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Author Topic: Sigfried Sigurd - The Greatest Warrior  (Read 256 times)


Sigfried Sigurd - The Greatest Warrior
« on: October 20, 2011, 08:20:08 pm »
Deep in a dark alleyway, the slave master lays dead at Sigfrieds feet. "You should have kept your promise, but now that your dead..." Sigfried takes a deep breath and sighs. "I am finally... free." With one last look at his old masters corps, Sigfried headed out from Fort Vehl and wandered for a wile till he came upon the town called Central. Along his way he learned from many adventurers, tavern patrons and almost all other forms of rumors about the chaos that ravages the world. "Darkness... everywhere, and the only lite that burns... are those... from the flames of war." Sigfried thought to himself as he arrived at Central. "Heh, talk about jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. Looks like I got out of those arenas just in time. This world could use a man like me, and a sword like mine." Sigfried smirked, swinging his great sword and slamming the end into the ground then raising it up. "Together, we shall quell this chaos!"


Re: Sigfried Sigurd - The Greatest Warrior
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2011, 06:51:38 pm »
After doing a few odd jobs for the people of Central Sigfried decided to to wander the wilderness for a bit where he came upon a small group of orcs. Always eager for a fight, Sigfried charged the orcs and cut them down one at a time. Occasionally two at once. "Heh, apparently fighting here is little different than the arenas." Sigfried though, cutting down the last orc then looking around. "Though there's no roaring crowds to celebrate my victories." Resting the wide blade of his  great sword in one hand and smiles as he continues. "Regardless... these fights have made me stronger and greater, and this sword of mine... can cut and cleave any foe."

Stabbing the great sword into the ground and kneeling, resting his head against the handle with a grin. "I shall become the greatest warrior of all." One last orc roars and charges Sigfried as he stands then pulls his sword out of the ground and with a spin, cuts the orc down in a single blow then rest his sword on his back. "Heh, pathetic." Sigfried smirks, looking at all the dead orcs then wanders off in search of a greater challenge.


Re: Sigfried Sigurd - The Greatest Warrior
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2012, 04:53:25 pm »
Sigfried meets up With a pair of adventurers and joins them in exploring a haunted castle filled with zombies. Slashing and bashing there way through the hoards they make it to a large anti chamber where Sigfried fell, mortally wounded, about a week later Sig wakes back at the Bull's eye inn at central.

"Ugh, what that? A dream?" rubbing a sting on his neck and finds blood. "Did something bite me?" Sighing, Sigfried sits up and rolls his head around. "Eh, what ever"


Re: Sigfried Sigurd - The Greatest Warrior
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2012, 07:01:31 pm »
After a while of wandering the city of Hempstead Sigfried decides to head out, though just as he was exiting the gates. "You must DO something!" A frantic woman cries and argues with the guards.

"sorry ma'am, I cannot leave my post!" Replied the gate guard.

"she may be eaten already!" The mother pleaded, "Those kobolds took her! WIll you not help me?"

"We would if we could, orders are orders!"

Sigfried listened to the argument going on and sighed, shaking his head. *Orders are orders? Pffft. Hey, if these cowardly guards won't help then I will." Sigfried exclaimed as he walked up to the frantic woman.

The woman let out a sigh of relief. "excellent!  come, they lurk in the place near the fields.  It is where they took my Bethany."

"Lead the way."

"I have not much to offer in reward" The woman said hesitantly. "Perhaps a fine cooked meal and some ale? Her father was... fond of ale.  Had a hidden cache."

"That will do just fine" Sigfried Smiled.

"come then, this way!" The woman lead Sigfried out into the Hempstead fields.  "Over there!" The woman stood at a crossroad sign and pointed past some trees. "Her name is Bethany!  She was helping with the fields, and one of the shepherds saw the scaled beast take her!"

"I'll take care of them." Sigfried said as he rolled his head around and stretched. heading out past the trees and into the kobold camp. A battle quickly ensued as Sigfried fought his way through the kobalds, cutting them all down, one after another leaving not a single survivor as he raged through out the camp. Even the few that attempted to run away didn't make it far before the long reach of Sigfrieds greatsword cut them down. After slaying the last Kobalt, Sigfried looked around to make sure they were no more then heard the cries of the little girl.

"Help! Help!" It was the girl he was after, cries from the rubbled tower. "I want my mommy! I want my mommy!" The girl continued to cry.

Sigfried approached the girl and tried to calm her down. "Its alright little one." He said, kneeling down by the crying girl. "You safe. Come with me and I'll take you to your mother."

"Really? You gotta big sword.  You'll keep me safe, ok"

"Of course, just stick close." Sigfried lead the girl part way through the camp before a Kobald threw a ston pased Sigfried and injured the girl. Sigfried chaged at the Kobalds and quickly cut them down before heading back to bandage the girl and fift her up onto his shoulder, carrying her the rest of the way out and to her mother, where the girl leaped off and ran to her mother. Sigfried was happy to see the two reunited and even more so when the mother presented Sigfried with some well cooked food and ale, as well as a suit of armor that was left by her late husband who died in the war against the Green Dragon Cult. After a small talk about the cowardly guards and about cherishing ones freedom the mother and child went off home and Sigfried headed back to the city to rest. Sopping to look at the gate guards and hands one of them the head of the kobald taskmaster. "Here, a nice suvinar for you... You spineless cowards." Sigfried growled then proceeded into the city.

