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Author Topic: Players new and old - please consider!  (Read 48 times)


Players new and old - please consider!
« on: January 18, 2007, 11:09:00 pm »
Imagine if you will;

There is a man who lives in Australia, let's call him Pseudonym. He is introduced to the world of Layonara about 6 months or so ago by another player, let's call him Dezzo* (*name subtly changed to protect the tubby).

Pseudonym, a regular guy with a regular family and a regular job yielding an all too regular income and has a regular, normal life and regular, normal habits (are you relating to me yet?) plays Layo on and off for the next 6 months. Perhaps a little more on than off if we are being totally honest ...

To date, Pseudonym has made (I think) two donations to Layo's owner, about $20 bucks a time, when he was on the Paypal site paying for some rubbish he bought off ebay. Okay, this week Pseudonym has a few days off work and is told he is painting the exterior of the house by Mrs Pseudonym* (names again subtly changed, her real name is the Devil). Still with me? Pseudonym is afforded way too much time to think as he engages in the mindless task of painting the house ...

Pseudonym thinks of the 24 hours in each day.
He works say 9 hours of these, sleeps for about 7 more.
That leaves 8.
Let's say, on average, of those 8 remaining, 2 hours are spent playing Layo after the little Pseudonyms and Mrs Pseudonym have gone off to bed.
That's about 8% of my time!!!
Pseudonym, who has a somewhat black and white perspective on many things, thinks about the fairness of his two donations given he spends about 8% of his day playing this game WHICH COSTS SOMEONE ELSE A CONSIDERABLE AMOUNT OF MONEY.

I don't really know about the legality of requesting donations ... It's my understanding L is not allowed to come out and demand donations from people? I think he can request and thats about it? It occurred to me today that he is a hell of a lot more restrained asking players for donations than I would be in the same situation. I've seen posts once and a while pop up along similar lines to this one now and have always thought to myself 'what a suck!' (Is that just an Aussie expression? A crawlie bumsnake? A brownnose? Anyway...) but now I am thinking maybe the inequality (that I am sure is present for most players) in this equation has occurred to others before it did me.

Please consider.

PS. Pseudonym apologises for the repeated references to himself in the third person.


Re: Players new and old - please consider!
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2007, 03:11:41 am »
Hear hear!

Dump playing Wow ( which is rubbish anyway ), and put your £8 a month you pay for WoW into Layo.
If the thought of loosing Layo fill's you with dread....donate.



Re: Players new and old - please consider!
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2007, 10:05:46 am »
/Agreed. L does what he does out of love, but that doesn't mean we should mooch off him. Bandwidth costs. Assume L is shelling out about $400 a month for the bandwidth and another $50 for hosting fees. (These numbers are culled from various past posts and a bit of research from publicly available information) So that works out to $450 PER MONTH (Five thousand, four hundreddollars per year) that he is shelling out so we can login and.....Right. Ask for more stuff.
  See, that was the monetary side. The development team, the GM team, the writing team, the people that work behind the scenes to make Layo a vibrant and special world do so because they want to. No one gets paid a dime. No one profits, other than to say they helped build something cool. Meanwhile, the players take pot shots at them because of perceived slights, petty bickering and the like. And they smile, and they help. And they do it for free. I have played many, many online games. Currently, I only play on Layo. When I quit my last MMOG, I put the money I was paying them to Layo. Why not? It was money I spent on entertainment. I am not saying everyone should contribute gobs of cash. Some people don't have it. Been there, done that, have the stamps to prove it. But those of us that do have the cash, those of us that have stable jobs, live at home but work, get an allowance, those of use that can easily part with 10 US dollars (do your own exchange) should. No one knows if you do or don't donate unless you want to tell people.
If you can't, you can't. If you can, you should.