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Author Topic: Zug  (Read 389 times)


« on: March 09, 2006, 09:45:20 am »
Zug sit by fire, cook deer.

Since talk to big wurm in sleep, Zug come to Hlint.  Zug miss muthur but Zug like smash rat, goblun, skeltun, kobold.  

Zug buy ax made of coppur.  Ax not nice like Vorax god ax.  Zug not big hero yet.  Ax still good for smash.

Zug smash deer, Zug get food.  Zug try fish, but Zug not have good luck.  Zug learn fish pole more good than ax to smash skeltun!

Zug find wurk.  Zug delivur lettur for lettur man.  Zug get rat pelt for fur man.  Zug say OK to tax lady, but Zug not find book yet.  Zug not yet find spirut thing for odd grave man or neckluss for bard lady.  Zug say yes to soldyur man to get goblun ears, but Zug not find goblun scout yet.

Zug think Hlint strange, but Zug like.  Zug hope Zug get friend to help smash rat and skeltun.  Zug write lettur at inn to look for wurk for Zug.  Zug get work, Zug get more good ax and armur.


Re: Zug
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2006, 04:30:06 am »
Zug strong!

Zug go smash skeltun.  Smash!  Smash!  Zug like.  Zug go deeper into sketlun lair.  Smash more skeltun!  Zug go furthur.  Smash skeltun and goulie.  Zug get luck, find cure poshuns on skeltun body.  Poshuns help Zug stay strong.  Zug find spirut grave man want.  Zug get out alive.

Grave man happy, thank Zug.  Give Zug munny.  Zug happy.  

Zug meet peoples who make stuff.  Zug think mebbe no buy Zug big ax.  Zug lurn make Zug ax!  Mebbe Zug lurn make armur and othur weapuns too.  Zug buy craft badj thing.  Zug practuce.  Make things hard wurk.  Zug not care, Zug like hard wurk.


Re: Zug
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2006, 08:30:09 am »
Zug sits by the fire and reflects on his childhood...    Zug's father was a giant, which Zug learned from both hearing rumors and from his unusual size and strength.  His mother was a big woman, but not that big.  It was likely, though not certain, that he was the result of his mother's rape -- she certainly never spoke of his father to him, and all Zug knew was from the overheard whispers of the local townspeople, and some of the more oblique references certainly went over his head.    Being born to a single mother with no wealth of any kind to fall back on meant that Zug grew up very poor as a young child.  Zug's mother would do menial work for those who needed it and could afford a few coppers here and there to pay for it.  The people of Gnar are generally of a good disposition, and made sure that the woman and child at least would not starve.    As Zug got a little older, he was as big and strong as most men, with the endurance to match.  He would work alongside the men of the town, putting in a fair day's work and getting a fair day's pay.  The extra money made life at home more comfortable, though by no means luxurious.  In the process, Zug learned the value of hard work and fair trade.  The work was always unskilled labor as Zug was not very bright, nor did any local craftsman have an apprenticeship for him.    Still, Zug did manage learn some things.  He was always fascinated by Vorax, and was befriended by one of Vorax's battle priests who passed through the area somewhat frequently.  Zug learned more about Vorax, and though the concept of a strict code eluded him, he liked the idea of smiting evil in the name of good.  When chopping trees, he would sometimes fantazise about the trees being enemies of Voarx that he would "smash" with his axe on his god's behalf.  Through the priest's benevolance, Zug learned to read and write, though many of the rules of grammar, which also affected his speech, caused Zug trouble.    As Zug matured, his exceptional strength and endurance was rewarded by higher wages, which his mother used to buy a decent house, with room for a garden, and to save some money aside.  She always seemed to know Zug would leave one day, though she hardly could have predicted the dragon's call, and she was prepared.  Zug misses his mother, but is not really worried for her.    Zug breaks out of his reverie, and begins to write:  
Zug have hard time, run into tough enemys.  Zug die, but come back.  Zug think odd, but Zug like better than die for ever.  Zug get some wurk done -- Zug get book for tax lady and goblun ears for soldyur.  Zug also make friend Spugley, Spugley help Zug get neckluss for bard.  Zug give neckluss back to bard after rest now.  Zug also help soldyur in Fort Llast get weapuns -- Zug make daggur! Zug give to soldyur.  Zug also buy crossbo for soldyur.    Zug also spend much time make things.  Zug get coppur, have not luck, but make some weapuns.  Zug make daggur.  Zug make arros.  Zug also get pretty green stone rock, make green stone gems.  Zug try make ring, but no luck.  Zug like hard wurk, but Zug not kno make things take much, much wurk!  Zug like anyway.  Zug one day make "Ax of Zug".  Peoples talk of "Ax of Zug" in song.  Zug happy.


