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Author Topic: How to Stay Alive, by Terril Winbane  (Read 247 times)


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    How to Stay Alive, by Terril Winbane
    « on: June 07, 2004, 10:40:00 am »
    *newly penned pages pinned to the wall of the inn*

    I overheard Arenis and a stout dwarf talking about tactics last night, and, considering that lately one could walk from Hlint to Llast on gravestones...let's start with some guidelines to survival.

    Always have your strongest protections ready to use at a moments notice, regardless if you are in the Goblin Wastlands, or Corath's Tomb.

    Learn where creatures like to gather. Learn where enemies prefer to ambush. These are patterns that you can use to your advantage.

    3)PARTY UP!
    Find other people who complement your abilities. Work as a team. Get to know each other's strengths and weaknesses. Together, you are much stronger than apart.

    Know what is expected of you in the group. Are you Frontline? Are you Artillery? Healer? Scout? Know what is expected of you. Let your allies know what you _can_ do, so the party can excel.

    They lay down a lot of hurt on the bad guys, and healing on you. Protect them!Take hits if you have to, but keep them alive!

    They are the only thing between you and a world of pain. Make sure they are protected and can hit harder. If you have a choice between a flesh and blood ally...and a summoned..thing, remember this...the party member will be there long after your summon is gone.

    Thank you all for reading this. When next I have time, I shall endeavor to go into specifics about party tactics.

    Good day to you all



    RE: How to Stay Alive, by Terril Winbane
    « Reply #1 on: June 07, 2004, 11:05:00 am »
    Yep, agree on everything here!

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    RE: How to Stay Alive, by Terril Winbane
    « Reply #2 on: June 07, 2004, 12:14:00 pm »
    Good information that is to the point. They are all very true and I agree with them.


    RE: How to Stay Alive, by Terril Winbane
    « Reply #3 on: June 07, 2004, 01:29:00 pm »
    I would also like to add -

    IF YOU WANT TO SURVIVE LONGER - Ask the Mages and Cleric to prepare spells for you. Even if your character doesn't know a lot about Magic, just say "I want to be stronger" or "Please make me quicker". Its really simple, and saves us Mages and Clerics time and reresting. But remember, not every Mage is willing to buff every party member to the gills. I can only cast fifty eight spells. To fully buff someone takes six. And because of certain spell levels having more spells that are "required" buffs these days, that means I can only buff about five people. And even then, I will have so few spells to cast of my own you will simply gain a crummy archer. So know your Mages and Clerics. Treat them well, and they will treat you well too.

    Max Sterling

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      RE: How to Stay Alive, by Terril Winbane
      « Reply #4 on: June 07, 2004, 04:51:00 pm »
      //holy crap.. llu can shoot a bow?!?!?


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        RE: How to Stay Alive, by Terril Winbane
        « Reply #5 on: June 07, 2004, 07:05:00 pm »
        Dont be afraid to run.  There is no shame in surviving.


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        RE: How to Stay Alive, by Terril Winbane
        « Reply #6 on: June 07, 2004, 08:08:00 pm »
        Buy a decent potion, and some dust of dissapearance, keep them quickslotted. Potions dont take long to use or require a heal check, dusts of dissapearance have saved my life plenty of times... I have not died for 2 levels or so.

        Guardian 452

        RE: How to Stay Alive, by Terril Winbane
        « Reply #7 on: June 07, 2004, 09:07:00 pm »
        Keep in minde you cant hide from everything either.

        Like Malar Panthers and such.... Dont care if your "hide in shadows" is 42 or how many Dusts of Dissaprarence you use they are still going to try and use you as a scratching post.  ;)

        So that falls into "Know your Enemy"




        RE: How to Stay Alive, by Terril Winbane
        « Reply #8 on: June 07, 2004, 10:09:00 pm »
        DR DR DR DR DR

        Some monsters can hit a fly with a pick two miles away. They are just impossible to not be hit from. Reduction of Damage in combat can save soooooo many lives it isn't even funny.

        Know thyself.


        RE: How to Stay Alive, by Terril Winbane
        « Reply #9 on: June 07, 2004, 10:41:00 pm »
        Heh, DR is lovely. Ever seen Rognar taking a manticore spike bath? He's immune to the damage. :P

        And I only have one thing to say about staying alive:

        "The best way to stay alive is to not die." ..... Oookay... Works for me well enough.


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        RE: How to Stay Alive, by Terril Winbane
        « Reply #10 on: June 08, 2004, 05:21:00 am »
        Yeah, DR is very nice... Oh, and if you don't have reflex or aren't able to cast some form of elemental protection try to find some items that give protection... Acid arrows, fireballs, and lightning spells get spammed alot... they are really killer if you arent prepared.


        RE: How to Stay Alive, by Terril Winbane
        « Reply #11 on: June 08, 2004, 07:31:00 am »
        Oh yeah. My new rule is - Never travel alone unless you have 4 Greater Sanctuaries prepared.

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        RE: How to Stay Alive, by Terril Winbane
        « Reply #12 on: June 08, 2004, 02:17:00 pm »
        Eight-Bit - 6/7/2004  1:29 PM

        I would also like to add -

        IF YOU WANT TO SURVIVE LONGER - Ask the Mages and Cleric to prepare spells for you.
        Not always a cleric around when you need one.



        RE: How to Stay Alive, by Terril Winbane
        « Reply #13 on: June 09, 2004, 07:31:00 am »
        If you go off alone, thats a risk you have to take Ronin. However, I mean if a Cleric of Wizard is in the party. People expect buffs, but don't tell you what they want. When they die, they take it out on you. Seen it happen to a lot of people, and it has happened to me before.

