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Author Topic: Yurax Proudaxe  (Read 410 times)


Yurax Proudaxe
« on: May 07, 2010, 08:23:03 am »
This is me record of travels away from Clan.  I be Yurax Proudax, Clan Runic Anvil.

Me reasons for leavin Clan are me own and known to me Clan and family.  I left me Clan home to view the world outside of Clan.  There be changes in the world, ones affecting the lives of me Clan and other Clans.  It is known by me and my Clan that there are Dwarves such as Regant Kobal Bluntaxe and Father Mithril that have gone into the world beyond Clan walls have defended our ways of life.  If Father Mithril never left his Clan home would there be still Mithril in the ground? I never once thought about travelin from the mountains of home until a few years ago.  Since then as much as I did not want to leave, I knew it was my place.  It was as if I were slowly folded and forged to the idea and then sharpened to my duty.  I not be a remarkable craftsman and battle is what I be skilled in.  For now my place is not with axe in defense of Clan standin at the doors.  That honor fell to my older brother, and I am proud for him and Clan.  I know he will honor us all.
With those truths and the examples of Regant Bluntaxe and Father Mithril I knew that the most important thing I could do for my clan may be beyond our walls.  It may be as simple seeing how the world is changin, sendin word to other Clans or even lending axe to causes me Clan would take pride in.  May Vorax's axe lead me way so I can return to hearth and home.  

These be me goal as I step away from Clan and for the first time leave the shadow of my home.

~Yurax Proudaxe, Clan Runic Anvil


Re: Yurax Proudaxe
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2010, 08:24:33 am »
It be some weeks since I left me Clan home but I made it to Port Hempstead.  I not like the ocean, theres no wall, no where.  Everything is so open.  I nay like it one bit.  

The folk here have heard of Father Mithril but I have not be fortunate enough yet to find him.  I nay like bein idle so I been putting my axe to use.  There be some folks needin help with killin kobolds, goblins and that sort or trouble.  The battle is my center, if I get to wantin to return home, I go find some beast to fight.  Praise to Vorax for his strength.  At the rate Im missin home there may be a shortage of gobliniods in Mistone before long.



Re: Yurax Proudaxe
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2010, 06:51:23 pm »
I were deliverin a package to a dwarf in Hlint and he asked me to collect goblin ears.  It were good to talk to another.  How different he be, I wonder how long he be away from Clan.  His heart is true but so many details about him are foreign to me.  Is this what I would become if I stay away from Clan for too long?  It nay me place to judge, but I will be stayin true to our ways.

I started huntin goblins and crossed paths with another kinsman, Gunder.  I took a likin to him and we started huntin goblins together.  Many fell to our axes.  Gunder be a priest o Vorax and is true to our ways.  We nay talk about much more than battle an that were enough.  We made plans to adventure again.  I look forward to it.



Re: Yurax Proudaxe
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2010, 06:56:41 pm »
I been workin on my fightin style, tryin new things.  I even went to Gloom Woods alone and hunted some creature called a Zamin.  I were missin havin me kinsmen with me as I were almost overcome by a horde of undead.  I coulda run for it, but I was missin me Clan fierce that day.  I needed the battle.  I cleared my mind of the thought of retreat and dug me heels in, I decided I were not movin from that spot while I could still stand.  Out spun me axe, down, over and back again, until they all lay still again.  Once the battle surge left me, I realized two things.  I had come close to fallin and I needed thicker armor.  Vorax was with me.  Takin tha to heart, I bound me wounds and went on for tha Zamin.

 I had to cut through more undead but I found him.  He and his bone dog, me and me axe.  The Zamin were a coward usin magic to disappear and then suddenly appearing with a blast of magic to sting me.  It worked out, gave me time to square off against his bone dog and cut it down.  As I finished it off the Zamin must of decided I were not goin to fall to his magics and came in thinking I were softened up some.  Tha were a mistake.  I was feelin Vorax and usin tha cowardly magic made me more resolved than a mountain.  As he barreled into me, I turned me body at the hips and pitched him over.  He hoped to knock me to the ground under him and neutralize the bite o me axe.   I did nay fall and walloped him in the shoulder for his attempt.  He took it serious after that and we went at it.  He came in quick to get inside me axe range and landed some stinging blows.  I then caught him in the face with the handle o me axe and when he faltered I cleaved him in the other shoulder.  It fell into a bloody melee after tha and eventually he were dead and I was standing covered in blood.  

Praise to my Clan and praise to Vorax, I had held me ground and stood to claim his head.



