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Author Topic: A question.  (Read 290 times)


A question.
« on: August 06, 2005, 05:11:00 pm »
Acacea has posted a complaint in character, but as a player I would really would like to know why a character's casual conversation may consist of "Uh so, wanna go smash some orcs?" or something, and yet when an scary looking orc is chasing people through town swinging an axe, that's perfectly normal? I know people have complained about this before, that everyone is absurdly tolerant, but really, looking up to see the spectacle and then going on to chat about where you're headed off to, or walking up to halflings screaming bloody murder for help and saying "Yo" to the orc is just ridiculous. On the one hand, it was fun running around from it trying to get away, on the other, why is this cool with everyone in character?

I'm not trying to "flame" anyone, and am not even talking about the orc, but would like to know what their logic is in this situation...


RE: A question.
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2005, 07:39:00 pm »
It really all depends on the character. My elf (Aralin) is not really afraid of most things that are walking around towns. As through his experience he can defeat then mostly or summon a wolf and run away  ;) .

On the other hand, my halfling fighter (Tanner) is wary and afraid of giants, ogres, and orcs and hates them especially, as he was raised by dwarves. He would pull his axe put and threaten the orc and tell him to get out of town.

While my Sea Elf (Araouka) would just be a bit amazed at all the different species of "Breathless" that live there. He would not really have the instinct to be afraid. He would just be awed.

Just a few examples of how my different characters react


RE: A question.
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2005, 07:44:00 pm »
It's not really so much that I am saying one should be frightened, I just see a thousand things someone could have done in character, and instead, nothing was. For instance, had Ayla been present, I'm sure she would have rushed to stop the orc, as she is one of the really...really...REALLY tolerant people. If its a friend, it is endangering its own safety by acting the way it did in front of guards, townspeople, and "adventurers." It would be saving its own life to get it to stop.

If not a friend, well, as I said to someone else, if Acacea had run in from gathering cotton with non PC orcs on her tail, they would have been dead instantly. I'm not saying they should kill the PC, but there are a lot of ways to respond short of killing.  

I've gotten tells about this and I would like to clarify again that I am not complaining about the person playing the orc, as I have no problem with them or anything, I was just wondering how ignoring it was justified in character. But as there are already a bunch of these asking the same thing, it was probably pretty silly.


RE: A question.
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2005, 07:48:00 pm »
your right that if Aralin had been there he would have stepped in and stopped the orc, but my other characters are not quite as sure of themselves and aren't quite as good natured.


RE: A question.
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2005, 09:32:00 pm »
well, my ranger sees it and says something like how bad Hlint is and walks away. It gets boring rp'ing the samething day after day. It is either an orc, or a half giant, or a drow or a goblin or a...on and on. This server is growing and we see lots of things. But I just don't have the time to rp my reaction everytime a orc walks through town. Cole hates drow, but if I were to hiss and boo everytime I see one I would never get to rp other things. So Cole has learned to stare, turn, mumble something, and walk away. Not all the time mind you, sometimes I draw my sword, and follow the creature. Or sometimes I say something to the effect "why are you here?"

I see things that make me think, why are they not rp'ing that? Maybe they are, maybe some have been playing for 6 hours and are half asleep. Some might have just logged on and don't know the whole story. And some, like Cole, has seen it so many times that it is hard to come up with original RP. So I let the one who is riding the creature to leave handle it. If the creature attacks this person then Cole would definitely step in.

A topic like this comes up maybe once every few weeks. Just like the invisibility bug. Wonder how many 0's and 1's have been used on these topics:)


Edit:kinda sounds like I am upset at the number of orcs and stuff. I am not. Just saying that I don't always jump in and create a town mob when a goblin struts through.


RE: A question.
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2005, 09:40:00 pm »
Heh, I know, I've seen a bunch of them. Acacea is pretty much friendly to everyone, anyway. In this case I was wondering why no one was reacting to one chasing down two people with an axe, not just sitting around in town being friendly.

Some, I know, are rather resigned to them being there, I just wondered how this particular case wouldn't get one out of *some*one but eh. Can just delete it, I guess.


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RE: A question.
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2005, 10:55:00 pm »
I have thought about posting about this, and I take the chance of sounding like a complete jerk when I say this, but it is what I really think.

If you see any subraced character sitting around, or walking around, or whatever, your RP is your business.

If you see any violent creature at all, PC or NPC in town trying to attack someone,you try and smack it down. If it is an NPC, I KNOW that all of you smack it down, but with a PC, that isn't exactly an option. Even the MOST tolerant character should try to dissuade the orc from attacking. The only way complete disregard should make sense is if -

You are Ozy, Reggub, Triba, Rufus or any of the other not exactly "good" epic characters out there.

You are Chanda, Marcus, Ramanon, or any of the other characters who want to see Hlint burn anyway.

You are any character too stupid to realize what is going on (and most characters that are played this stupid are still smart enough to resolve "It have axe, ME BASH!)

