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Author Topic: CNR Bug - Birch Trees and possibly others  (Read 178 times)


CNR Bug - Birch Trees and possibly others
« on: October 03, 2009, 09:05:16 pm »
Desc:  I've seen it happen many times.  If you click on a birch tree, and something accidently makes you disengage from it before you take the CNR out, it disappears.

EDIT: I think I also noticed this with Hazelnuts, and ginseng seems to do the same as well.

Location: Silkwood Forest, possibly other Birch places, ginseng, hazelnut
Date: Since August 09
Verified/Reproducable:  Many times...  Gosh Darnit.  Click on one twice from a distance.  (I've tested this with cotton and blackberry bushes and this doesn't happen to them)


Re: CNR Bug - Birch Trees and possibly others
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2009, 09:21:06 pm »
Yes there are other things that do this, like ginseng. There is a way to avoid it.  Instead of clicking on the tree/plant to pull you to it, click on the ground next to the cnr.  Wait until you are close to it then click on the plant/tree.  That usually works for me.


Re: CNR Bug - Birch Trees and possibly others
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2009, 09:54:40 pm »
:)  Yes, that is a good way to prevent it.  Though I am pointing it out so that the Team (should they so choose) can fix this.  I will add ginseng to the Bug Report however.


Re: CNR Bug - Birch Trees and possibly others
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2009, 12:44:37 am »
Arabic gum used to do that to me in the past. Haven't tried it recently.


Re: CNR Bug - Birch Trees and possibly others
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2009, 10:40:11 am »
Quote from: ShiffDrgnhrt
TO OTHER PLAYERS!  If you've noticed an "open-and-collect" CNR disappearing on you for errant clicks of keystrokes, please either post them here to be added to the general BUG REPORT or post your own (The second option is likely to be Team Friendly).

No, please do NOT do this.  

The "me too" flood of posts that confirm reports of bugs and quirks doesn't help.

If one CNR "plant", meaning any of the CNR objects which one opens and collects, are going to act the same, as they use the exact same scripts.

I STRONGLY recommend doing what Lynn1020 suggested above rather than running around depleting CNR just for the purpose of seeing if it happens to garlic, hazelnuts and so forth.  And I strongly recommend it as a general practice, as I'm 99% certain the root cause of this is an engine quirk.


Re: CNR Bug - Birch Trees and possibly others
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2009, 11:24:30 am »
Oops!  Sorry!