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Author Topic: Auto Porting  (Read 238 times)


Auto Porting
« on: April 30, 2009, 07:10:03 am »
Description: when logging in after a server reset. My character doesn't get ported to her last saved locating, but are left in the starting area (for both west and central server)
It is also happing when I use house portals, in this case from Stort (central) jumping to Fort Wayfare, but my character loaded into Alantha's house (Port Hampstead 111) instead of Fort Wayfare

After the lates server reset my character was stuck in The Eye of the Storm, using the portal to try and load to my last saved location simply put me back into the entry room.

To clear up this is not just the case of the last area use on the server being loaded before your ported to the locating you jumped to. My character stayed in the house (and is still there)



Reproducable: Yes so far

