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Author Topic: New Prc Idea  (Read 1222 times)


New Prc Idea
« on: April 14, 2006, 03:17:30 pm »
I got inspired by the battlerager to try and convert a class Ive always wanted to see in Layo. The slayer. This is just a rough suggestion, and its propely not balanced in any, but I'd like to hear you ideas for this. The main diffrence between ragers and slayers is the reason why they charge into battle. slayers do it to fullfill and oath, to make amense for some terrible incident to them. Its something they rarely if ever talk about and its what drives them into seeking death where ever they can.
  Trollslayer  Note: DEtail may change based on playtesting and game balancing Stats: Slayer Hit Die: d12 Proficiencies: A trollslayer does not gain any additional weapon or armor proficiencies. Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier  Requirements: To qualify as a trollslayer, a character must fullfill all of the following critiria: Class: Figther Alignment: any non lawfull Race: Dwarf Feats: Cleave, Toughness, Power attack, Improved Power attack, Weapon Focus in Greataxe, Weapon Specialization in Greataxe, Improved Critical in Greataxe Base Attack Bonus: +10 Skills: Dicipline 12 ranks  Description: When a dwarven have done a crime or commited a sin that is to great to be amended, he will take up the duty to become a dwarven slayer. He will wander the lands looking for a uneven fight, so he can atone for his sins by dieing honorable in combat.  Abillities:  Bulls Defense (Level 1) - Slayer adds strenght bonus to AC while not wearing armor  Favored Enemy: Trolls (Level 1) - The character gains a +1 bonus to any damage delivered to their favored enemy. They also receive a +1 bonus on listen, spot and Taunt checks against the favored enemy.  Evasion (Level 2) - Slayers are able to escape potential deadly situations.  Uncanny Dogde (Level 3) - Retain dexterity bonus to AC. Even if caught flat-footed.  Damage Reduction (Level 6) - 3 points of damage is ignored whenever you are hit in combat. At level 10 you are able to shrug off 5 points of damage  Armor Skin (level 8) - The character gains a +2 natural bonus to AC  Death or Glory (level 10) - Once per day the slayer cannot be reasoned with and will be seeking death no matter the cost. Its usually ends with the slayers death or the thing fighting the slayer. The slayer gets +4 to strenght and +4 to constituion for 1 turn + the slayers strenght modifer number of rounds. The slayer also gets -2 willsaves.


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RE: New Prc Idea
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2006, 03:45:43 pm »
I like the idea, though his troll-killing bonuses should improve more, maybe at lvl 5 and at 10, adding +1 to the benefits. Also, would make it cooler if you removed the DR and added bonuses to fight when at low health. Not sure if it would be worth the trade, but seems more fitting to me. Nice idea! :)


RE: New Prc Idea
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2006, 03:55:44 pm »
Well the idea for the Damage reduction is that the class is not wearing any armor, and his constant fighting have hardened the slayer in such a way that ordinary wounds wont stop him. Maybee it could be a toggle abilliti instead that he get at lvl 1 and improves over time. Much like the shadowdancers version of it.
   And the racial toward trolls such not go over +1. When/if he dont fullfill his duty as a trollslayer he becomes a dragonslayer and gets a racial toward dragons aswell,so its like the rangers racial hatred, but its specific for the slayer.
  You have to remember its not young dwarven that become slayers, its mostly battlehardend veterans that makes this choice their destiny, because of this horrible thing they have done.


RE: New Prc Idea
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2006, 04:03:07 pm »
Your character suggestion reminds me of the "dwarven berserker" class that was avaiable in Hero Quest; at least I think that was the game.

In there the Dwarf often charged around only with the largest battle axe they could find, a loin cloth, and tatoos for protection. They always sought out the most powerfull creature on the board, to battle uneven fights to atone for what they had done. Thus the character had to always make a b-line straight for the most powerfull creature in play, stopping only to fight others if they physically blocked the path and needed to be cleared to reach the intended target.

Oh, and the character was never, ever, allowed to run away. :)

Mabey this could tie into your class suggestion? Just an idea.


RE: New Prc Idea
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2006, 04:10:14 pm »
Thats excatly the class Im thinking of. the one im thinking of is from the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. And what you describes is pretty much the basics of a slayer. There are exceptions to this. A slayer will not engage in fight if he jugdes the opponent is not fighting fairly, magic, ranged and so on. Its not wrothy to become a porkepine from opponents you cannot have a chance to beat in mortal combat.
  But maybee a Feat could be that the slayer gains a +1 to hit if the creature is one size category larger than him. this improves if/when he becomes a dragonslayer to +2 and final as a demon slayer +3.