Re: Yurax Proudaxe
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2010, 12:17:41 pm »
Since me battle with the Zamin, I feel more purpose.  I think I needed the challenge to get me right.  I knew Vorax were nudging me to the Zamin.  We both know life is clearest to you when yer in battle, when its life and death.  Life is simpler then.  I know this will take time, finding me place away from Clan.  But the message were clear to me.  If I spend me time only tryin to see the end, I could miss my duties on the way.  If I am to honor me Clan I need have faith tha Vorax will see me to were me axe is needed.  Me duty is to be true to Clan, Vorax and family.  To see with dwarven eyes and lend me axe when called for.  Me place is in battle, I know Vorax's name.  When he calls me name, I will be ready.



Re: Yurax Proudaxe
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2010, 08:34:18 am »
I have managed suitable gear, and always trainin with me axe.  There is no equal to true battle.  Battle is truth, if reveals weakness and embraces strength.  I have learned how to better use me axe in a few month than I had in the last few years of training.  Nay thats not true.  The trainin be in me now, but what im learnin is how and when to use the swings.  And what combinations flow together.  I decided stance and arm strength are the most important parts of fightin, tactics excluded o course.  Ifin you use your legs you get leverage.  Leverage to hit harder, faster and to brace against your foe.  To drive them from your ground and finish the fight.  I look to me next meetin with Gunder, may the goblins tremble.



Re: Yurax Proudaxe
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2010, 08:38:20 am »
Oi! There be a lot of adventurers.  I ran into a group of folks in the goblin lands and we sought out and killed there leader.  Gunder and the Elven Lass Kira among them.  Another dwarf that maged and thankfully used an axe.  I did not get a chance to get his name or Clan.  I don't know how I feel bout dwarven mages like that.  Its expected to use magic to enhance armors and axe, but I don like seein magics used for battle instead of blade.  Oi'll have to thank on that one.  I know Regant Bluntaxe had companions of magic and Vorax glories in melee and shuns magic combat.  But where do I stand?  Oi'll have to give it thought, Oi'm no Bluntaxe, nor be I Vorax.  Oi'm Runic Anvil and we no have wizards in battle.
We found and killed the leader and returned to the shadows of Hlint. Before I could talk to the Dwarf wizard he and others left.  Me axe fell many goblins, and it did nay do so because I missed me Clan.  It did so because it were my place, it brought glory to Runic Anvil and Vorax for purposeful  battle against the gobbies.



Re: Yurax Proudaxe
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2010, 08:39:53 am »
Oi been thinkin on the magics oi the lands outside Runic Anvil.  Me Clan as always embraced the weave of the lady spells in forging rune upon armor and weapon.  It be why we be Runic Anvil.  And the line o Thanes bestowed Regant Bluntaxe and he speaks loud for our path until the young price can lift the mantle of our people.  Regant Bluntaxe embraced his friend o other races, tales speak of many of them bein mages.  But he nay found himself true till he found his kin.  Oi think the truth in the tale is that its expected that other races use magic in battle.  They nay be dwarves after all and need the help.  And oi guess dwarves can be mages to if there heart be Clan.  But they best not be wagglin their fingers an stealin the glory and honor o battle.  They can do what they need to do to protect themselves, those elves, humans and I guess a dwarf that be spendin too much time readin and too little with his axe or hammer.  Its nay me place to change the world for others, its me place to see they don


