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Author Topic: Tyra Dragonheart & the Search for the Golden Emerald  (Read 160 times)


Tyra Dragonheart & the Search for the Golden Emerald
« on: March 29, 2009, 11:56:47 am »
Earth Trapper ~~~

-Welke ~ Some family with power over him.  Was freed.  The Man killed himself.  The woman lives.
-Was looking for information about a sick dragon several years ago.  What was learned is unknown.
-Location: Used to live in a cave somewhere around the Dapplegreen.  Near or under an old tower.  Said was going north after encounter in Dapplegreen.  
-Presumed Safe

Lady Emberblade ~~~

-Big and Scaly...  Red...  'Nice'  
-Location: Seen near Lyn.  Escaped the Cult through a portal.  
-Presumed Safe

Golden Emerald ~~~

-Huge.  Dad helped awaken her from some sort of hibernation under the Golden Woods on Voltrex.  
-Location: Unknown
-Safety Questionable


Earth Trapper Update
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2009, 02:09:46 am »
Commander Creekskipper found and talked to Trapper.  She told me that he may want to speak with me, and that Trapper is looking for certain things.  One of those things consist of ways to protect himself.

I'm going to try and collect traps, and see if I can find any ways to get someone with arcane knowledge to figure out a means of which he could protect himself magically.  I'm no where near getting anything worth his time, but I'm going to try and talk to Aunt Elohanna, and that Lucindite Storold.

Other then that, I need to still find word on the Golden Emerald.  The Commander mentioned that Trapper will think about telling me about other dragons, or other dragons about me, probably depending on how an interaction with him goes.  I need to get on his good side.  He's the only chance I have to get into the good graces of the Dragons...  I just hope I know what I'm getting myself into...


Dragonlinks, Moraken, and the Quest for the Thing She Needs...
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2009, 09:28:23 pm »
I learned from Storold that a group in the Lucindite faith are called Dragonlinks, and they know a good deal about dragon magic.  I need to get to talk to one of them, and for them to take me seriously...  but how?

I plan on knocking on that archmage Moraken's door and asking him for help...  I just hope he at least asks what I want before turning me into a toad or worse...  a rabbit...

I also need to talk to Aunt Elohanna...  Maybe she and the people at that school of her's can help...


A Key to the Future?
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2009, 12:04:16 pm »
Aloe, echinacae, Unicorn Tears Flowers, unicorn mane, stardust of Narsa...

It's a recipe for some sort of antidote that Storold thinks that might counteract something the so called Green Dragons Cult used on a dragon that ended up in Fort Wayfare a long time ago...

I need to start finding some of this stuff...  aloe is easy enough, and Storold has a hunch that some sort of Star Dust that I had found might be necessary for it...

Maybe Earth Trapper can make use of it, and know where to find the hardest things to find, the Unicorn mane...


Blood of the Son, Blood of the Father
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2009, 11:51:45 pm »
Jennara mentioned that this Dragon Elixir/Antidote my require Dragon Blood, but of a certain family...

Also, she mentioned Storold's recipe might need Unicorn BLOOD!  Cause mane wasn't hard enough to find...  

Why can't this be easy...


Choosen of Folian
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2009, 11:50:13 am »

Steel mentioned this name, and I have heard it before...  I need to find that druid again... Steel said this man could lead me to the Golden Emerald...

I have to investigate this...  But I will not lose sight of my other Goals.  Earth Trapper's trust must be gained somehow...


« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2009, 08:21:45 pm »
I've decided to change my focus...  for now...  While I will still look for a way to help Earth Trapper, I'm going to see if I can learn how to speak Dragon...  I have no idea how, but I would bet the Great Library would be as good a place as any, I guess...  but then again there is Moraken...  Not that I know that he knows the langauge but...  if there was anyone it would be him....  but then there are those Dragonlinks....  Ugh...  Focus...  Right...  once I focus a handful worth of more problems sprout up....  `


"Sometimes your mouth just says things"
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2009, 10:28:57 pm »
According to Commander Creekskipper, I talk too much...

I believe it...  I'm very sarcastic, and am not afraid to say what I'm thinking, but if I'm going to be talking to a Dragon, that is probably not a good idea.

So I have to work on what I say...  And I need to figure out how to do that...  Maybe I'll just ask the Commander to help me...  talk to me and see if I can get it right...  I donno, but it's a good point and it is something I need to work on...

She also said I have some other things to work on, like being a bit jumpy if caught completely off guard...  That's not gonna do much for me if I'm looking to befriend something thats huge, quiet, and capable of showing up out of no where...


The Broken One and the Cult's Poison
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2009, 11:18:04 am »
I heard something important in the fields outside Hempstead!

Apparently, the Cult uses something from the body of an old dragon that was killed to create the beasts that they used to attack Hurix, a Dragon that was supposedly Green and went by the name of The Broken One.  Supposedly the Tempest's know more.  I need to find out what I can...


The Cloak...
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2009, 08:08:51 pm »
I found out a way to possibly get some Unicorn Mane for the Antidote...  but I haven't gotten the cloak yet!  Once I have it, I will have to find a way to figure out if it has what I need...


Razeriem, the Tutor
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2009, 03:42:38 pm »
I asked Razeriem to tutor me in Elvish.  I had to think long and hard about that, as he is one of the only Elves I know...  I would have asked my Aunt but she has been busy, and knowing Raz I know the best way to convince him it's worth his time...  Pose for his sculpturing...  Sadly I have to put myself in a vulnerable position to get him to do this...  I don't like doing this but I have to...


Brac'ar - The Fireface
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2009, 04:45:03 pm »
Fexdrektania The Broken ~ Old Dragon, suggested an alliance of Dragoncalled and Dragons could be formed over a simple cause.  Was not Bloodstone.  Was the return of the Twin Dragon Gods of Magic.  Fex was later killed by Bloodstone himself.  Location of remains unknown, likely destroyed along with Bloodstone.  Green Dragon...  Must look into in relation to the Cult.

Twin Dragon Gods of Magic ~ Dragons seem to want these Gods returned, whatever that means.

Fisterion ~ Stole some tome regarding powerful magic.  Rhunn Zharr

Rhunn Zharr ~ Tome containing powerful magic.  Could also be the spell itself.  Still exists.  Fisterion has it.  So does Brac'ar.  Two copies.  May want to look at it.

Drakk Dawi ~ Dragon Dwarves.  Significance?  Only one's who could use the Rhunn Zharr.

NOTE ON DRAGONS:  They have varying interests.  Use them to earn some sort of favour with them.


Bastion, and the the Big Bad Dragons
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2009, 05:23:25 pm »
Bastion ~ What looked to be a bronze colored Dragon is now/was a hulking rooting corpse.  He is apparently one of the Dragons the Cult poisoned and used to poison other Dragons, as well as wage their war.

Ractrafieroz (?) - Lost Orn's Tear(?)  Cult Dragon?  Brought about downfall of Kuhl.  Killed Bastion.  Apparently is a rival of Fisterion.

Shadrixkayl - The Shadow Dragon.  This is apparently the Dragon Steel went to see, as well as the one that cursed him and others with those shades.  Seems to have Auir's Tear, which apparently does the opposite of Orn's Tear.  Rival of Fisterion, and seems to be an ally of Ractrafieroz.
//To be completed