Re: Zug
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2006, 03:37:36 pm »
Zug have big newz, write lettur to mothur!

Zug friend Spugley ask Zug join Gient armee.  Spugly make Zug sargunt.  Sargunt Zug!  Gient armee job be nice to goods, smash bads.  Zug like smash, join armee.  Zug now call Spugley Capten!


Re: Zug
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2006, 06:53:08 am »
Zug have busy week.  First, Zug recrut Stump to joins gient armee.  Zug also make new frend Kali.  Kali be majick person, Zug give spell papur and help smash rats.

Then Capten Spugley and Stump find Zug, Zug join armee patrol.  Armee patrol smash bad elfs, dwarfs, and hafling smalls.  Armee keep road clears for good peoples.  Patrol big sucsess, win battuls, smash bads.

Zug return to Hlint and see frend Kali again.  Kali with Kali frend Derv.  Zug help Kali and Derv hunt goblun scouts.  Smash scouts!  Take goblun camp!   No more gobluns, Derv go into goblun cave, Zug go help.  Kali follow.  Smash more gobluns.  Zug gets green stones and coppurs.  Partee goes deepur into cave.  Smash more gobluns!  Gobluns getting tuffur, but partee keep smash.  Find goblun cheef.  Zug want get cheef head for wagun man.  Zug charge!


Gobluns smash Zug.  Gobluns smash Derv.  Gobluns smash Kali.  Partee smashed.

All come back to sole stone.  Have good talks.  Meet Mar-yus.  Zug go to inn to drink, reflect, recovur.


Re: Zug
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2006, 08:26:10 am »
Berri halfling ask Zug go hunt bear in high forest.  Zug say yup.  Also go with strange lady Sera.  Sera nice, but odd.  Sera wander around and speak strange things.  We find bear, get one for Berri and one for Zug.  Bear meat tastys.

On way back to Hlint, Zug go off alone.  Zug see skeltun follow man near Fort Llast.  Man say no smash skeltun.  Zug confused.  Man say skeltun like Zug ax.  Is weapon?  Zug ask.  Man say yup.  Zug say Zug prefer ax.

Zug look for green stones and coppurs in goblun caves again.  Zug find othurs in cave, not rememburs names.  Zug get coppurs and this time, Zug and new frends smash goblun cheef and othur gobluns.  Wagun man happy, give Zug nice boots.

Zug spend much time working on make things.  Takes much time, much work, and Zug not have much luck.  Zug clumsy, break tools oftun.  Still, Zug make small weapuns, glass, and pretty stones.  Zug try save gold by make own gem oils, also learns to make alcumest's fire for ax.  Zug want much coppur.  Zug want make weapuns, armurs, and prettys to hold nice stones.  

*** OOC notes: Zug is a very trusting and "go along" sort of person.  If he thinks someone is a "goods", he will generally agree to do whatever they ask of him, unless they're obviously and blatantly abusing his good nature.  Clearly, there's a chance for some good roleplay here -- someone with nefarious intent could probably easily get Zug to do some bad things on their behalf, as long as they make Zug think he's doing the right thing.  (Possibly even a future CDQ along these lines, if necessary, though less formal RP involving DMs would likely serve just as well.)

As an example, when SpugLe asked Zug to join the Giant Army, myself, as a player, was very suspicious.  (I hadn't met SpugLe before, and had no idea if it was even another player, or a DM trying out some roleplay.)  Was this an attempt to corrupt Zug into fighting on the wrong side?  Zug, as a character, on the other hand, had no such thoughts.  He agreed to join wholeheartedly, and doesn't even stop to think whether or not it's a good thing -- he believes his job is to "smash bads", and in this case, so it is.  But had it been an agent of Blood pretending to be putting together a special unit, Zug likely still would have been convinced to join.  He would only find out his mistake once it was too late, and bad things were already happening.  Likely, it would be in the midst of a bettle, where Zug would basically get confused, and then smashed by both sides, or when Zug is left "holding the bag" when the "bad mercenaries" he thought he was smashing turns out to be a group of regular commoners and merchants, and he's hauled up on charges of murder and assault...


Re: Zug
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2006, 08:55:34 am »
Zug go look for more coppur to make things.  Zug want lots coppur, take along ox.  Zug and ox go to kobold caves.  Smash kobolds, mine coppur.  Then lots kobolds ambush Zug -- more kobolds than Zug ever see at one time.  Ox die.  Zug sad.  Zug wins fight, but almost dies.  Zug takes coppur from ox pack.  Very heavy.  Zug make it back to Hlint slow but safe.

