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Author Topic: About Char  (Read 580 times)

Jearick Hgar

Re: About Char
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2007, 08:27:02 am »
eh one point with will wont effect much. if the DC is 30 and you would have had 10 will if it wasn't for the -1, then you stillg otta roll 20.


Re: About Char
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2007, 08:31:21 am »
No, I'm not talking about will saves or anything, but rather the wisdom rolls the DM requires you to roll from time to time. Which might not be a roll at all, but to only see what your wisdom modifier is.

The save bonus from wisdom (or any other ability score) is pretty much insignificant unless you have a very high score. :)


Re: About Char
« Reply #22 on: February 03, 2007, 12:35:35 pm »
Alright... A bit hectic, but by the points.

- "Spring Attack" is not a jumpy deal. It is, in PnP terms, just being able to move before and after an attack. You ever see those passby attacks in anime? Yeah, that. In NWN, it's more along the lines of being able to do that, and still defend oneself against Attacks of Opportunity.

- Fullplate is easier to wear than Halfplate. Only about five pounds heavier, and with a greater Maximum Dexterity Bonus... Most fighters don't even HAVE a DEX bonus.

- The idea of an agile weaponmaster... That sounds like the Duelist. How do I know? I play one. ;) Taking a look at the most famous Weapon Masters of our times, we've also got Jet and Cole Norseman. Both wore Fullplate, both used heavier weapons. Norseman, in the course of teaching one of my characters, explained the theory behind mastering the Greatsword. Heavy armor goes into that. Mobility, aye, but... Mainly a sense of solidity.

- Ability scores... I play one character with INT 6, WIS 10/12, CHA 8. Min-maxing? Sure, I can go with that. But did I choose that because it'd be fun to RP? Oh yeah. The character's a Barbarian, by the way, who, sadly, will NEVER be able to go WM. 'Cause of the INT. I like Grok, and so do most of the people who interact with him. :) Prodigious strength, hunger, and stupidity. It's great. My character concept worked out really well... So, if you want to try your own concept, go right ahead! But always, always, always RP your stats.

- Weaponmasters are built entirely around their Weapon of Choice. If they're mastering the rapier, they may as well go Duelist, but... Other than that, you could definitely have a faster-than-wind Dagger WM, or a slow, utterly destructive tank of a Greatsword WM. Or anything else. It's based on the weapon.


Re: About Char
« Reply #23 on: February 03, 2007, 01:46:34 pm »
*chuckles slightly*
Anyone who thinks that Fullplate is easier to wear than Halfplate, needs to go visit an armoury where they can try it out....

Although I admit the classic idea of needing a crane to mount your horse, is hogwash. It is surprisingly easy to move around in that stuff. See where you are going, now that's a problem :)


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Re: About Char
« Reply #24 on: February 03, 2007, 01:58:49 pm »
Just to put my two coppers in, as a person playing a fighter, soon to be weaponmaster. *crosses fingers*

My weapon of choice is a two-bladed sword I have present stats of what 18, 15, 13, 13, 10, 8, at level 9.  I think I've upped dex and str so far, I am eventually going to make the Int 14 somewhere after 20th, or close too, and put some skill points in lore, purely for RP purposes.  The rest I haven't really planned, most likely all str.

I am comfortably 'tucked' into full plate armor, at present, but I'm more the sort that would use whatever I can get my hands on, or make.  I keep my face and tattoo's covered as much as possible, I'm a little self conscious of them, or more to the point I'm self conscious of what others think of them.   Which tends to make me grumpy when people start asking...and somewhat shy of people in general.  He's dedicated to his weapon, almost overly so because of his past, and is always looking for a better way to fight with it.  Hence why he's probably going to up his Int, he's even going to read books...

As for your question, IMO there is really no 'superior' way to make your char, honeslty I would suggest you come up with a character concept first.  Outline and history are much more important on this server than stats IMO.  After you have the concept and maybe even a few set progression goals as to where you want your char to end up, set your char stats and skills to match the outline.  But, always remember even though you set up your char to develope one way, once your in the game you might find yourself RP'n yourself in a totally different direction.  Don't set anything in stone and keep an open mind as to where your character might progress...I think you'll enjoy it more that way and that's really the important part.