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Author Topic: Suggestions for the new forum  (Read 492 times)


Suggestions for the new forum
« on: February 20, 2013, 10:29:52 pm »
First, I want to say great work to port most of everything in this short time.  Here's some suggestions I'd like to make. They might already have been thought of maybe not.A go to last post from the main forum page or the sub forums page topics would be great.A go to end page link would help navigation also.If the page numbers selector could also be duplicated at the top of a thread, it would also help navigation.For the gallery. Would it be possible to have an alphabetical layout where you can choose the letter and it will bring you to all the users names that start with that letter and have galleries. Also a tab for "My Galleries" would be great to go to your own galleries presto.In the profiles, could the PM this users be moved toward the top of the page, as it stands you have to go through the lot of info to get to the link if you don't use the one from a post.

Jilseponie Wyndon

As for the Last Post idea ..
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2013, 11:10:32 am »

As for the Last Post idea .. how about an option in settings to automatically go to the last page of a post.  Many posts are pages and pages long.  And I hit the link for "Last POst" yesterday on one and it said there was an error and could not do it.  I tried al lthe last post type links and the post had 30= pages and took some time to get the the very end.


