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Author Topic: Aeridin Summons - PENDING REVIEW  (Read 610 times)

Witch Hunter

Re: Aeridin Summons - PENDING REVIEW
« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2007, 07:14:12 am »
If anyone else can read this as not hide behind the summon or atleast as using the summon in a way it wasnt suppost to be used then i guess i need some advanced teaching in the language.*shrughs*
 Yes, you need some advanced teaching in the language.
 Tell me Mr.Tryingtogetmeintrouble... where in this paragraph:
But on the average rate if I throw a level 2 summon at Gloom Woods it will be capable of taking on all the spawn and remain nearly unharmed when a level 3/4 summon dies after 10 seconds.
 Does it state that I did such a thing?... I said "IF".


Re: Aeridin Summons - PENDING REVIEW
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2007, 10:16:14 am »
Quote from: Dorganath

These summons are being reviewed.  As much as your input is desired and welcomed for improving the world, this is ultimately a balance issue that will be decided by the GM Team in a way that makes sense according Aeridin's dogma and any other relevant factors.

Please do not fight amongst yourselves in a debate on what each level of summon should be able to do.

*points up once more*

Guys...enough.  Stop slinging insults, implications and snappy retorts.

One more, and I'll lock the thread until these things are hashed out completely by the GM Team.