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Author Topic: Enraged Commoner  (Read 195 times)


Enraged Commoner
« on: July 16, 2007, 11:44:12 am »
Oh gods, why did he attack me? Was something like the sort "You can't get my cow back from the big, fat griffon! I will kill you with my bucket!!!" thing? Without more jokes, here is the format.

Bug Report

Character: Eliza

Time: Around 3:28 pm GMT, 16 / 07 / 2007

Description: The commoner Patrick Borden seemed to be on the Hostile faction or set Eliza to hostile and ran to attack Eliza, my character. I evaded him and went out of town, then came back and he did the same. I took a screen of it to show. No other NPC was Hostile.

Location: Fort Homestead.

Verified: Screenshot added.

Reproducable: Went to town two times and was attacked two times.


Re: Enraged Commoner
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2007, 01:06:18 pm »
Did you accidently kill something like a non-hostile cow/ox/mink/otter type creature?  Attacking anything that is not preset to hostile makes ALL non-hostile NPCs and creatures hostile towards you...  

(Ex.  mug someone on the street, the cops come after you ;))


Re: Enraged Commoner
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2007, 02:22:09 pm »
That's only partly accurate...

Not everything are grouped together in the same faction (or same "group" of factions), so while one would get the cows after one if one killed a chicken, it's very possible that the pawn shop guy won't care. :)

That could at least explain why the cows are calmly mooing by themselves without participating in the chase also!

But otherwise... it's as ShiffDrgnhrt asked... Did you kill/attack/pickpocket any NPC in that area? And is it like this for that person everytime you visit the area (even after server restarts)? It could also be that a DM accidently changed the faction of the very hostile NPC...


Re: Enraged Commoner
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2007, 02:42:42 pm »
hehe thanks for clarifying that Weebs, I dont know much game mechanics, just basics ;)


Re: Enraged Commoner
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2007, 05:20:55 pm »
I still have to see it, if it keeps like this even with the server restarted. But I did not kill any poor animal (well, I did, sometimes, but not his cows...).

In the end, it was really fun...

