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Author Topic: Wildfire - Ulkazzar pt. I  (Read 525 times)


Wildfire - Ulkazzar pt. I
« on: August 27, 2013, 11:43:23 pm »
"Another one showed up today. These damn adventurers keep coming in, scaring off the decent folk. I suppose I shouldn't complain, business is business, but Center's changed too much over these few years. Used to be folks stayed for awhile; now everyone's up and gone at the word of some new place to discover. Not the life I'd wanna live, no sir. Anyway, this new guy shows up in town and claims he's an adventurer too. Yeah, right, and I'm the King of Layonara. Strange guy, looked young, but like he's been through a lot, probably from Vehl, that awful place. He was carrying some strange stuff, had like three different weapons. Not sure why you'd need more than one, but he had three. I tied talking to him, seemed like a half decent guy, but everytime the conversation broke he started humming some tune. Seems weird looking back on it, but for some reason it made me angry at the time. Finally I gave up talking to him and went to chop some wood. I don't wish the man harm, but harm seems to come regardless of wishes. He seemed like a strong enough man, but I guess time will tell." - Walden Gladsmith, Citizen of Center 


"Zeke lost his lantern again.
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2013, 11:44:06 pm »
"Zeke lost his lantern again. He's a weird guy, even for a grown-up. He asked some other weird guy in cool armor to go get it for him, and when he went into the catacombs me and Zander followed him down, 'cause we wanted to see a ghost. We didn't see no ghost, but we did see some bone guys! They were really scary, but that guy in the armor didn't seem scared like me and Zander were. He smacked 'em real good with his mace, whack! It was awesome! The whole time we heard some weird song, think that armor guy was singing it while he was bashin the bones outta those skeletons. I didn't really like the song, but Zander seemed into it; he even punhced me once, guess he was trying to pretend to be that armor guy. Anyway, we followed that guy all through the catacombs; he musta broken about 100 skeletons before he beat up some spider real good. This guy was cool and all, but he seemed kinda nuts when fightin all those things; just kinda threw himself into 'em, like he's daring them to hit him in his fury. He had a shield with a cool dragon on it, but he used that more to slam into the skeletons than to actually block them. Anyway, he kept going deeper, then crawled through some small space. Me an Zander followed him, but we didn't know where we was. There were bugs an rats everywhere, it was really yucky, but again that armor dragon guy just kept singing an smacking all the bugs and rats: POW! Dead! After he'd killed 'em all, he piled 'em up and set 'em on fire. Then he just left. Me and Zander was scared, cause we didn't know where we were, but we tried to keep up with the dragon guy cause we thought he'd keep us safe from the nasties. Zander put the fire out cause he didn't wanna get smoked out, and good thing too, cause it turned out we was under the craft house the whole time. When we climbed out of the cellar, mean old Cedony chewed me and Zander out real good for being down there when it was dangerous. We said that dragon guy was down there so we were fine, but she still seemed angry. I hope I see dragon guy again, I wanna see him beat up more stuff real good. I bet he could even beat up a real dragon, he's so cool!" - Billy Gladsmith, Child of Center


"The sands were not blowing
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2013, 11:44:35 pm »
"The sands were not blowing today as they often do; the air was clear and you could see for miles. I almost wish the sand had been blowing, would've saved me the trouble of seeing that poor girl fall to that giant. Not sure what she was even doing out there, the poor fool, but it broke my heart to see her struck down like that. I am not sure what transpired between then and when they got to the gates here, but the fierce warrior of the group, the one in the green and black, was angrier than anyone I have ever seen. I've seen terrible things happen to good people, and plenty of people upset, but this was more. This man almost seemed ready to destroy the entire city if it would bring her back. Of course, that wouldn't happen while I'm on duty, but that's neither here nor there. He was a sight, that's for sure. While he was certainly the most interesting of his troupe, there were to others; an elf in white, and a curious other man with a red breastplate. Where the green was angry, the man in white was just sad. The thing I didn't understand is that, even with his companion falling earlier and his companions so obviosly distraught, the man in the red breastplate seemed not only at peace with everything; he almost seemed happy to me. No, I mean it, I'm almost positive I saw a smile uder his hood when he looked at his green-clad companion's fury. I've seen a lot of strange things, and they've all been real; they don't call me Eagle Eye for nothing. I swear, where his companions were distressed, this man seemed to relish the situation. He didn't do anything to prevent his entry into the city, but I'd watch for him in the future. Something about him wasn't quite right." - Kerwin "Eagle Eye" Sandlash, Gate Guard of Audira