Re: Yurax Proudaxe
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2010, 05:39:30 pm »
I have said you find many answers in battle, things become easier.  Strengths and weaknesses revealed.  I found one of those strengths and truths in me battles.  I have noticed I trade blows with me opponents more than others.  I start wondering why that was, if I were not as apt to stop me opponent's blade.  But that nay be it, I parry a lot o attacks.  The ones I don't parry are the truly goods ones and the ones where I know if I do not parry it I can land me own blade.  I like to trade blows.  Obviously I'm better at making the trade, else I'd nay be doing it.  But why is that?  I think its how me family is.  I think its why we use the great axe.  We welcome the trade o blows.  Take a hit for the Clan to land one.
I been wonderin does that mean I'm tougher in mind or body than some others.  I reckon I am, but I nay think that's where it comes from.  I think its me belief.  I think I draw power from me beliefs, strength from honor.  Even when I get me head rattled, I hold me ground and keep swinging.  Sometimes I don't know which way be up, but I know that I'm in battle and to present weakness is to invite death.  I focus on keepin me feet under me, and my axe swinging.  If I die let it be in glory to Vorax and honor of me Clan.  That where I draw me strength from.  I do not fight for meself, I fight for me Clan, for Vorax.  And I may fall, I may die, and I may no have control on that.  But I can control how hard I fight.  Its this belief in me Clan and Vorax, that I know I be fightin for them, that powers me arms and sometimes keeps me feet under me.  I nay have to win a battle, or win a fight, I just have to make one more swing, then one more.  Takin one more swing never seems that much, if ye focus on just that much ye can keep the sting of pain and the tear of flesh from taking ye down.  Ifin ye think about the whole lot of it all sometimes, it can be like carryin a mountain.  Nay dwarf can carry a mountain, but ye can move it one bucket at a time.  Maybe ye be alive to see it moved, and maybe yer Clan will have to carry on fer ya when you fall.  But ye shoulder yer load, push out yer mind that pain and the scope,  and carry one more bucket, take one more swing.  Ye have faith yer Clan and yer friends that they will finish the fight or move the mountain if ye can not.  That's what it means to be a dwarf, one for the Clan.  Each shoulders his load and the clan can move mountians.

I find peace in me battles.  I still miss me Clan, but I know if I keep me axe swinging fer Vorax I will bring them honor.  When I return, I will hold my head high and me Axe higher.  I will know I took every swing I could.



Re: Yurax Proudaxe
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2010, 05:50:16 pm »
Oi did nay realize how many dwarves there are away from Clans.  When Oi meet these adventuring dwarves Oi feel sorry that they are away from home.  But now Oi realize oi'm away form home and Oi no longer regret it.  It gives me the chance to do somethign for my Clan Oi'd nay be able to do while at home.  Oi think many of these adventurers feel the same, and Oi think many nay fit in with there Clans.  Those are the ones Oi nay know how to feel about.  That's what it means to be a dwarf, to have Clan and family.  To have a place, a function, solidity, to know what has been and what will continue to be.  

That's what Oi hope to help do for me Clan, to help in some way to assure that our Clan way of life can be well established again and come to be as dependable as the mountian.  Nay matter what goes on in the world outside Mt Norad, that it may continue as it should for as long as Mt Norad stands.  Oi'll return to Clan, an when Oi do, Oi hope that its with certainty that things outside me Clan will nay be able to affect us again.  That dwarves like Father Mithril and Reant Kobal will ensure that the things that nay be dwarf nay get in our way o being dwarven.  And with lessons learned we nay lead to our own troubles again.  Not that there would be a second bloodpool in Mt Norad, but somethign else equally dangerous and unforseen.  

Oi feel more than ever that there be a purpose for me leavin Clan, that Vorax will guide my travels to learn or do something for the future o Clan Runic Anvil.  For now, Oi'm learnin what it means to be alone but empowered by Clan and Vorax.  To be with purpose, even if the fight to come is unknown.  Oi'll be ready to fight an die for Clan when Vorax places me axe in the battles of importance.

When the battles come, Oi will hold me ground as if Oi were on the steps of Mt Norad herself and Vorax were fightin beside me.  

~Yurax Proudaxe


Re: Yurax Proudaxe
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2010, 09:12:43 am »
From the other adventurin Kin Oi've met recently Oi hear of a Dwarven Army formin.  It's not a real army, or maybe it will be.  It is a bunch of Dwarves away from Clan.  Dwarves that have been adventuring  that have decided to form together to as far as I can see fight together.  Oi've hear diferant reasons fer goals, fightin for this or that.  But Oi know the real reason its formin.  Dwarves need Kin, and these Kin and meself Oi reckon miss Kin.  So we are formin our own Clan.  For some of the Kin I reckon it will be there true Clan.  And for some like me, it will be a home away from Clan.  Oi can nay but think its Vorax lookin out for us.  Oi knew he would guide me axe if Oi let him.  Oi think its fact he lead me to this Dwarven Army.  Oi do nay know what in store from here, but Oi know this is where Oi need be for know.  

Some of these Kin nay had Clans, and many just need a remindin what its like to be with Clan.  Oi glad fer a chance to what its like to be Clan, to be Kin.  And truth be told, Oi'm glad fer a chance for home away from home.  Oi miss me Clan, some days fierce like.  But Oi know Oi'm doin it for a chance to help protect me Clan some day.  Oi know Vorax will help me to sharpen me as an axe so that when called Oi'll be ready to stand for me Clan however Oi be needed.

