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Author Topic: Zarquil  (Read 322 times)


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« on: February 01, 2006, 02:50:23 am »
*written on blue note paper*

I’ve been on the surface now for a while and finally got used to the bright light. I’ve met interesting people and some have been interested in me even though I explained to them that I’m more interested in my spell book than people. I must admit that a couple of tieflings have caught my eye. Must be because they are so unusual. *smiles to herself*

But I must focus on my studies and not spend too much time and energy on affection because that can be so fleeting and temporary. Hmm, not too much time then.

I heard that there is some kind of action being planned for Stone. I remember my dear old deep gnome friend telling me how important Stone was to his people. I should try and help the effort in some way.


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RE: Zarquil
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2006, 10:58:37 am »
*Written on blue paper*

I met someone called Matilda the other day in Storan’s crypt. Interesting person. She was telling me about Lucinda and the Weave. I’d never met such a fervent follower of Lucinda before and I felt quite impressed with her. She got me thinking about things and I can see why order and laws are important. If there wasn’t at least some order in the world then nothing would work. It would all just be chaotic and messy. Perhaps it would be wise for me to learn more about Ludinda and the Weave. I’ve heard of the Great Library and I’ll go and see what kind of books they have there.

I saw Isilme again the other day. She is speaking Drow very well. She still has a surfacer accent, but I guess I have an accent when I speak common or elfish. She looked lovely in all black – the last time I saw here she had a little red, but seems to like the darkness. Reminds of the priestesses of the Mother of Darkness at home. Hmm I wonder if she’s perhaps worshipping The Quarvalsharess. I don’t know much about Eàmanë – perhaps she’s converted Isilme? I should ask her the next time I see her.


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RE: Zarquil
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2006, 05:59:05 am »
I was in Hlint the other day and tried to speak to the Captain there. He seemed too busy for the likes of me so I followed him around for a while and observed him. At first I thought he was very rigid, but after watching him for a while I realised that he was predictable because there were no unpredictable events to alter his behaviour. He was following a certain code of behaviour and I gained some respect for him because of his dependability. It made me trust him – not because he was good or anything like that – because he seems so reliable. I must admit that he’s quite fascinating for a human. I think I’ll continue to observe people. Perhaps I can come to some conclusions with regards to my own attitudes toward law and order on the one hand, and chaos and anarchy on the other.


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RE: Zarquil
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2006, 03:16:00 am »
I was altering my clothes again the other day and met Isilme (or Moonlight as she indicated she’d like to be known) and Aeri. I assumed that Aeri was Moonlight’s slave, but was told that she isn’t even though she gets beatings. It seems that some surface elves just make up their own rules about life and relationships as they go along. Seems interesting, but it doesn’t work for me. I prefer more structure to my life. As I was leaving I saw a man with a patch on his one eye just standing there blocking the doorway. I had to tap him on the head with my staff to get his attention. He seemed lost in thought, but he seemed okay. He said his name was Dervish. I asked him what happened to his eye and he got quite defensive. I apologised for bringing it up, but he said it was okay even though I could hear the stress in his voice. Apparently some guards had taken his eye out. I couldn’t imagine guards doing such a thing without provocation, but decided not to question him any further about it.

I seem to spend more time make new outfits than I do in the crypt collecting mushrooms and dirt. What people do with these things I neither know nor care. I hope to buy myself some nice spells and perhaps some jewels one-day, but I’ll have to start collecting more mushrooms if I’m to earn enough money.


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RE: Zarquil
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2006, 12:41:18 am »
I was in Hlint the other day buying one of those lovely purple boxes when I met up with Eàmanë, Alleina and a male Drow who’s name has just slipped my mind. Eàmanë was staring at my walking stick and commented on the skull that I’d put on it as decoration. She seems almost obsessed with death, destruction and decapitation. None of my sisters (Mother for that matter) were so engrossed by such things and they were quite a blood thirsty lot. Well I guess we all have our hobbies and interests.

Death seems like the final destruction of order. It takes away that perfect order of a living vessel in one quick sweep. It’s almost sad when I think about how a living body decays after it has been killed.

Come to think of it death doesn’t completely destroy order as I’d originally thought. It destroys one form of order, but then another (more smell one) takes it place. I’ve seen maggots in corpses and flies rising a few days later. I’ve even heard of flowers growing from a place where a body had decayed. I’m beginning to believe that the world has some underlying order to it. Everything happens for a reason, even if that reason is hidden and unknown. It may seem chaotic and messy, but that is just an illusion, because if one transcends that one is aware of a beautiful order that supports everything.

Alleina and that male Drow I met were talking about Gods and Goddesses. It reminded me to go to the Great Library to look up information on Lucinda – the Mother of All Magic.


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RE: Zarquil
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2006, 09:04:40 am »
I bumped into Matilda and Alleina again today. Well I more landed on their laps as they were sitting by fire with Alassë who I’d never met before. Another woman (Silmarwen) came along who looked just like Alassë. I didn’t want to stare or say anything, but I was quite fascinated. I told Matilda that I was thinking about Lucinda after we’d last met in Storan’s crypts. The other women were also Lucindites and I was most impressed by what they had to say about the Mother of Magic.

I was asked how I felt the first time I’d cast a spell and I said I felt excited. They were talking about some people practising magic for power. I can understand that some could lust after power, but magic isn’t about power for me. Or am I fooling myself? It is a powerful feeling to be able to cast a spell successfully, but there is more to magic than mere power. I’m more attracted to it’s beauty and the way that one can use magic to help yourself and others.

