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Author Topic: Aeridin Summons - PENDING REVIEW  (Read 581 times)

Witch Hunter

Aeridin Summons - PENDING REVIEW
« on: March 28, 2007, 12:35:33 pm »
Okay then... I'm not sure about other summons but ill post this from my personal experince.
 I've been playing my cleric for about a week now and always looked forward to new summons every new spell level... but sadly every summon (well, two so far) after level 2 we're pretty much weak and useless (compared to level 1/2 summons)
 They only have a few more hp points and a bunch of immunities but... the immunities do no good for summons of such a low level as nothing actually hits with what those immunities are for.
 Why is the level 2 summon better? it has damage reduction, and a pretty good one actually.. it also hits for more damage.
 And the level 1? it spams spells, and lots... it also has regeneration.
 Heck one could debate the level 3 summon to be good because of the aura, and I agree to a degree (rhyme!) but the level 4 summon is a complete joke... its a basher (dex based) with rather low AC and no special abilities.
 It has immunities which is alright but... when you have damage reduction criticals and sneakattacks barely bother you (and who encounters much of those at level 7 anyway?)...
 and to top that all an extended summon that is also stronger is far better than a weaker one :P
 I think they should be beefed up a bit.


Re: Aeridin Summons
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2007, 12:46:58 pm »
Hmm, or maybe the Level 2 should be beefed down. No one ever thinks that way though heh. ;)

Witch Hunter

Re: Aeridin Summons
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2007, 01:04:52 pm »
Well I have thought about that... but if you beef it down then all summons become useless :P...
 the level 3/4 summons die at Vehl Crypts to the skeletons, thats...uh... odd, for elementals.


Re: Aeridin Summons
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2007, 11:05:52 pm »
Well, they're not ment for that. These are the water elementals, right? Wait until the high levels. Also, Summons take a healing investment too. If you heal and buff your summons they actually serve a purpose.

Nothing ever works right out of the box.


Re: Aeridin Summons
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2007, 11:33:53 pm »
The third-level summon is the living flame... Really nice against hordes of things, once you buff the little devils. Likewise (y'know, while I'm retorting), the level two is pretty useless against anything that hits really hard AND has DR, like the Zombie Lords near Storan's.

Level one I don't even really remember, level four I don't have.

Buffs are nice.


Re: Aeridin Summons
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2007, 11:40:53 pm »
On the topic of summons, shadow summons. I forget which one is bugged, but it does nothing but stands there spamming hips.

Also, be nice if they were stronger. The only decent shadow summon is the level 9 spell. The others kind of, suck. Alot. The elemental summons are more usefull :)

And how do shadows fit in with shadon again? They cant party, kinda undead.

(and yes, I've buff my summons allthrough my levels, no difference ;P )

Witch Hunter

Re: Aeridin Summons
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2007, 03:58:18 am »
Quote from: Eight-Bit
Well, they're not ment for that. These are the water elementals, right? Wait until the high levels. Also, Summons take a healing investment too. If you heal and buff your summons they actually serve a purpose.
 Nothing ever works right out of the box.
 But on the average rate if I throw a level 2 summon at Gloom Woods it will be capable of taking on all the spawn and remain nearly unharmed when a level 3/4 summon dies after 10 seconds.
 Heal and buff... yeah sure - but if I heal and buff a level 2 summon he's even better - the point is to compare both summons without buffs not with.
 And Stephen, how many things do you encounter at the level 1-7 range with enchantment bonus? so far Gloom Woods proved to be a good hunting spot that's doable with the level 2 summon.


Re: Aeridin Summons
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2007, 03:35:22 pm »
Bug Report
Discussion of Summons
 Location: N/A
 Reproducable:  Yes


Re: Aeridin Summons
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2007, 04:58:48 pm »
This is an issue for the GM team who are in charge of dealing with balance issues.

It isn't technically a bug as the system is currently working as it is supposed to.

I will however make the GM team aware of it

Witch Hunter

Re: Aeridin Summons - PENDING REVIEW
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2007, 05:31:51 pm »
Alright thanks - for further reference of the weakness...
 The level 4 summon was brought to near death by a skunk and had to fight it for 2 long minutes to win >: )


Re: Aeridin Summons - PENDING REVIEW
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2007, 07:08:22 pm »
I think something to soften up that Earth Mephit, too, would be to drop the DR by 1 or 2, though if it's 2, give it some more CON. ;)

Witch Hunter

Re: Aeridin Summons - PENDING REVIEW
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2007, 07:37:04 pm »
Sure and then our entire array of summons will be useless! (:
 Look at the Lucindia/Ilsare/Vorax/Others summons... far more powerful, it's only fair they are beefed up a bit.
 And Stephen - it makes sense to you to leave a level 4 summon weak enough to nearly perish under the might of a skunk?


