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Author Topic: A Suggestion to All for "Concerns"  (Read 446 times)


A Suggestion to All for "Concerns"
« on: July 24, 2007, 12:29:27 pm »
Maybe it's just me, but the negativity in posts lately seem to have been on an uprise since v3 really began. I'm not going to go into the whole, "Weee, Layo so awesome," or, "You bad bad peopleses should be slapped with yardstickies..." Instead, I'm just going to write a simple suggestion 'cause of the fact my head is spinning from all the locked threads, arguments, and unnecessary things in general.

Concerns are great, problems being addressed are great, buuuuuuut...

My (not really needing to be answered) question is, why aren't these concerns PMed? I can understand posting it on public forums because then everyone is aware etc etc etc or maybe you think the GMs will be fair or something, but look where the last few "concerns" have gone...

Locks, bans, and in general icky nasty.

This is just a suggestion, I don't really want an explanation or rant thrown at me to say why I'm thinking wrong (Hey, PM it to me!), but if you really want a problem fixed, take all the evidence, names, support from people in-game if you need it, and make sure to present it in a polite and proper manner. If it's done in a way of treating the other person like a person and not just screaming at them for a mistake you're not even completely sure is happening (as looks can be deceiving), it shouldn't be ignored and I can't imagine you'd be yelled at.

My point? PM it to the GMs before taking any weird and inappropriate reaction with them where you attempt to humiliate people...If you want a real discussion, slandering them on the forums isn't gonna get you it.

Just a suggestion, folks, hopefully one that isn't too brainless.
The following users thanked this post: lonnarin, miltonyorkcastle, Marswipp, Exodus Stonecutter


Re: A Suggestion to All for "Concerns"
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2007, 12:59:00 pm »
I don't get the fuss. Layonara has always been like this, along with every NWN PW I've played on. Every online RPG for that matter. Uh, let's make that every online community too. Pretty much whenever people get on the internet, they're going to complain or seem to complain about pretty much everything. It's how it happens. It's up to people to notice it happening and take the proper actions - ignore it instead of making a megathread about one instance. Concern posts are about the same as "Spirit of the Server" posts.



Re: A Suggestion to All for "Concerns"
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2007, 01:06:11 pm »
Heh, you got me there, Eight-Bit, although I could disagree about the Spirit of the Server posts being the same as Concern posts.

I never said anywhere "Don't complain..." It's going to happen, some of it will be unnecessary, some of it will be needed, but hey, I'm complaining too here, aren't I? Well, complaining in a way while trying to be productive.

The instances I'm thinking of wanted something done about it, and their method didn't get them it, at least the ones visibly done. Instead of having to PM every person who might take "potshots" with concerns instead of trying to really address it (as I don't know everyone ;) )... I felt this method was slightly more appropriate for the topic. I don't make a habit of this, or I try not to.

But that's just my justification. I "try" to be neutral and beneficial to all...Doesn't always work that way.


Re: A Suggestion to All for "Concerns"
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2007, 01:14:59 pm »
I forgot to post that I agree that the forums and community could be improved with a lot less public concern posts. Keeping things between individuals and GMs is how it would be done in an ideal situation. However, history (at least recent history...) shows that an "ideal" situation doesn't usually happen on an internet community.

I just think people here could do with being a lot less uptight. I'm not saying you are because I don't know you enough to make that call. However, I can say from total experience here that the average person tosses the word "concern" around when it is something that effects their gameplay in a negative way, or improves that of someone else's. It usually follows every big update or suggestion.

As for the "Spirit of the Server" posts, when they're tossed around by anyone but Leanthar they are usually fluff posts.


Re: A Suggestion to All for "Concerns"
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2007, 03:23:33 pm »
The root of the problem is that people aren't diversifying their vices enough.  They're getting overly obsessed with their imaginary characters and taking this game way too seriously.  Then when some alleged form of obstacle gets in the way of their fix, they get all snarly like that puppy who growls at you when you touch his food dish.  Jeez man, I know this game is bloody heroin, but whenever alleged politics in a fantasy world on the internet become such a personal problem that one has a bad day over it, then a restructuring of life's priorities is in order.  

Let's play devil's advocate here and assume that there are cliques and politics at play behind the scenes.  So-freakin-what?  There is no need for assumptions of envy.  Being the most popular person on an online D&D fantasy roleplaying game is about as lofty a goal as being the skinniest kid in fat camp.  Why should it bother anyone that some people may or may not have nicer digital swords in imaginary la-la land?  The *really* cool people are the ones who just chill, relax, forget all that jazz and let the dice roll, having fun in the game and not getting bothered by petty rumor-mongering.  Such people do not let their vices define their lives.

Whenever one feels so jaded by a past-time hobby that they feel they are no longer having fun, they should take a break and try something new for a while.  Sure, Layonara is heroin, but there's a big world out there to be experienced full of World of Warcrack, Civ Infinity, Dawn of Warcaine, AlcoHalo, Gothic III etc.  You'll get those layo-craving later and can come back at any time so long as you don't burn all your bridges and flip out in the forum trying to hurt people's feelings...

So for the jaded members worldwide who feel angry at the fantasy world and its community, my advice to you is to diversify thy vices.  Getting worked up over who-said-what and so-and-so did this or that is all just petty little buzzing in the background of my buzz.  These social qualms and percieved inequalities are all a part of life, just deal with it and live.  Why let some gaming nerd's imaginary successes and favoriism get to you?  It's not like they can cash in their GPs and get a hot cheerleader.


Re: A Suggestion to All for "Concerns"
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2007, 05:40:16 pm »
Just wanted to say, one above: Greatly said.

Going all upside down just because of a game is plainly crazy...

Why bother with someone that can play fourty hours a week being a favorite while I know that my main, loved character won't go past the seventh level?

C'mon, I think people may say what they want, okay okay, but c'mon, it is just a GAME. And a COMPUTER ONE *pnp fan*.

As the elf of the party wich I dm would say... ""


Re: A Suggestion to All for "Concerns"
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2007, 11:47:11 pm »
Quote from: lonnarin
It's not like they can cash in their GPs and get a hot cheerleader.

Are you kidding? I had hoped that was one of the features of the next update!


Re: A Suggestion to All for "Concerns"
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2007, 04:01:15 am »
Ionnarin, sometimes you make my day,

now I suppose I should get off the floor but I will be laughing all day.

Way to go!