Zug sorry for ox, but happy to get back with coppurs.  Zug do good smelting into bars, have no luck making armurs, though.  With coppur bars left, Zug try make ring for pretty malukite stone.  Zug make ring!  Zug happy, put ring on.  Peoples say malukite good for protect frum diseeze.

// This is the first useful durable good that Zug has managed to make.  He's made a few copper daggers and arrows, and had some minor success with glass-making and alchemy (mostly going into flasks which in turn go into gem polishing oils).  Needless to say, Zug is thrilled that his hard work is starting to pay off in at least one area.


Re: Zug
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2006, 06:46:00 am »
Zug keep busy mine coppur, make simple weapun, armurs.  Zug also make more rings, have some to keep and some to sell.  Zug no find peoples to buy yet, though.

Genrul Glokk invite Zug come along to smash orges in mountain.  Kali and Derv go too.  Also a priest person Zug no remember name.  Zug have much fun, smash ogre.  Go deeper into mountain, smash more ogre.  Then ogre smash Zug.  Zug smashd so hard Zug bleed to death befor help come.  Zug sorry to leave group without Zug ax, Zug hope group find what they was looking for.


Re: Zug
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2006, 09:28:36 am »
Zug think that be around Kali and Derv veree dangerus.  Thems feerce in battul, but also reckluss.  Thems fights angree.

Kali and Derv ask Zug go smash lizurds.  Zug like, say yes.  Smash, smash, smash.  Go furthur into swamp, keep smashings.  Then us gets smashd.

Ok, think Zug, this happuns.  Zug almost get used to it.  Kali get reel mad.  Storm off for revengings.  Zug think, uh-oh... bettur follow in case Kali need help.  Derv must think same cause Derv come too.

Zug get smashd again.  Zug later find out Derv get smashd agains too.

Zug have luck... Ash and Freldo offur support.  Ash make Zug inviubul, Zug find grave.  Kali and Derv also recovur.  Freldo and Ash gos.  Kali and Derv still angrees.  Talks about smash all lizurds on way back to Hlint.  Zug go along to proteckt Kali and Derv.  Smash lizurds, gets out alive.

Othur than painfull smashings, lizurd hunt go ok for Zug.  Zug get sum goldies, and find willuwisp spirut for wizurd in Fort Llast.  Derv also buy green stone ring from Zug.  Zug also feel stronger, more confedunt.


Re: Zug
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2006, 09:17:18 am »
Zug go dig for clay, Zug runs into Kali and Derv agin.  Zug not lern from past, say okays to smash bad mercenarees.  Zug, Derv, and Kali smash mercenarees good.  All go okays, Zug think mebbe not die this time.  Nope.  Okays, it be Zug falt this time.   Zug sees cave, say "what in there?"  Zug find out -- bad beastee.  Kali die, Zug flee, beastee chase.  Derv try kill beastee, not have luck.  Zug try distrackt beastee from Derv, beastee smash Zug.  Zug used to this by nows, but Kali go all odd agin.  Kali go hunt beastee and get smashd agin, but weakun beastee enough so Derv and Zug can smash it.  Kali catch up with Derv and Zug, but it not Kali.  It sum thing look like Kali.  Zug no understand.  Thing go away and Kali come back, but Zug concurnd.  Derv concurnd.  Kali concurnd.  What if thing take ovur Kali for evur?  Zug no want have to hurt Kali, but sum things worse than die...


Re: Zug
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2006, 11:06:33 am »
Zug spend much times at smithy, make armur and weapuns.  After get advises, Zug find tin as well as coppur.  Zug learn to make bronz!  Zug make bronz ax and bronz sheeld to use in battul... bettur than coppur.  Zug also make bronz half-plate, but Zug not quite reddy to use yet.  Zug make extra sheelds and weapuns, save for sell.

Zug go to "famlee nite" at Blackfurd Cassul.  See big lite show... called "firewurks".  Veree prettee.  Like watch battul of magics in sky.  Aftur show, Zug talk with Berri and Freldo... okays, Freldo do most of talking.  Talk of womens, demuns, and boats.  Somehows they all relatud, but Zug not folluw veree well

Zug go off mine metuls agin... on way back, Zug get ambushd by manys spidurs.  Zug get smashd agin.  After Zug go find grave, Zug head back to Hlint. Zug sees Berri talk to bard lady Zug not yet meet.  Bard lady say Zug call her "Lee".  Zug hear her callud "Anna" by othurs latur.  Why have two name?  Zug happy with just "Zug".

