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Author Topic: temple box and weight computation  (Read 280 times)


temple box and weight computation
« on: February 26, 2006, 02:57:27 am »
It looks to me like the computation of the total of a character's inventory is run when something is added to or removed from the inventory and not rechecked "on the fly".

When you make a temple contribution, however it is that the goods disappear from inside the box this is apparently not being seen by NWN as a change to inventory. After the temple contribution, the weight of the player inventory still includes the things given away - the weight seems to stay there until the next time the character adds or removes something from his inventory.

Is there maybe some simple thing that should be done at the end of the "gift accepting" script which would cause the inventory to be reweighed?

I just had a thought...Sen has been making anonymous donations lately...thus he does not receive a receipt, thus there is not an item (the receipt) added to his inventory at the end of the process. This problem may be restricted to the case of giving an anonymous donation and therefore not receiving a receipt.

Sen has an RP reason for anonymous donations right now but he generally wouldn't mind the receipts...except ten of em still makes a pound and he makes lots of donations,it'll probably be a problem for him when he has ten pounds of receipts in his pack...

If I'm right about this, the solution could be easy - anonymous donations get a 0 weight receipt that says "received from anonymous" on it...because sorry, temple auditors require that a receipt is given but they do not have to show the donor's name on it...receipt of the receipt should force the recalculation of the weight. The virtuous anonymous donor can throw it in the trash later.


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Re: temple box and weight computation
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2006, 04:31:57 am »
Anonymous donations should be giving you a receipt anyway.  Yardislan has made a good number of them and I've received one every time.


Re: temple box and weight computation
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2006, 11:56:56 am »
Oh, I didnt think to check for a receipt...just assumed and we know what that does. hmmm, I will take a closer look at all these pieces of paper in my inventory.

That would invalidate my proposed solution, but the problem about the weight not being recomputed when the box is emptied remains what I said. Maybe something to do with computing the weight of a box or other container?


RE: temple box and weight computation
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2006, 04:34:01 am »
OK tested some more.

The receipt has nothing to do with it.

It is the weight of a container and its contents that is apparently calculated only when something is put in or taken out of the container. And this is not being done when the itens are magically removed from the temple box while giving, whether the donation is anonymous or not.

Opening the temple box afterwards and placing anything in it immediately forces the recalculation of the weight of the box, and thus removes the weight from the player.

Perhaps if there is not a way to cause the weight of the temple box to be recounted after removing the items, perhaps the receipt could be given in the box and that would force the recalculation?


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    RE: temple box and weight computation
    « Reply #4 on: March 10, 2006, 04:43:26 am »
    Had the same problem with Rolf. I rested and relogged which also took care of it.



    Re: temple box and weight computation
    « Reply #5 on: March 10, 2006, 12:31:16 pm »
    Fixed in next update.  The system will destroy the existing box and return a new one.

