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Author Topic: Barbarian Isle Discussion  (Read 1212 times)


Barbarian Isle Discussion
« on: June 18, 2006, 04:20:39 pm »
Currently, there's not much information on the Barbarian Isles... Having recently made a character from that particular location, (a character I've become very fond of, very quickly,) I'm more than a little interested in it. I recently had the opportunity to chat with one of the well-known Barbarians from Krashin (Karana Elksoul) IC and OOC, and I was told that I essentially had to "wing it" in regards to geography, history, clans, etc.

Here's the information I've gathered so far.

- The barbarian island is home to the Long Axe clan, who have raided Leilon in the past.
- Er... That's it, really.

I'm curious to hear any other ideas from players, Project team, and Leanthar himself if he wants to drop on by.

After I see if there's any interest at all in this subject (in other words, does anyone care about the Barbarian Isles?), I'll drop a few of my ideas in.


Re: Barbarian Isle Discussion
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2006, 04:28:36 pm »
" other words, does anyone care about the Barbarian Isles?..."

*chuckles* I most certainly do care. They are one of the last isles that I created for Layonara (them and the dragon isles) before bringing the world online. Sadly very little has been created for them but we do have a few stories ready for the next handbook. If you have something write it up and send it to Edtheket. If it is accepted we will get it in to the handbook--but no promises.


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RE: Barbarian Isle Discussion
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2006, 04:32:25 pm »
I will just speculate here, but I think those isles may have a chaotic influence.  Something about the north and the cold will also bring Mist into mind.  Again, just speculating. :)


Re: Barbarian Isle Discussion
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2006, 05:17:31 pm »
I know a certain dark mage lives there who keeps losing those sticks with skulls on them.  ;)

Talan Va'lash

Re: Barbarian Isle Discussion
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2006, 06:12:40 pm » - a tie in there

I know there is a bunch of stuff written somewhere about the white dragon that used to live there and various things about the kobolds and the human settlements... Is that the stuff for the next version of the handbook? Either way, is it something I should be putting on LORE?

Re: the "certain dark mage" - I don't think that is written up anywhere and may be one of those through the grapevine IG type of things.


Re: Barbarian Isle Discussion
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2006, 06:15:24 pm »
I haven't seen that new stuff yet Talan but I have heard about it. So long as Ed has it that is what matters at this time. Nothing needs to be put on LORE yet.


Re: Barbarian Isle Discussion
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2006, 08:50:24 pm »
Excellent, excellent. More Barbarian stuff is on my to-do list, right next to my char-dev for Pyyran. I love that there's more stuff from the Layo OC; can't wait to see it. *He grins.* I knew that a new character would be just the thing to liven up the game for me.

I'm curious on the things other people have written up, though... Stuff that isn't on Lore or the Handbook. *Muddles off to find a DM in-game to cut off XP*


Re: Barbarian Isle Discussion
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2006, 11:33:47 pm »
I have a character from Kashin (never from the barbarian isles - who would consider themselves a barbarian) and would love to help on this if possible - if only to help stop wildly contradictory information from what i have been RPing being developed.

For example I have Karana pray twice everyday - Once to Toran who she follows from choice and once to her tribes spirit totem the Elk who doesn't so much follow as KNOW is there looking after her (in much the same way as you don't pray to your mum for looking after you, but might bribe her to look more favourably at you than your other brothers and sisters)

I only 3 PCs in game from the barbarian Isles - Karana, Lora (Stephen's Char mentioned above), Jharl of the Scarlet Hawks(Olme)

It would be nice if we could at least put a little info together on the structure of tribes - I have played Karana's tribe as more Viking than say native American of the plains tribes.

I would like to offer anything I can


Re: Barbarian Isle Discussion
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2006, 11:56:00 pm »
My human cleric of Mist is from Bastil....
  I have her coming from a small fishing villiage, quite Norse in how they live.....Roundhouses with a big family group, livestock living in the roundhouse due to the cold....that type of thing.
  I also have there being a shrine to Mist in the villiage as to me it would make sense due to the villiage making their living (so to speak) from the sea and also being at the mercy of the elements.
  In fact my character was converted to Mist by a Cleric traveling the island to re-bless all the little shrines in the villiages as that again seemed a sensible action for the Church to take.
  This effects her personaility in various ways....
  Privacy in the classic sense really isn't something that bothers her...When you live in one room with your entire family and a few animals you aren't going to be concerned about who sees you doing what, your just going to learn to filter out the things you don't need to know people are doing.  Also being a small close knit community with everyone likely to know everyones buisness peace and quiet to think would be more important in my book.
  Laws as they are on Mistone will be very strange to her as she is used to a chief and villiage elders.  Also anything that could be classed as a law in her villiage is likely to be very practical and make alot of sense.
  The understanding of how delicatly life is balanced will be strong....Knowing that one storm could wipe out the villiages boats and they would have to survive somehow until they are replaced will have an effect.  Hardship is going to be something she is used to so therefore her sympathy in certain areas might be lacking.
  And lastly (that I can think of for now) if your a little different (My Misty is CN) you are going to stick out like a sore thumb.  
  Here's a link to my character submission in case it contains anything you might find helpful...


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    Re: Barbarian Isle Discussion
    « Reply #9 on: June 19, 2006, 01:38:30 am »
    Leanthar - 6/19/2006  1:28 AM
     Sadly very little has been created for them but we do have a few stories ready for the next handbook. If you have something write it up and send it to Edtheket. If it is accepted we will get it in to the handbook--but no promises.

