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Author Topic: Downloads being cut off  (Read 252 times)


Downloads being cut off
« on: March 01, 2013, 10:06:24 pm »
I still can't download all the hak files. I'm lucky if I can get a download rate of 200 kb/sec. Normally I get about 2 mb/sec. The download is cutting off after a few seconds I haven't been able to get more than 10 mb of the file. I have tried at least 20 times today and I have been at this on and off since I first posted this problem. Isn't there something somebody can do something is clearly broken?It always cuts off after about a minute.Does the fact that there is 16 people on the server have anything to do with it? If it does then I have been getting the worst luck with this.The fact that there is someone on the server around my level isn't helping that has like never happened people are usually twice my level.Hopefully the server will surrender to my patience before it runs out and let me download this file. It is the last one I need too.I can understand that the download can be slow but why is it cutting off? That is the part that is not making sense.


Hiya,Sorry to hear you're
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2013, 10:18:57 pm »


Sorry to hear you're having these problems, I'm going to dig deeper into them.

In the meantime, can you try downloading the all in one hak from our CDN?

The download link is:




The link worked yay.
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2013, 10:53:48 pm »

The link worked yay.