Zug and Lee head back to town.  Something odd happun... a nastee dark elf come to Zug and say Zug stupud, drunk and walk aways.  Zug not like... Zug not be drunk.  Lee also get mad, call dark elf rude.  Dark elf no say sorry but keep insult Zug and othur half-gients.  Othur folks come, tell dark elf be nice, but he not be nice.  Zug think mebbe fight breaks out, but dark elf leave town befor fight happun.

Zug confusud.  Othur peoples in Hlint be nice, say hullo to Zug.  Evun othur dark elfs.  Zug not know why this dark elf so nastee to Zug.  Zug not be smart, but Zug strong.  To fights Blood need both smarts and strongs.  Strongs keep smarts safe to do magics and stuff.  Smarts proteckt strongs with magics and heals.


Re: Zug
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2006, 05:38:19 am »
Zug make many trip from Hlint to Fort Velensk.  Zug get wood, animul skins for craft wurks.  In Hlint, Zug sees Derv agin... Derv not look good, hes be smashud. Zug offur help Derv, Zug join large partee go to ogre caves.  Zug not only go to help Derv, but Zug hear Zug culd find new gems to plays with.

Group bes pretty bigs, mebbe 8 folks, including Zug, Derv, and Kali.  Ogres smash partee pretty goods.  Severals dies, include Derv agin.  We find gems, only get a coupul before vein run out.  In camp area, Zug gets severul dire boar skins, but too tuff for Zug to wurk yet.

Few day latur, Zug back in Hlint area, not do much.  Meets Derv agin, agree go smash ogre.  This time, goes for less trainud ogres.  Rizzen join and group go to Zainge Rivur.  Derv get smashud quick, Rizzen and Zug survive.  Derv return from void, bring frends to helps.  Frends include Kali agin, and Zug new frend Sa'kura, and othurs Zug not remembur name.  Frends comes and goes, as group smash ogre and werewulfs.  Ogre ambush nearly get Zug smashud while Zug mine gem rocks, but whole partee survive.

Group make it to Fort Hope alive, and starts split up.  After drinks at inn, only left Zug, Derv, Kali, and Sa'kura.  Zug not takes time befores, but now Zug look at Sa'kura... very prettee half-elf... good fightur... big drinkur.  Sa'kura and Zug celebrate victorees ovur ogre and werewulfs, drinks much.  Whens Kali and Derv go  for sleeps, Sa'kura get room for Sa'kura and Zug.  Zug sleep on floor.

Zug not remembur anything else.  Sa'kure not remembur eethur.  Wes agree nothung happun, still frends.

Zug not sure what make of Sa'kura... she seem like Zug more than just frend some time, and other time just frend.  Zug like Sa'kura, but only just meet.  Mebbes meet agin soons and talks a while...

Anysways, wes head back to Hlint and gets beat up bads by ogres agin.  Zug barely survive, Derv not so luckee.  When Derv (and more helps) arrive, group heads to Port Hampshire to get reddys fight giants.  Zug decide stay in Fort Hampshire, pack veree full and Zug need takes care of.


Re: Zug
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2006, 08:33:08 am »
Zug meets Tara, preest of Vorax.  Wes smash skeltuns and goolies in crypts.

Laturs, Zug gets silvur to puts on blade of ax.  Zug hears silvur hurts deads.  Tara ask Vorax god bless Zug ax.  Zug happy, plan trip to brokun forust to test ax with silvur edge and Vorax god favur.


Re: Zug
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2006, 09:13:21 am »
Zug ax wurk good!  Deads fall quick to Zug and ax.  Zug happy.  Zug hope Vorax god happys too.


Re: Zug
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2006, 04:11:46 am »
Zug in tuff spot.

Zug go Pranzis with othurs, but gets lost from group.  Zug stay in Pranzis for few days, but decide want go back to Hlint.  Zug get direcshuns to port for take boat to Karthay, told walks to Point Harbor from theres.  Zug tries, but see only swamp, and gets lost in swamp before gets smashud by angree troll.

Zug may need send bird to frends to come help him get back Hlint...


Re: Zug
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2006, 06:44:31 pm »
Zug much bettur now, back in Hlint.

Firsts, Zug was odd lookings.  More likes ogre than likes Zug.  Zug not know how happen, mebbe under spell by evil wizurd?  