    Meizter and I did a BIG write up on Krashin with culture and all. Ed has it and I know Aragwen liked it very much and wants us to help him expand it.

    Rolf Bjoernsen (my char), Geir Sigurdson and Skarp-Heiden Sigurdson are all from Krashin. In fact the Raven Trade Company started as an all Krashinite business.

    Mixafix did a lot of stuf for Geir and Skarp's CDQ.

    The Voice of Mist (also done by Meizter and I) is specifically tied to Krashin culture. Combine that with the background we wrote and you have a pretty comprehensive background for Krashin characters.




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    Re: Barbarian Isle Discussion
    « Reply #10 on: June 19, 2006, 01:51:04 am »
    Nibor21 - 6/19/2006  8:33 AM
    It would be nice if we could at least put a little info together on the structure of tribes - I have played Karana's tribe as more Viking than say native American of the plains tribes.

    The thing we wrote decribes Krashin as a viking inspired society. Also tries to remove them from the stereotypical "barbarian" view, which I find rather uninspiring to be honest.

    the real world reference for when we did this was Scandinavia, as it is more or less the same climate, especially Iceland will fit climate wise.

    I will simply say that the writeup Wintersheart and I did should give you what you need for a Krashinite background, as it includes for instance: climate, culture, values, religion, towns, law, groups and organizations etc. especially when tied in with the Voices of Mist.


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    Re: Barbarian Isle Discussion
    « Reply #11 on: June 19, 2006, 03:52:48 am »
    I had a few additional comments on this.

    dadunmir - 6/19/2006  1:32 AM

    I will just speculate here, but I think those isles may have a chaotic influence.  Something about the north and the cold will also bring Mist into mind.  Again, just speculating. :)

    Yes Mist is, according to what Winters and I wrote, the single most worshipped deity on Krashin, whereas for instance Toran would command little respect.

    Talan Va'lash - 6/19/2006  3:12 AM - a tie in there

    I know there is a bunch of stuff written somewhere about the white dragon that used to live there and various things about the kobolds and the human settlements... Is that the stuff for the next version of the handbook? Either way, is it something I should be putting on LORE?

    Re: the "certain dark mage" - I don't think that is written up anywhere and may be one of those through the grapevine IG type of things.

    It is all with the project writers Talan, was written perhaps 5 months ago and have been approved as far as I recall. and yes it deals with the dragon, kobolds etc.

    Leanthar - 6/19/2006  3:15 AM

    I haven't seen that new stuff yet Talan but I have heard about it. So long as Ed has it that is what matters at this time. Nothing needs to be put on LORE yet.

    The 8 page writeup for Krashin is in the Writers Forum. You yourself commented on it and have said it was done and there should not be spent more time on that writeup.


    Re: Barbarian Isle Discussion
    « Reply #12 on: June 19, 2006, 06:47:43 am »
    @Meizter. Opps. Yep I do remember that now. Sorry it completely slipped my mind.


    Re: Barbarian Isle Discussion
    « Reply #13 on: June 19, 2006, 08:12:45 am »
    Nyralotep - 6/18/2006  5:17 PM

    I know a certain dark mage lives there who keeps losing those sticks with skulls on them.  ;)

    That certain dark mage never understood where his staff went.


    Re: Barbarian Isle Discussion
    « Reply #14 on: June 19, 2006, 08:59:03 am »
    Is there any chance of the rest of us seeing this as it may have major implications for existing characters?


    Re: Barbarian Isle Discussion
    « Reply #15 on: June 19, 2006, 09:17:39 am »
    Yes. But not until we get it in a handbook and ready to go. Sorry, our plates are very full and we get them out as we can get the update ready. Best we can do.


    Re: Barbarian Isle Discussion
    « Reply #16 on: June 20, 2006, 11:57:30 am »
    Some clarification here then :)
    What is with me at the moment is:
    - Krashin expansion
    - Voices of Mist
    - Organizations of Mist (Tides and stuff)
    - Expansion on the four barbarian tribes and the subdivision of the tribes into clans (in the works)

    Now, once that last bit is done, I will integrate everything and cross check for consistency and tweak were needed, once that's done, it's probably handbook update time. At that point, we'll release an updated handbook with tons of other new information for your enjoyment :) Which will blow you all away and will be way more fun than releasing it piecemeal.



    Re: Barbarian Isle Discussion
    « Reply #17 on: June 20, 2006, 12:02:05 pm »
    That last one's the one I'm most interested in... I've got another clan to toss your way, if I can get some more info on the tribes. I'd love to help, and hate to have to put DMs to the trouble of reviewing my request for a name change. ;)


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    RE: Barbarian Isle Discussion
    « Reply #18 on: June 20, 2006, 10:02:04 pm »
    Hmm... that 8 page write-up mentioned above, is it possible for someone to post a link to it? Couldn't find it after doing a search on the forums, and I'd be extremely interested in reading it, and could also tie some of it in to some of what I've got typed up on the clans/tribes.
     Not to mention it'd give me a head start on my char bio for NWN2 Layo *grins cheekily*


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    RE: Barbarian Isle Discussion
    « Reply #19 on: June 21, 2006, 12:25:24 am »
    Schmack - 6/21/2006  7:02 AM

    Hmm... that 8 page write-up mentioned above, is it possible for someone to post a link to it?  Couldn't find it after doing a search on the forums, and I'd be extremely interested in reading it, and could also tie some of it in to some of what I've got typed up on the clans/tribes.
     Not to mention it'd give me a head start on my char bio for NWN2 Layo  *grins cheekily*

    Afraid not, as it isn't posted on public forums.