Hmm even magic follows certain rules or laws; one cannot just create magic from nothing – it requires incantations or spells, something that allows the magical energy to take shape, to grow and then to be directed. To me the direction of magical energy is important. Without it the energy would just be a chaotic blob and quite useless or even worse, harmful and dangerous to the caster.

Well, anyway, I went to the Great Library on Voltrex to read up on Lucinda. It is a serious matter to me to devote myself to a particular Goddess or God. I’d have to think deeply about it committing myself to following Lucinda even though I believe that She is the most perfect Goddess for me.

Alleina mentioned that someone called Triba had made her dress (which was quite beautiful) and I saw a statue with Triba’s name on it outside the Great Library. I wonder if it the same person?

I also wonder if I’m perhaps too shallow. I mean I’ve been blessed with a good intellect, yet I spend most of my time altering my clothes. Perhaps I’m too vain. Matilda and Alleina seem humble and I really quite admire them. The twins are very playful and full of life. I don’t really see myself as the religious type, yet I am attracted to the spiritual side of life because there is more to life than just these temporary bones and flesh. Perhaps there is another path that I can follow.

Anyway, I’m still searching for the Freelancers to sell them these mushrooms – the boxes are so heavy. Oh, and Pyyran’s graveyard dirt! Oh well, I guess I’ll bump into them eventually. I’m in no hurry.

I'm glad that I feel more confident and relaxed around people. I used to be quite nervous and unsure before. This is a good thing I believe.


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RE: Zarquil
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2006, 02:26:47 am »
I met an interesting half-giant named Han the other day. I was busy changing one of my outfits when he bumped into me. He was very friendly and told me that he was a monk. I became very interested because most half-giants seem to be fighters. He told me that he spends a lot of time meditating and learning. That appealed to me and he suggested that I speak to a gnome called Rollie. Ahh, at last I can speak some gnomish again!

Anyway, the whole monk business got me thinking about how much I am attracted to a disciplined and ordered life. The whole idea just makes so much sense. A chaotic existence just seems to waste time and energy – I’d prefer to direct my energy and spend my time in according to some plan.


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RE: Zarquil
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2006, 12:31:13 pm »
I had a splendid day. I met some people in Hlint and we were asked to find a man's brother called Johnny. We eventually found him deep in the crypts of Hlint where he was being caged by a vampire!

It was quite frightening, but we all worked together and destroyed the vampy and set poor Johnny free (he was so grateful).

Well it's nice to be able to have helped someone like that. Those undead seem so unreasonable. I mean how rude, just stealing someone like that and as if he had nothing better to do. So disruptive!

Anyway, Johnny is okay and we got back to Hlint mostly in one piece. We even got some gold (I'll get some more potions I think).

It was also nice to have met some more people. Ooh I'm so bad with names, but I remember a priestess, Sala, a very brave rogue called Wiha, two little people called Perpus and er um er hmm, oh and a big guy called Dimmy, and someone who's name began with a Q. Hmm perhaps I should write people's names down when I meet them.

Oh little Belegethic helped us to remove a trap. I was so proud of her! Such a cute little thing.


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RE: Zarquil
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2006, 10:45:06 am »
What a day! I was with some people in Fort Hope when some goblins attacked us. We went out to investigate and found a wagon with some tubes. Being the inquisitive sort, I opened one and Rakan and myself were turned into golems!

It was hideous. I looked hideous! To make it worse the tip of one of my fingers fell off. I’m just going to have to wear gloves for the rest of my life. Luckily it was only the tip of a finger not my nose or something.

Anyway, we finally got to a cave where Rakan and I got our proper forms back. It was quite an experience. I saw some interesting notes on golem making in the cave.


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RE: Zarquil
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2006, 03:07:27 pm »
I was with a group of people and we were trying to help a noble lady get married to the one she loved. There were Drow assassins after us and we met a female who was skilled at illusions. She had us fooled – we thought she had a whole army with her, but she was alone. Quite remarkable. She kept on calling me sister and it brought back memories of living in the Underdark.

I certainly cannot deny where I come from and I do miss Mother sometimes. Not very affectionate, but at least she never killed me or allowed my sisters to. Perhaps she felt sorry for me or perhaps I amused her in a strange macabre way. Well it matters little now that I’m in the surface world now.

Well there were two male rivals who wanted to marry the noble lady (well she was more a girl really). In the end her father got the males to fight to the death over the girl. He only allowed them to use swords and no magic. Needless to say the whole thing was quite messy and bloody, but in the end her true love triumphed and all seemed quite happy. I gave them a blessing by wishing that their children will not be sacrificed and that their marriage lasts until they both die. Perhaps I should have been a cleric? Hmm perhaps I should have wished that they die together? How romantic that would be.


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RE: Zarquil
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2007, 11:36:21 am »
It’s good to be back adventuring after my leave to study a bit.

I went on a little trip with some interesting people. Ranéwin thought I was being rude because I taunted a surface male (who doesn’t like Drow). I think his name was Hawklen. Oh he was such an easy target I couldn’t help myself, but I did feel bad afterwards. Am I getting soft? Luckily there are no ruthless sisters to take advantage of that with a blade in the back. Perhaps I should apologise to him next time I see him – I wouldn’t want him to think the Drow are too uncivilised to the lesser races.

I also met a drow male – Zergon – he seemed very friendly and decent. Hmm, I think I am getting soft!

I must concentrate more on my magic than on these distractions. I guess it is all part of being social, else I’d lock myself in a tower somewhere and become a hermit. How boring – I had enough of the reclusive life in the Underdark.

Anyway, the trip we went on to Dregar was interesting. I saw much blood of giants, but now I find myself stuck in Saudaria. I think I’ll stay here for a while until I come across some adventurers who can help me back to Mistone. The air is so dry here – a fascinating place.