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Author Topic: Ammunition prices  (Read 491 times)


Ammunition prices
« on: August 23, 2011, 12:02:40 pm »
Description: Prices for basic ammunitions (bolts, arrows, copper darts, copper shuriken, copper bullets) are shown to have a price of "0 True" when mouse-over at the ranged arms dealer in Center. If bought, the ammunition still costs 1 True. If sold to a pawn-shop, they are shown as 0 True and cannot be sold (basic stacks of 99 for arrows/bolts, 25 for shuriken/darts and 50 for bullets). Maybe it's an issue that comes from the fact that ammunition can be stacked to much higher amounts, eg. 500 with arrows in combination with a rounding issue.
Suspected minor relevance.

Center, ranged Arms dealer. Reproduceable elsewhere (Mooneyes reproduced it in a different place).


Reproducable: Yes, Item shop issue.


Re: Ammunition prices
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2011, 12:15:11 pm »
You suspect correctly. The issue is primarily one of stacking. Stores also have a minimum price for selling


Re: Ammunition prices
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2011, 12:19:43 pm »
Thanks. On the relevance or the rounding issue?

I hope it's okay that I reported it. If there's no hurry, you can close the topic, unless the bug is already listed elsewhere.


Re: Ammunition prices
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2011, 12:40:15 pm »
The issue is in NWN's monetary that there is a single currency: the Gold Piece...and the stacking system, which multiplies everything by its base price and weight.

If a single arrow cost 1 GP, then a stack of 99 would cost 99GP and a stack of 500 would cost 500GP.  This is a rather steep price for garden-variety, plain arrows, and so we set the cost to 0, because we can't set it to .1GP or some other fraction.

Stores have a minimum selling price of 1GP, so even though the arrow stack reads as 0GP, the game will charge you 1GP at a minimum.  Pawn shops operate on the concept of mark-down, clearly, so if you have something with zero value and it gets marked down to some percentage of that value, it's still zero and they won't buy them.

So anyway, it's not a bug we can really address in any meaningful way without coming up with a custom system for buying and selling ammunition. It's a "feature" of NWN, so it is what it is.

EDIT: Yes, it's OK that you reported it. It's always better to ask than assume.


Re: Ammunition prices
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2011, 01:13:07 pm »
So my assumption was right. It is shown as 0 gp because 99 arrows isn't the maximum stack size. 500 is. 99 arrows is partial stack in Layonara, and partial stacks of standard ammunition cannot be sold. And traders can't sell more than 99 items at once, if I am not mistaken. So it is impossible to sell a whole stack of 500 vanilla arrows in the shop.

Could be a good idea to shove this topic to "Bioware Issues" if it is not already there.

Thanks for the quick answer. :)

Edit: It is already there. I apologize, didn't search for "shuriken".