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Author Topic: Smithy bug  (Read 180 times)


Smithy bug
« on: May 16, 2005, 09:08:00 am »
Yes, well just 10 minutes ago I went to Hlint's smithy and returned some bronze shirts. I completed the task and got a new one, for just 1 shirt. Completed it aswell but then I noticed some armor on the ground. "Unidentified".

So I picked it up, but there was more... a lot more..

I couldn't identify them myself nor could someone with higher lore. He however said they gave a message like on the picture. Invalid item for that function.

So I thought I'd sell them, went to the merchant and sold them for 1 gold. Then it revelaed the items identity. They were leather armors.. Wolf and studded Crag leather if I recall correctly. So I'm guessing this shouldn't have happened and thought I'd report this.

Also it's a bit of a pain, that those employers don't give out many jobs. Amber in the smithy only offers that it needs Bronze chain shirts. Now although yes this might be the only thing she needs, those other "[insert random number] 's" are really a pain. Perhaps more work ;) .

*edit* heh didn't know how to make them images show directly  :(  My bad!


RE: Smithy bug
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2005, 05:58:00 am »
Work Request NPCs are being removed in the next update. If you have any writs, either get them done now or throw them out.