  It seemed more credible, don't ask me why.  Out of a twitch for old habits, my hand went reflexively to where I used to wear my rapier, to feel it for re-assurance perhaps.  But, it wasn't there of course.

Truth be told, I'm sorely tempted to answer that call.  If things are getting so bad in Belinara, it might not be long before they spread even here to Prantz and Haft Lake.  That would put us all in danger, and I don't want Melanna and Calvin to live in a war-torn world.  I don't want them to have to go through another sort of dark age like those that have only just passed a few years ago.  But should I leave Calvin, Melanna, and Danael only to chase after what may very well become my death?  What is right?  To stay here and hope for the best, or to go there and try to do good like I once tried to do for Pranzis?

I know now more clearly what Addison felt in those months before her death.  The call to adventure is a strong voice that urges me to abandon the comparable tedium of this more domestic life.  On the other hand, Melanna's grown a lot over the last couple years, and each day she's surprising me with new things.  She get's into everything that isn't locked tight, and plays very creatively too.  And boy is she a talker!  Honestly, I don't think even Marianna can keep up with her constant babbling.  Addison was gone before Calvin ever really started talking or anything, she didn't really get to see the exciting world of parenting.  She didn't see that she had as much to live for as I do, I don't think.  I don't blame her, but I do miss her still.