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Re: New Prc Idea
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2006, 12:13:59 am »
I like it! Always loved that class from WHFRP, I had a mean Giant Slayer called Godril Skysoul in that and he even only had one arm from a run in with a his quarry, of course one armed Giantslayers don't last long as he didn't HAR! Awesome idea but, wonder if we can find some of the punk style mohawk hairdoes to go wioth it eh? lol


Re: New Prc Idea
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2006, 12:45:13 am »
hmmm... A suggestion for a new power class with lots of bonuses and no draw backs, that is something new... 8)


RE: New Prc Idea
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2006, 07:12:09 am »
Is there really a need for another dwarf-specific PrC?  There's already Dwarven Defender and Battlerager.  Plus, dwarves are very well suited to most martial and divine PrCs.  I mean, let's give some love to the halflings, quicklings, wemics, half-giants/-ogres, etc.  

For a half-giant barbarian, to take a... um... random example, the PrC options are very, very limited -- specifically Bear Warrior (and that may conflict with the PC's RP background).  Such PC is very unlikely to have the INT required for feat pre-reqs to take Weapon Master or Duelist, and the low INT and CHA pretty much rule out anything arcane-based.  It could be possible to make a divine-based half-giant, which would open things up a little more, but for fighter-types, there's not much.


Re: New Prc Idea
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2006, 07:50:48 am »
xXDenizeNXx - 4/20/2006  9:13 AM  I like it! Always loved that class from WHFRP, I had a mean Giant Slayer called Godril Skysoul in that and he even only had one arm from a run in with a his quarry, of course one armed Giantslayers don't last long as he didn't HAR! Awesome idea but, wonder if we can find some of the punk style mohawk hairdoes to go wioth it eh? lol
 Actually Gotak have aquired the mohawk hairstyle, since that is what chracterizes slayers the most.
  And to Geir, yes it seems like Slayers have a lot of power options and no drawbacks. But im not sure how to pup the PnP drawbacks into a gamemechanism that would work. A the majordrawback for slayers would be that they seek out the biggest badest and most dangerous creature they can come across, and then its a battle to the death, for one of them. If anyone have an idea how to implentment this into the PRC format, but since its the only, if any drawback that slayers have, it should be a major one, but not a disabling one. I already suggested to make a Death or Honor abillty that scaled like shadowdancers damage reduction, this could give a -5 to AC to the slayer aswell, or make the slayer 50% vulable to psycical damage or sometihn like that. lemme hear some ideas to drawback to those that know this class from WHFRP.


Re: New Prc Idea
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2006, 09:42:21 am »
Harloff - 4/20/2006  3:45 AM

hmmm... A suggestion for a new power class with lots of bonuses and no draw backs, that is something new... 8)

How's this for a class with drawbacks built in:


[Removed, edited, and placed in its own thread...]


Re: New Prc Idea
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2006, 10:02:02 am »
I actually meant about my own PRc class, the slayer!


RE: New Prc Idea
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2006, 12:06:38 am »
take a look at your PrC, all your feats you would take anyway as a fighter so no drawback there the skill is a class skill you would take anyway. and for the special abilities then take a look at some at the other PrC's yours only plays towards strength. the monk and the duelist that both get a stat more to ac dont use dex again forcing you to splitting out your stats more, and why would he get, str bonus to ac, a natural armor, and DR? + the DR is better then a lvl 20 barbarian: you make a class that charge into combot so evasion dont really fits in, look at the classes that get it now the monk and the rogue dex based classes that dont get alot of hp. And last why is it limitet to dwarfs? if you own a DMG then read it there is a lot of read as to how to make a PrC ;)



RE: New Prc Idea
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2006, 06:38:06 am »
Its taken from a novels and stories, and the PNP based version of the class. But yes its hard to translate this class into something playable and yet balanced, hence this thread for inputs. I'll see if I can work around some of the kinks with this class.