Until then Oi be glad fer a chance to have Kin.  Might just be that we be teachin each other what's important be the true gold in the mountian.



Re: Yurax Proudaxe
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2010, 09:51:43 pm »
Oi, Oi'll be likin this Dwarven Army.  Oi've spent some time with Azk'a recently.  He is an interstin one.  But Oi like him, reminds me of a few of the Clan back home.  Oi ran into him in Lans Port.  The town were under siege by trolls.  We and a handful o other adventurers lent our axes ta defendin the town.  There were a bridge ta the woods right outside town.  Wide enough fer three ta fight side by side.  That's where we decided to draw the line.  Azk'a, myself held the line on the bridge with a lad o Toran, Argos, and a elven lass rotatin out on holding the spot between Azk'a and me.  We had some mages and archer with us.  They helped the battle a lot.  And them in the second line tossed lots o potions on us holdin the line.  Without them potions, Oi'd not of survived the day.  

The trolls came in three groups, ranks deep, swarms of them in each wave.   If we did nay choose the bridge ta hold them we'd of been swarmed.  As it were, a few times Oi we just swinging blindly.  Too much blood in my eyes or too deep of wounds.  As Oi have said before, just focus on takin one more swing.  Makin meh Clan and Vorax one swing prouder.  Besides, Oi had a few of them fragile elves behind meh with bows,  Oi knew if Oi lost meh feet, they'd nay be able to keep em trolls from the town.  Azk'a were a beast, fury powerin his swings.  It were good to fight beside kin.  We nay fight alike in our hearts, Oi know that.  He lets his fury power him, and its impressive fury.  Oi just focus on meh next swing.  Place it as precise as Oi can.  Make sure it lands in the crease o armor or the joinin o bone.  Azk'a the wild one, Yurax the focused.  Oi think we make a nice pair.  I nay need to say it, but nay troll set foot in Lans Port.

Oi ran into Azk'a later in hlint were we met up with others ta retrieve some chests fer a man.  Ta make it short, we trounced through swamp, hills, and wood ta find a bandits cave.  We cut through lizardmen, fishmen and bandits ta get the chests and we returned them.  Was more of a chance to fight slongside Azk'a.  Oi will say Oi preferred the fightin on the bridge, to holdin the line, to being defiant.  This were fun, but it were more o Azk'a style, chargin ahead and through enemies.  Oi did enjoy it, but Oi nay can keep up with Azk'a when he is in full rage.
Oi, it were a good couple weeks.  Oi look forward to this Dwarven Army.  Its good to have kin again.

Thank ye Vorax for leadin me to kin, Oi'll make ye and them proud.



Re: Yurax Proudaxe
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2011, 06:04:20 pm »
Thar were a call put out to The Runic Anvil that those of us wantin to train with the Rhugals would be accepted.  I knew it were where me axe an I were to go.  So I joined up with them Rhugals.  I've been glad ever since, now I learned how to fight from the Anvil and don't be doubtin the Anvil in battle.  Now with that said, I learned some new tricks from the Rhugals.  They train as hard as any I've known, pushed me to new limits.  We are always trainin.  But I'm comin to the end of my trainin and get to repay by debt.  I get to go on tour with em for a year.  I'd do it for the experience, I'm almost feelin guilty for repaying their trainin with somethin I'd enjoy doin anyhow.  But they tell me fair is fair, an we will see battle.  I tell em that it sounds good to me, my axe is ready to strike for Rhugal.

Them Rhugals are good solid folk.  There is a couple other Anvil here with me.  It's good to be with kin, new and old.  I look forward to the battles shared to come.

Praise to Vorax, and glory to come for the Anvil, Rhugal andmy axe.


Re: Yurax Proudaxe
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2011, 08:45:00 pm »
The trainin be done.  Not only did I survive, I'm stronger for it.  I like how them Rhugal's emphasize  the bond of bein a dwarf.  We all do it, all dwarves I mean.  Its part of bein a dwarf, ya learn to think o the Clan and Kin first.  Ye learn to trust in yer kin to watch yer back and ye look out fer your Kin.  My time with the Rhugals showed me that as I knew, it is a dwarven trait among all clans.  The Rhugals are under constant threat of battle and death even more so than my Clan and with that constant threat the bond of Clan is even stronger.  Ye not only look out for each other, you find ever possible way ta be one.  And when yer fightin critters, thats how you pick em apart, find the ones that act as an individual and cut them from their pack.  While ever move we make, we make as a group or at least a pair.  I was often paired up with a shield and hammer Kin.  I'd learn to use his shield and he to help shield my recoveries.  I'd strike from over his shield and when I recovered, he'd be there to block their way.  And if the fool came in after my axe, bam! his hammer to the face and then my axe would fall again.  I worked with many dwarves and after a time we all knew how to work with anyone in our unit.  We became one, we'd know our tactics without having to call em.  And better yet our spirit was forged together, we knew who was about what, our strengths and we all knew we'd always be there for each other.