"Yeah, the tension's getting
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2013, 11:45:01 pm »
"Yeah, the tension's getting high again. Politics as usual I guess. Politics is a rich man's game though, wouldn't care much for it meself if there wasn't so much money to be made. Seems I'm not the only one sticking my nose in this business though. The quiet word is that some loon's been stirring up the locals, raising some sort of army or something. I don't know, the details are fuzzy and trust ain't exactly deep in my line of work, I'm just sayin' what I hear. Anyway, from what I hear he seems to be taken matters into is own hands, matters best solved by politicians. Can't say I blame him for it, the proper avenues always take longer than direct action, but there's usually a reason for that. Now I don't usually mind getting involved in politics; I've made a lot of money...assisting...politicians, but this just seems too strange. I heard this guy was holding a meeting, some place called Ash; guess I could go figure out more, but something about it ain't right, and you don't get to my age in my line of work by doin' things that don't feel right. Lucky for me, I don't have to go; told some other guy, strange guy, wore a hood low and kept humming some tune. He seemed interested in attending that meeting; I guess if I ever see him alive again I could ask him what it's about, but it's probably best I stay away from this one. Something ain't quite right here, or my name ain't Toby Undergallows." - Toby Undergallows, Citizen of Mariner's Hold


"What a sight! We were
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2013, 11:45:27 pm »
"What a sight! We were brought down into the basement of the inn in some miserable little town, useless people all over the place. The mood changed when we got down there though; warriors everywhere, soldiers of fortune like me. Lot of interesting stories. Some strange looking guy and some wench with one eye were there to keep us in line. Then that guy in the Red armor got up and spoke... Ash I think was his name. Ash Freeman. Quite a guy, I'd follow him to the depths of the deep if he would lead me there; never seen a guy quite so personable as him. Almost too personable, but still a terrific guy. Talked a lot about the weak and downtrodden; I didn't care much for that, some people even up and left. But he promised good pay, that was enough for me. We were to go and stir up some trouble in some town of flowers, I don't know. Strike at the rich to bring them down a few pegs, whatever. We left pretty soon after the meeting; come to think of it I didn't see any of those who left, but whatever. We marched through the woods, reaching the town just before the sun rose. And then the fun began. Peasants running around everywhere, looking for a safe haven that just wasn't there. Can't say I enjoyed it much myself, but some of us were laughing. Others seemed disgusted, and there was one that was hard to read. Just kept singing the whole time, some song that made me feel like killing. Well, the assault continued for a few hours, a few dozen peasants died, some adventurers who tried to protect them too. The buildings were all burned to the ground. We lost a few of our own, but hey, fewer shares means more pay for me. I was impressed by that singing guy; he doesn't look much in the way of a warrior, but he fights with a fury I've never seen, and I've been in the game a while. When the smoke cleared, we returned to Ash. He seemed pleased with us, called us "Justicars of Fire" or something, I don't know, but he paid us handsomely. On the way back I noticed that singing guy cozying up with Ash real good. I'm not sure what's going on there, but it looks like Ash likes him, or sees something in him. I don't care, long as he keeps paying I'll do what he says." - Burke Brundersun, Sharpest Axe in the South


"Salty Creek was a nasty
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2013, 11:45:55 pm »

"Salty Creek was a nasty little town, almost felt like a service to burn it down. Something about the people, genereally unpleasant, and the town just had a feeling of grime about it. Not that Leringard's really any cleaner, but this place wasn't my home. Seems that the word is spreading around these parts, the village almost seemed to expect us this time. Not that any amount of preparation would have given a bunch of farmers and fishermen any chance against us, but they put up a bit more of a fight than the last ones. Ash seems happy with our progress so far, at least as happy as he ever seems. He's an ambitious one for sure, never seems quite satisfied. Him and that other guy, Ulkazzar. Most of us are in this for the money, you know, burn a few villages no one will miss and retire early. Then there are some others, the half-witted dwarf Axe, that just seem to be here for the fun of it. But Ulkazzar, he seems really into this whole justice thing. Like burning a few villages'll bring the world into harmony. I don't know, he seems useful so far so I guess there's no harm in him staying around, and Ash seems to like him. Something about him just seems different." - Tolroy "Twindagger" Thamas, Sword for Hire