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Author Topic: Shield Golem (Summon Creature VIII) - Circle Kick Bug  (Read 148 times)


Shield Golem (Summon Creature VIII) - Circle Kick Bug
« on: April 16, 2009, 12:39:54 pm »
Description: Shield Golem has the Circle Kick feat, a bugged feat for that matter.

Location: N/A

Reproducable: It is probably present in all summoned Shield Golems.

Requesting it to be removed or replaced so that other mages can properly utilize the Shield Golem's power without it dying too soon because of a bug. Thank you! :D


Re: Shield Golem (Summon Creature VIII) - Circle Kick Bug
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2009, 08:47:31 pm »
The feat was removed for next update