Even now that my training is done and I leave stronger in Vorax, tactics and dwarven spirit, I know as we all do that if any of us needed a hand, we'd all be there.  There is no Rhugal and Runic, there is Kin and foe.  I am glad Vorax lead me axe to the Rhugals. Runic is me Clan and Dwarf me Kin.  I'll be proud to share what I have learned on Kinship and tactics with other Clans.  I look forward to where my axe leads me next.


Re: Yurax Proudaxe
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2011, 01:47:26 pm »
//A meeting between Regent Bluntaxe and Yurax, spoken in Dwarven.//

Yurax Proudaxe: Oi to ye Regent Bluntaxe.
Kobal Bluntaxe: *carefully lowers the piece back into the hot forge*
Yurax Proudaxe: *watches his work.*
Kobal Bluntaxe: *regards you from head to toe* Yurax, is it?
Yurax Proudaxe: Oi. *then steps forward at the motion.*
Kobal Bluntaxe: Yurax Proudaxe. *he nods with a warm smile*
Kobal Bluntaxe: I know your father. A proud dwarf with a keen eye for tactics.
Kobal Bluntaxe: Please extend my greetings.
Yurax Proudaxe: Thank you Regent, he would bristle with the words.
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he smiles slightly* What brings you to me?
Yurax Proudaxe: It is good to have you and the others home.
Yurax Proudaxe: I was seeking counsel.
Yurax Proudaxe: As you may know I've been traveling in the word beyond before I went to train with the Rhugal.
Kobal Bluntaxe: Yes. Although too few beards returned. The battle was hard and the tactics employed by the enemy not honourable. All that went from here went with Vorax' blessing. And all that returned carried it back tenfold.
Kobal Bluntaxe: Those that did not return have a seat at his table. I am sure of it.
Yurax Proudaxe: Oi, nay doubt in my mind. Vorax himself prepared the table.
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he nods as you mention the Rhugal* I know of all who went to serve under Urra'krail. I am proud of you to have gone.
Yurax Proudaxe: The travels outside of Clan and then to the Rhugal has left me with questions.
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he nods* Understandable.
Kobal Bluntaxe: Voice them, lad, and I will answer those I choose.
Yurax Proudaxe: Oi'm not one with any remarkable skill with forge or hop, my axe is my claim.
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he nods, clearly following your line of thought*
Yurax Proudaxe: Before the battle in Audiria and Kuhl, there was not any real need for my axe here. We were well protected.
Yurax Proudaxe: So I followed my own calling and went to learn of tactics and lands outside of clan. Yourself was part of that interest.
Yurax Proudaxe: As were tales of Father Mithril. I could not but think of what our world would be if neither of you took up axe into the world outside.
Kobal Bluntaxe: Continue lad. I need to take this piece out of the forge.
Yurax Proudaxe: Now with the losses we have suffered in the war, I feel we are all needed here.
Yurax Proudaxe: But after my time spent with the Rhugal, I think that our strength, all Kin's strength would be in our relations with each other.
Kobal Bluntaxe: * he expertly uses a pair of tongs to pick the lump of adamantium up and sets it upon the left anvil *
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he cannot help but smile at the last remark, but quickly chooses a more stern expression*
Yurax Proudaxe: *watches Kobal's work as he speaks.*
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he leaves the glowing hot ingot to cool*
Yurax Proudaxe: My choice was easy before, I was a younger of my line and all the places of tradition filled. I was free to go abroad in hopes of learning of tactics and warfare, and bringing them home.
Yurax Proudaxe: And in those handful of years, I learned many things, capped off with training with the Rhugal.
Yurax Proudaxe: Now I am torn Regent, I still feel we most keep our eyes on the world beyond and to other clans.
Yurax Proudaxe: But we will need every hand at home and hearth for the years to come, will we not?
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he smiles as he clears his throat*
Yurax Proudaxe: *wears an expression of consternation, obviously wrestling with his viewed opposing choices.*
Kobal Bluntaxe: We suffered losses in the war against the cursed Molvaren and his corrupted beasts. Fighting the war was just and right. There is no reason argue our involvement.
Kobal Bluntaxe: The Runic Anvil is... young still. We have ancient history and our forefathers left us a legacy of past times. But the clan fell and is now reforged.
Kobal Bluntaxe: We strive to follow in the footsteps of mighty ancestors, but we also choose our own steps along the way.
Yurax Proudaxe: *nods slightly a few times in silent agreement.*
Kobal Bluntaxe: Our clan is strong, Yurax. Devoted kin toil here, every hour of the day, to create wonders of craft and make their fathers proud.
Kobal Bluntaxe: We can never know what tomorrow brings. An enemy could be on our doorstep. Like Drezneb and Bloodstone were hiding in the depths.
Kobal Bluntaxe: We can prepare. We can stay vigilant and honour Vorax with our skill. But we will never be able to say that "now we are safe". Now our clan stands strong enough to face any adversary.
Kobal Bluntaxe: We cannot stand alone. The war against Molvaren showed this truly. He had dragons and had bread ferocious war beasts. Even so, he failed against a unity of forces that chose to stand against him. Even against overwhelming odds.
Kobal Bluntaxe: Amongst us here there must be those that choose to walk out into the world. They come in all shapes and sizes, but they go with our blessing for their work is important - perhaps most of all.
