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Author Topic: A question regarding plot-related activities  (Read 52 times)

Harlas Ravelkione

A question regarding plot-related activities
« on: May 30, 2005, 09:16:00 am »
Often I have ideas for investigations, or scouting do discover news or truths about troup movement or the lay of the lands. How can such ideas come to life on the server? Do I just ask on the DM channel if anyone is around, and if yes, if he/she can tell me what I want to discover?

For instance, Kobal would like to sneak to the dwarves at Bloody Gate to once and for all determine if we can count on their assistance (perhaps in an assault to retake some of what was lost on Rilara). How do I do this?



RE: A question regarding plot-related activities
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2005, 09:29:00 am »
I would suggest you post about it on the forums and then place it on the player event calendar.  I, and the GM Team, watch that calendar to see if we should be there for something.  We can not always make it, nor can we say if we will make it or not, but we do watch the calendar and we do try.
  Another way you can do something like this is speak about it on the forums and if there seems to be enough interest I sometimes ask the GM Team to run something for that event.  Again, we can't make guarantees etc. as we need to work around our own schedules and RL events.


RE: A question regarding plot-related activities
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2005, 10:34:00 am »
  Ok, my question. :) I know Layonara is a "make your own destiny" kinda world, and that there is a huge intricate plot going on, however outside of the GM plot quests, or huge group player events, will players be able to do anything to effect the plot via CDQs, Guild Quests, or perhaps non-plot related quests?
    Also off topic but I heard that in CDQs spell casters can't cast spells above 3rd circle. Is this correct?


RE: A question regarding plot-related activities
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2005, 10:53:00 am »
"...outside of the GM plot quests, or huge group player events, will players be able to do anything to effect the plot via CDQs, Guild Quests, or perhaps non-plot related quests?..."
  To a point yes but to affect the plot you need to be doing something that affects the plot (ie a gm/player event around the plot.  What the other quests tend to do are to create a destiny for the character, guild or group more than affec the plot out come.  But it can happen.
  "...Also off topic but I heard that in CDQs spell casters can't cast spells above 3rd circle. Is this correct?..."
  I have no idea who told you this or why but that is categoricly incorrect.  UNLESS the GM running an event states so for an RP reason on that quest or quest series.


RE: A question regarding plot-related activities
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2005, 12:19:00 pm »
Thanks L. It was most likely a miscommunication between him and other players that he recieved the information from. :)