Or, You are completly apathatic to the world around you.

My 2 cents, and I know most of you won't agree.


RE: A question.
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2005, 11:49:00 pm »
This whole situation has made Acacea and I want to make twin Dark Orcs of Grand. ;) We're not going to be kind. We're not going to be cute. And we certinally won't have a heart of gold. :)


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RE: A question.
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2005, 12:44:00 am »
Hurray! Reminds me of Barravelve! Possibly the only drow on the server that hates everyone!

Germaine Lorn

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    RE: A question.
    « Reply #9 on: August 07, 2005, 06:56:00 am »
    Mary Blood Axe would have wanted to steam in with her axe, but she must have been asleep somewhere......

    Mary Blood Axe.

    If it was a PC doing it I would have been asking the DM for special intervention to allow her to steam in with her axe........

    ......"*shrugs* me alwiz miss da good stuffs"


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      RE: A question.
      « Reply #10 on: August 07, 2005, 08:17:00 am »
      With the risk of sounding utterly naive.....from the perspective of someone new to role playing and NWN, I can say it takes a lot to keep track of one's own conversation in town with all the hubbub, let alone to follow what's going on with someone else's. In fact, zerpa make a point not to be too curious about other's activity, since 1) she respects other people's privacy and personal space, 2) she's trying to give her full attention to the people she's involved with, and 3) she's shy.

      The other day she saw some large creature chasing a couple of people around in Hlint (could have been this event, actually), and from her perspective it looked like a silly game of tag.  The creature smacked into her, she said "ack!" and gave him a cold stare, then the thing ran away. There didn't seem to be any real danger, just another crazy day in Hlint, where magicians can summon clay golems or take the form of a tiny speck of dust...

      It's also very easy to misinterpret the actions of others just from written words.  There can be a fine line between a playful joke and a cruel remark ...without seeing the RL *smirk* or *harsh glare*



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        RE: A question.
        « Reply #11 on: August 07, 2005, 09:08:00 am »
        I'm pretty sure I was there too.  We were talking to Acacea and a few others, when an orc PC ran in chasing another PC.  The player was yelling help and the orc was saying menancing things.  My first reaction was to take out my swords and walk up to the orc.  I recognized the orc PC from two nights ago, where I "eyed him suspiciously", etc, but held things in because another PC I knew recognized him and talked to him.  Two nights ago, I RP'ed wanting to leave as soon as possible, not trusting him.

        Last night, I walked up to him and stood ready to fight him, then from the conversation realized that it was a game of *tag*, and that the characters weren't seriously attacking each other.  They were playing.  Perhaps Acacea missed this.  It was clear to me, so I turned to the rest of our party and said let's leave, wanting to be away from the orc and Hlint.  When Acacea and the level one halfling started making a big play of taking on the orc, I thought it was both of them being overly grandiose again, as they were doing before the orc showed up (arguing between which of the two of them was the "Hero of Hlint", etc).  I thought they had heard that it was a game of tag, and were RPing feeling important by "attacking" a character who wasn't really a threat.

        As others have said in this thread, we each have our reasons for RPing the way we do. Complaining about how other people RP isn't cool, IMO.  This is supposed to be fun. Honestly, there's enough shoulding and blaming in real life.


        RE: A question.
        « Reply #12 on: August 07, 2005, 09:21:00 am »
        I didn't name any names at all, actually, and the more people that post, the more I wish this thread would crawl off in a hole and die somewhere. No longer replying, apologize for posting at all.


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        RE: A question.
        « Reply #13 on: August 07, 2005, 01:13:00 pm »
        my goblin is not well taken in town, people are all ways trying to chace him out of town. he just either turns then into a tree (barkskin spell) or changes into a bear and chace them around.



        RE: A question.
        « Reply #14 on: August 07, 2005, 01:20:00 pm »
          Only thing I see wrong with the initial post is this.
        Acacea - 8/6/2005 8:11 PM On the one hand, it was fun running around from it trying to get away, on the other, why is this cool with everyone in character?

            I understand how it was meant, more like, "from my personal experiances with certain characters, most don't seem bothered by this." Honestly I don't like it IC and I don't like it OOC. As it stands I'm just too stinking nice so I'll try to RP around it or send them a nice Tell politely correcting them with some RP ettiquet.
            Tath is only really afraid of a few things, however I agree that really isn't an excuse for me not to treat them like every other ogre, orc, or goblin I come across... warily and with caution. Good points and that's something I think we could all keep in mind. Just cause it says "Friendly" or "PC" doesn't mean you should treat them totally different than you would an NPC (with the exception of pick-pocketing, griefing, and killing).


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        RE: A question.
        « Reply #15 on: August 07, 2005, 03:01:00 pm »
        if Ayreon was there he would have helped...but he also is quite amused when people are riled up at certain creatures...

        ie Jeran hates spiders, so Ayreon summons them for a laugh.