Yurax Proudaxe: *Quietly takes Kobal's words in.*
Kobal Bluntaxe: We must shape ties with other nations. Friends and allies that will stand with us in times of need. As we will stand with them. Allies in belief and in the ways of honour and justice.
Kobal Bluntaxe: I have established ties with Hilm. And I have tried to strengthen our ties with Sedera. These are not dwarven nations, but I call them possible allies still.
Kobal Bluntaxe: Friends and allies come in all shapes and sizes, too.
Kobal Bluntaxe: Of course, we have strong bonds with the Bloody Gate and clan Ulgrid. Now we have started to form a friendship with the Rhugal, which was most dificult of all.
Yurax Proudaxe: *nods* Oi bet.
Kobal Bluntaxe: Especially us dwarves must stand together. Not only as individuals with family and clan, but as race and followers of the battlefather.
Yurax Proudaxe: *nods heavily with that.*
Kobal Bluntaxe: We cannot let past or current differences drive us apart. We must stand together as an example to others. But such unity is earned through hard work... diplomacy, lad.
Kobal Bluntaxe: Through my life I have fought for unity amongst the clans. I have made some progress, but there is more work to be done.
Kobal Bluntaxe: If you would be one to take up your axe and fight for an equal purpose, I would be proud to send you on your way.
Yurax Proudaxe: Oi'd always lift my axe for Kin.
Kobal Bluntaxe: Of course, you will be missed by friends and family... in times of great need. But think of what you might accomplish for the same friends and family if you could bring allies in a time of war.
Yurax Proudaxe: *weighs heavily Kobal's words, advice.*
Kobal Bluntaxe: You are much like this lump of adamantium, Yurax.
Yurax Proudaxe: *looks over to the addy.*
Kobal Bluntaxe: Hot with a desire to step into the world and make a difference.
Kobal Bluntaxe: The hammer that forms you is held by your own hand. Each blow is a decision that you make with consequences to yourself, as well as others. The more difficult the decision, the more true is the hammer's blow.
Kobal Bluntaxe: In the end it is your life and your judgment that chooses the form.
Yurax Proudaxe: *nods some, obviously accepting the analogy..*
Kobal Bluntaxe: Are you a weapon? Or are you a shield?
Yurax Proudaxe: Oi'm known for my axe, but I use it to defend.
Kobal Bluntaxe: Let me see your stance.
Yurax Proudaxe: *stand with his feet fairly wide apart, squats down to root in his tall frame's center of gravity and holds his two hands in a boxer's type stance as if holding the shaft of his axe, high and in front of his face set parry or come forward in an overhand chop.*
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he nods approvingly*
Kobal Bluntaxe: You have the look of a shield. But nothing is set.
Kobal Bluntaxe: What do you want to be?
Yurax Proudaxe: Tactics call for being able to take advantage of what the enemy offers you, I like to bide my time to strike when it will cut home. Until then, let the enemy wear himself out on his flurries.
Yurax Proudaxe: As he tires he will make a mistake, and then you can finish the fight swiftly.
Kobal Bluntaxe: What you say is correct, but you did not answer my question.
Yurax Proudaxe: Oi, Oi guess I'm a shield, but Oi never thought about it like that.
Kobal Bluntaxe: What is the purpose of a shield?
Yurax Proudaxe: To protect, to divert or block attacks.
Kobal Bluntaxe: Protect who?
Yurax Proudaxe: The one who wields it, or in a line the Kin to yer left.
Kobal Bluntaxe: What about those behind you? What about the priest who tends to the wounds of a comrade or the dwarf who shoots bolts at your enemy?
Yurax Proudaxe: Oi, a shield can be used to protect the fallen or block a tunnel. A shield can be used to protect anything behind it.
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he nods*
Kobal Bluntaxe: It is the choice of the shield.
Yurax Proudaxe: *nods* Oi
Kobal Bluntaxe: Have you come to learn to be a shield?
Yurax Proudaxe: Oi, in my travels with others, I set the line. I hold it and protect those behind me. My companions know I'll hold my spot as long as I draw breath and a few moments beyond.
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he nods again*I could teach you what I know. But you must follow my instructions without question. It will be done my way.
Yurax Proudaxe: *starts to agree immediately, then obviously takes a moment to consider it before voicing.* Oi'd be honored.
Kobal Bluntaxe: My first task for you is to pack your belongings and travel to Mistone. Go to Center, which is a gathering place for all races and all types.
Kobal Bluntaxe: There you will find the most unlikely of companions. You will do what it takes to have them accept you as their companion.
Kobal Bluntaxe: As companions you should travel with at least one elf, but preferably a dark elf. Furthermore a half orc, half giant and goblinoid should be another of your companions.
Yurax Proudaxe: *question is strong in his eyes but he nods, committing the list to memory.*
Kobal Bluntaxe: I do not ask you to risk your life. Choose your companions with care, but do so even though it pains you. Travel with them for at least a week and bring me back proof of your claims.
Kobal Bluntaxe: I will await you here.
Kobal Bluntaxe: * He taps the hammer on the cooled adamantium ingot. *
Yurax Proudaxe: Oi, It'll be done.
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he nods* You may go now.
Yurax Proudaxe: *nods to the addy.* What are you forging?
Kobal Bluntaxe: Only time will tell. *he smiles back at you*
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he picks up the ingot and puts it under his arm*
Yurax Proudaxe: *nods* Thank you Regent. *turns and walks off.*