Zug make long trip across Rilara to Point Harbur.  Zug get eest and wests confusud manys times and get lost.  Zug almost run into group of dedly Blood mercenarees befor seeings them in times.

Finally, Zug gets back Hlint.  Zug joins Freldo, Rynn, Cedric, and othurs for trip to Haven mine.  Group smash ogres good.  Zug get hed of cheef for Haven Castul, get rewards.  Zug also come backs with some gemses: feldspar, amthesises, and fenelopee.

Uglifying spell wear off, Zug look like Zug agin. Zug happy.


Re: Zug
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2006, 04:45:51 am »
Now Zug knows how gets to Point Harbur, Zug takes trip to donate itums for Roldem releef.  Beli give Zugs some robes for donashun, Karana give some weapuns and foods.

Zug also bring foods, weapuns, armurs, and rings for proteckt from poisun and diseese.  Berri come along on trip for companee.  Zug hope things help peoples from Roldem.


Re: Zug
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2006, 07:19:22 am »
Zug see Sa'kura for furst time in long time in Hlint.  Sa'kura no look good, smashd by ogre in mountins near Ft. Llast.  Zug go with Sa'kura to proteckt while she looks for grave.  Jurnee wurk well, Sa'kura feel bettur.  Zug, Sa'kura, and othurs returns to Hlint.

In Hlint, Zug and Sa'kura meets group go Dregar for hunt gients.  Zug gos along, wants smash bad gients.  Group smash gients good, then decides go in gient cave near Sarubia.  Gient wizurds make battuls hardur.  Zug charge wizurds to save othurs, Zug get smashd.  Zug lern Sa'kura also get smashd.  Rest of group survives and gets out of cave.

Zug decide no go back to cave, but rest insted.  Gnar home, near Pranzis.  Zug go visit Mothur, spend times at home.  Mothur doings well, Zug helps out with wurks for few weeks.  Zug make sure Mothur have plentees.  Zug make trip back to Hlint.



Re: Zug
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2006, 10:58:09 am »
Zug not write in long time... things go much same as befores for most time.

Then... the big battul come.  Word come that Blood send armee to Dregar, try and take now Pranzis weak with no king.  Zug worree... mothur live in Gnar, betweens Pranzis and Lorindar, and if armees fight... what happen to Zug mothur?

Zug have no choosings.  Zug join fights.  (Zug no wuld miss big battul anyways, but mothur in dangur make sure Zug there.)  Manys come for defend Dreagar.  Zug join Fastridur squad, think Zug be in main defenses.  Squad get to Pranzis, decides be defndings.  Zug ordurud to defend citadul.  Zug wuld rathur defend gates, but in war, Zug folluw ordurs.  Zug defends with Jin, Voon, Geldar, and Quilus.

Is good thing wes there for defend.  Soldyurs not hold well... manys talk of run aways.  Not sure if Zug scares thems into behave, or if Voon persuade thems, but theys hold.  Two wave of assassuns comes to citadul, wes fights them and wins.  Many soldyur die, Zug pray to Vorax god for souls, but heros of big wurm all stands firm.

At end, Pranzis be overruns.  Only citadul left stand, citee peoples and heros all flees to citadul.  Battul over, wes lose.  Wes gets peoples still livings out of citee, and leave.  The defenses of Pranzis was gloryus battul, but wes lose.  Pranzis be in hand of Broegar, Blood generul.

But Zug get good news... Blood dead.  Othur heros find Blood and kill, destroyings blood pools.  War be ovur... sort of.  Zug hear storees... Pranzis still in Broegar's hand... Zug no hear of mothur, Zug veree worreed.  Other storees of dark elfs and othur foul creetures.  The sky be full of dusts.  Some storees evun says the big wurms returns... Zug not know if this be good news or bads.

Zug feels the cold comings... things be changings... is bettur than lose to Blood, but what happuns now?  Zug hears peoples say is start of new age... but storees also say that all lands in big mess.  Peoples be starvings, armees be fightings, allys driftings apart.  Is this how must start new era?

Zug know only one thing... Pranzis must be take back.  Peoples of Dregar need be free.  Zug not rest until Broegar destroyd... Zug prefer by havings Zug ax between Broegar eyes.


Findings Mothur
« Reply #19 on: June 26, 2006, 08:25:24 am »
Is no goods Zug sits and worrees about mothur.  Zug must dos, not worrees!

Zug thinks othurs have famless and frends still ins Dregar.  Zug post notuces in Wild Surg, Leilon, and Freelancur tavurns to sees what peoples may wants go save famlees and frends in Dregar.