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Author Topic: Dominate Monster Duration  (Read 150 times)

D Blaze

Dominate Monster Duration
« on: December 12, 2005, 02:16:00 am »
It says in the spell description 3 turns +1/lvl, but it's only lasting about 1 minute in total for a 19th lvl character.

Has it been marked down to Rounds per level?

It seems a tad short, for it makes a wonderful RP spell as well as being able to add to one's allies in a fight.

Perhaps put it to the 3 turns, +1 round/level? this will leave plenty of time for RPing and Combat if it's called for.


RE: Dominate Monster Duration
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2006, 03:42:36 pm »
I second that suggestion.

EDIT: Oh and this is probably more a suggestion than a bug report. :)

I would like to extend this suggestion to dominate person as well. 3 turns + 1 round / level sounds good to me. It allows for enough time to ask a few questions, or send the person/creature off to do a small task.

And when used in combat, that duration fits with a decent sized encounter.


Re: Dominate Monster Duration
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2006, 12:46:04 pm »
Both updated in next update.