Re: Yurax Proudaxe
« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2011, 11:50:25 am »
Oi meet with Regent Bluntaxe, he is different.  Ye can tell he was an adventurer, he thinks outside of hearth and home.  I do like him, even in thinking away from hearth he is thinking of the hearth.  He made a point to me on whether I should stay to be here if I'm needed or if I shoudl continue my travels.  He said if I stay I am one mighty axe in defense of home.  But if I go out into the world and gains allies.  Then if trouble comes to Mount Norand my axe and the sword, bow and axe of any allies I have gained could come with me.  The world outside is not like home, it is complex and with too many forces at work.  Like the war in Kuhl where one group rose up to challenge all the forces that allied together.  If Kuhl had one more ally or we one ally less, it could of went the other way.

We talked more, and in the end he said he liked how I was thinkin and said he'd show me what he has learned.  That he'd show me how to build strength for the Runic if I'd do as he said.  I can tell he knows what he is doing, has done for years.  I said I would.  He said the one condition is that for now, I can not ask why he tasks me something, I can either do it or not.

His first task was to travel to Center and find adventuring companions.  To earn my place with them and have them come to rely on me.  The bur in the blade is that I needed to find an elf to travel with, preferably a darkie.  And I needed to find a gobliniod or giant kin to travel with.  I don't know what the point of it is.  Maybe to see if I can do as I'm told or if I can do it without cleaving heads off.  But I won't fail the task.

I've traveled with elves before, ain't nothing to it, just expect a lot of silly elven antics.  At least their bows are useful in battle, so they have value.  But a darkie or a goblinoid? Nothing said I can't cleave them in half after we are done traveling together.


Re: Yurax Proudaxe
« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2011, 08:25:27 pm »
Oi made my way to Center and after a few days in town found me an elf near the camp grounds.  Glum guy with a katana and NO bow.  Oi asked him what kind oh elf nay have a bow.  He said he was a vanguard trained elf.  We talked for a while and Oi confirmed he were an adventurer.  Oi told him we should go cleavin.  He got a superior attitude like Oi might not be able to keep up. Blasted arrogant elves.  He said he knew a place and we started our journey together.  He never really did open up, but Oi know he nay an Ilsarian like some of them other elves I traveled with.  He is always gloom and dark.  Oi never did see his face, Oi reckon he had a reason, but Oi nay care much about an elf's reasoning.  He said he was a Grey Elf and his name is Aerinin.  