Re: Aeridin Summons - PENDING REVIEW
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2007, 08:12:36 pm »

These summons are being reviewed.  As much as your input is desired and welcomed for improving the world, this is ultimately a balance issue that will be decided by the GM Team in a way that makes sense according Aeridin's dogma and any other relevant factors.

Please do not fight amongst yourselves in a debate on what each level of summon should be able to do.

Witch Hunter

Re: Aeridin Summons - PENDING REVIEW
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2007, 11:24:36 am »
Level 5 summons don't get any better...
 It's a bit stronger than the level 4 one (Still has bad AB.. about 6/1 because of its power attack mode... i believe thats either the same or lower than the level 2 one [and mind you.. for a level 11 creature thats low!])
 It does however have the drown ability.... it's so useful...
 If you plan to commit suicide :P
 It kills the summoner *sigh*
 I suggest a whole new summon set all together... like Ilsares one :P just male elves... with uh... hammers.... yup.


Re: Aeridin Summons - PENDING REVIEW
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2007, 11:32:51 am »
Quote from: Dorganath

These summons are being reviewed.  As much as your input is desired and welcomed for improving the world, this is ultimately a balance issue that will be decided by the GM Team in a way that makes sense according Aeridin's dogma and any other relevant factors.

Please do not fight amongst yourselves in a debate on what each level of summon should be able to do.

*points up*


Re: Aeridin Summons - PENDING REVIEW
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2007, 12:59:27 pm »
Realy cant help it , have to ask....

Wasnt there a rule somewere that spellslinger shouldnt hide behind their summons?????

Sorry for interfearing , but couldnt hold it in .


Witch Hunter

Re: Aeridin Summons - PENDING REVIEW
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2007, 07:35:30 pm »
Right next to "rogues shouldn't flank" and "frontiers shouldn't wear armor", yep.
 And sorry Ed :P but it was something I had to point out (especially since I rolled againts the soul mother)


Re: Aeridin Summons - PENDING REVIEW
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2007, 12:13:21 am »
Quote from: jan
Realy cant help it , have to ask....

Wasnt there a rule somewere that spellslinger shouldnt hide behind their summons?????

Sorry for interfearing , but couldnt hold it in .


There's a huge difference between "hiding behind a summons" and "using a summons to run interference so that casters can do what caster do and that's cast spells".

For those confused by this statement, "hiding" would entail tossing out a summons and running invisibly or in G. Sanc and doing nothing while the summon did all the work.

Common sense should fill in whatever blanks remain. :)


Re: Aeridin Summons - PENDING REVIEW
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2007, 04:41:51 am »
Quote from: Dorganath
There's a huge difference between "hiding behind a summons" and "using a summons to run interference so that casters can do what caster do and that's cast spells".

For those confused by this statement, "hiding" would entail tossing out a summons and running invisibly or in G. Sanc and doing nothing while the summon did all the work.

Common sense should fill in whatever blanks remain. :)

Sounds very fair to me,summons are to be used to give the spellcaster time to do what they do...cast spells.
Would be an idea to have all summons act as the Rofirein priest summon then maybe..the shield they summon doesnt do any damage but is tough enough to give the caster time to cast spells.
Would surely help to remove the thought off priests " using " their summons to stay alive by healing and buffing them so they dont need anyone else along while traveling.

Edited to put in a part off a quote by Witch hunter:

But on the average rate if I throw a level 2 summon at Gloom Woods it will be capable of taking on all the spawn and remain nearly unharmed when a level 3/4 summon dies after 10 seconds.

Heal and buff... yeah sure - but if I heal and buff a level 2 summon he's even better -

If anyone else can read this as not hide behind the summon or atleast as using the summon in a way it wasnt suppost to be used then i guess i need  some advanced teaching in the language.*shrughs*


Re: Aeridin Summons - PENDING REVIEW
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2007, 05:29:21 am »
Hey, when you get shadow summons there is no hiding behind them, as they are very useless.