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Author Topic: Ice and Orth's "off the hip" quest last night  (Read 358 times)


Ice and Orth's "off the hip" quest last night
« on: May 13, 2005, 09:03:00 am »
Kudos to all involved in the quest--DMs and players.  It was a good blend of veterans and relatively new players.  The RP, for the most part, was really well done.  I especially liked the idea someone came up with to drop flaming oil bombs on top of the gnolls as they tried to climb the stairs to the watchtower.  Too bad we didn't get to use it.  We almost dropped it on the tower's reinforcements when they finally showed up!  And I liked the idea of preparing for a skirmish and waiting for Talan's order of "CHARGE!" where upon the fighter types rushed to engage the enemy.  A nice break from drawing the enemies toward the group.

And I've never seen gnolls dropping off the back of griffons before.  Great idea!

I had a really fun time last night, even though I was struck down--again!  Can't wait for the next installment.

Well done everyone!


RE: Ice and Orth's "off the hip" quest last night
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2005, 09:09:00 am »
sounds excellent...unfortunately I missed it...again :(

Fian Bearsark

RE: Ice and Orth's "off the hip" quest last night
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2005, 09:21:00 am »
Wow! I'm sorry I missed it. Sounds like a grand old pitched battle! That'll teach me to go on amia.


RE: Ice and Orth's "off the hip" quest last night
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2005, 09:28:00 am »
Drat!  Couldn't make it...wish it started earlier.  

Oh well.


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    RE: Ice and Orth's "off the hip" quest last night
    « Reply #4 on: May 13, 2005, 10:01:00 am »
    of course I don't get to experience this, seems I get bad luck.. oh well, I know better now, glad you guys had fun. 


    RE: Ice and Orth's "off the hip" quest last night
    « Reply #5 on: May 13, 2005, 10:03:00 am »
    It sounds like a really good time was had by all...*sighs* sometimes I regret living in this country


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      RE: Ice and Orth's "off the hip" quest last night
      « Reply #6 on: May 13, 2005, 10:07:00 am »
      It was fun , even the use of traps was great, I looked back though the log and it seems I tripped at least 2 of the larger traps. I like the defending the tower it made it tougher on the players made you wait and wait and then action and then nothing. Can't wait for the next installment.

      Malak Roaringbell


      RE: Ice and Orth's "off the hip" quest last night
      « Reply #7 on: May 16, 2005, 06:26:00 pm »
      *Tips his hat* Why thank you, I'm glad someone appreciated my idea!  ;) But yea that quest was really nice, I had loads of fun even though I missed the third part to it *weeps like a 3 year old girl* Anyways, Kudos to Ice and Orth! I'd do any "Off the hip" quest you two cook up.   :)


      RE: Ice and Orth's "off the hip" quest last night
      « Reply #8 on: May 16, 2005, 08:27:00 pm »
      SharpieF4i - 5/16/2005  9:26 PM

      *Tips his hat* Why thank you, I'm glad someone appreciated my idea!  ;) But yea that quest was really nice, I had loads of fun even though I missed the third part to it *weeps like a 3 year old girl* Anyways, Kudos to Ice and Orth! I'd do any "Off the hip" quest you two cook up.   :)

      A little confused here, are you sure you're talking about our quest?  There was only two parts, and the idea came from our collective brains? Or did you make a more generic idea on an assault or something?

      Talan Va'lash

      RE: Ice and Orth's "off the hip" quest last night
      « Reply #9 on: May 16, 2005, 09:05:00 pm »
      he meant the oil on the stairs idea.