Oi can nay say he told me one thing worth remembering about him, blasted elves just are nay down to earth.  Oi reckon that's the trouble in relations between our people.  We have our heads on straight and are focused on practical things.  And them elves are bloody arrogant, spend their time looking down on other races and the rest of their time dancing in moonbeams when things need to be getting done.

We made out way into a bandits den, a mix of miscreants.  Humans, half orcs, halflings and I am sad to say it Kin.  Oi think Oi can see what a dwarf without Kin and honor can become.  Bent on fighting alone.  There was no reasoning with the ones I found, they seemed to hate me more than the elf.  Oi think they knew what life should be for them when they saw me, realized how far things went wrong for them.  This is the exact type of thing we should be working to stop.  Make sure ever dwarf has kin and family.

Anyway the elf did well in a fight, dancing all about.  But he had some bite to him, thank the hearth, cause he was as companionable as tunnel rat.  We spent a lot of time in those couple weeks, but Oi can nay say we got attached.  If Oi be seeing him again, Oi'll attempt again.  But if it were nay for Kobal's missions, Oi'd nay waste the time.  Arrogant elf.


Re: Yurax Proudaxe
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2011, 08:04:23 pm »
Oi finally found a goblin in Center to travel with.  Oi did nay enjoyed his company.  Fidgety, always looking around and bouncing.  He would never stay in axe reach of me, Oi think he thought Oi was always going to cut him in half.  Oi told him Oi wouldn't but Oi'm nay sure he ever fully believed it.  WE headed into the Ire Mountians and cut into a few camps of gnolls.  Oi'd charge in and cut a few down and look around.  Nay goblin in sight, Oi figured he bolted in battle. And then he'd pop up in a shower of blood cutting a shaman's throat.  He had something personal against them mages Oi think.  He'd never enter a battle before he'd get in behind one.

We made a few days of it and got to talking some.  He todl me about how life is in a goblin den.  Dog eat dog he said, everyone out for themselves.  Cruel and selfish.  Oi told him that's nay how the dwarves do it.  It's abotu Kin and family, ye always go the extra mile fer next Dwarf.

We hit two more camps the day after that.  He finally told me his name was Krick.  In the second spat I got tied up with a pair of better skilled and armored gnolls and when Krick made hsi apperance with his traditional shower of mage blood he immediately got run to corner by a number of the lesser warriors.  It were obvious he were in dire straights quick.  He nay wore metal armor nor had Dwarven hide and was running out of dodging room.  I lowered my defensive stance and barreled through the two I was fighting cutting one down.  The other landed a nasty gash to my abdomen but I nay did slow.  I cleaved two of the lesser warriors as they turned to the commotion and Krick took down one of his own in the commotion.  I told him to rally to me, I'd be a rock to work from.  I turned and lashed, the slow dance.  Try to sucker one in and line up the axe fall.  Krick danced out and back into my axe range infuriating a couple with nicks and slashes.  And then it ended in a flurry.  The four came in together.  Two quick falls of the axe and Krick's short sword and only the the advanced warrior remained.  Later I discovered, he must of scored another hit on me.  The gnoll looked at his sword and at me and turn tail and ran.  I went to chase him down and that is when I discovered the stab in my chest.  Instead of chasing him down I decided that a potion was in order.

Krick looted the fallen and we decided to call it a day and set up camp.  I took first watch and when we switched watches, I could tell Krick wanted to say something.  I think he was thankful for me saving him in the fight.  When he could come up with no words, I told him he nay had to say a thing it's simply how things are suppose to be done.

When I woke up, he was gone.  So was the purse of shared gold we'd been collecting.  Oi nay sure, but Oi think I made him uncomfortable and he let.  I packed up and left, things are what they are and hey nay attacked me in the night.  Oi'd of hated to cut in in half at that point.  On my way away form camp, I found something unexpected.  Oi found the shared gold pouch.  Oi picked it up,  Oi was nay counting but it felt like it was about a third of what we had.  Maybe it was half, but Oi would bet against it.  The thing of course is, he had the whole thing and was free and clear.  And yet he left me a share.  Oi nay really know what it all means, but it was a good sign Oi think.

Time fer me to return to the Runic and Regent Bluntaxe and see if Oi've been successful.