RE: New Prc Idea
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2006, 06:45:32 am »
akata - 4/21/2006  9:06 AM  take a look at your PrC, all your feats you would take anyway as a fighter so no drawback there the skill is a class skill you would take anyway. and for the special abilities then take a look at some at the other PrC's yours only plays towards strength. the monk and the duelist that both get a stat more to ac dont use dex again forcing you to splitting out your stats more, and why would he get, str bonus to ac, a natural armor, and DR? + the DR is better then a lvl 20 barbarian: you make a class that charge into combot so evasion dont really fits in, look at the classes that get it now the monk and the rogue dex based classes that dont get alot of hp. And last why is it limitet to dwarfs? if you own a DMG then read it there is a lot of read as to how to make a PrC ;)   Akata
 He could get a Ac bonus from his Con modifier instead, this could work better toward showing his resillience, and he gets this bonus due to wearing no armor. and i mean not clothes or some mithril inlaid stuff, I mean only tattoos and biceps. This is also the reason why he gets a DR. a barbarian gets medium armor to wear, a slayer does not. Besides this class is resillient, they are born suviours, not they want to survieve, but because they have endured hell and back again, because of the constant fighting surrounding them. And the evasion is a feat I was in question about but I feel its nessesary to show their resillience against magic, of course this could be another kind of feat to help them, imporved reflexes or a spellresistance 10 + con modifer. I dont know, but their are not easy to kill, and its should be reflected. Also I dont want to see slayers go rogue to get evasion and sneak attacks, this way they can get protection and stay off that path.
  Also another thing. I feel this class could give some insights into the slayers life. But if the class should really come to life, it have to be RP'ed, but there should still be a way to show the aspects of slayer with a class. It should showcase some of the things that chracterizes slayers, their stubborness, their honor, and their refusal to go die quiet. and its only dwarven because its called a dwarven trollslayer, besides only dwarven are so stubborn, and foolish enuff to take such a oath.


Re: New Prc Idea
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2006, 07:00:57 am »
That might be true but to add strength to AC that is OVERPOWERED: + str. will give you +AB, +dmg. and +AC. Skarp would get +9 to AC using such a feat and raging would no longer have any negative side effetcs.


Re: New Prc Idea
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2006, 08:28:23 am »
Your properly right, con also shows more what this class is about, con is Hp, resillience, endurance and it should reflect how hard he is to hit.


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    Re: New Prc Idea
    « Reply #16 on: April 24, 2006, 09:11:34 pm »
    I like the con to AC. As far as feat reqs.. throw in a feat tha req 13 dex. Then the character would have to spread out his Str and Con.. and a little dex..  prob ini too for that 13 req on the good feats.

    Next your lvl 10 ability death or victory whatever it is..  great idea. However.. give him say minus 5 to AC? Take say 3d8 damage but gain plus 25 slashing dmg for # of rounds?  sounds fair.  

    and so people dont play rogue and ABUSE this classes death or glory with sneak attacks.. just make a class restriction of Fighter only. Once this class is chosen.. only other class you can go back to is a fighter? or say barbarian. I think a barbarian would better suit the class however the barbs rage would overpower the class here in a low magic world such as layo. So fighter would be the only viable option. should allow the character to wear clothes bc of that stat spread. that way u can get some plus to ac besides ur con. You already have to spread for int, str, and con. not to mention your 13 dex req for feat. This is just my two cents on making the PrC balanced and believe this would provide a playabe and enjoyable class. And I also agree on the toggle. Once 1x a day.. say +6or4? to str +2con  and 10+CLASS lvl to Spell Res.    

    whatcha think?


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      Re: New Prc Idea
      « Reply #17 on: April 24, 2006, 09:15:39 pm »
      could even increase in epic lvls.. every 3 lvls  with death or victory ability..  you get minus 2 more to AC and plus 50 more dmg. or whatever #s the GM's would feel is balanced...all that stat spread would also cause their will saves to be quite low.. therefore mages of the right school or spells geared in that area would hurt the "slayer" as well.

      one more think id give it a race restriction bc of all the good things already available to dwarfs. Id say half-giant or half-ogre.  Seems geared towards them. They need a good PrC.

      But again.. just MY Two Cents ;P


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        RE: New Prc Idea
        « Reply #18 on: May 13, 2006, 09:38:46 pm »
        first off name doesn't have to be dwarven troll slayer.  second off many people can be stuborn enough to take strong oaths.  Because of layo restrictions on RP and PRC's it shouldn't be hard to decide that.  class restriction sounds good i would think fighter barb or ranger as those seem to be the non-lawful fighting classes IMO.  also if it can be added having it so that the char can't go invis and a -10 to hide and move silently would make it pretty impossible for them to sneak so running past things wouldn't be an option.  again i don't know the machanics so... required wis or int would be nice because surviving on the battle feild would be hard if you didn't know anything.  Personally I'd lean towards wis because that always seemed more street smarts to me.  though the feats seem to restrict it fighter. perhaps taking away the weapon specializations would make barb and ranger able to take.  and they would still need to be lev 10 first because of the BAB.

