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Author Topic: Alignment question... Need feedback  (Read 144 times)


Alignment question... Need feedback
« on: March 16, 2006, 06:45:24 pm »
I need some feedback...

My character, Tyrian Baldu'muur, the more I play her seems as if she should be Neutral Good instead of Chaotic good... (I know probably my fault for not role playing right), but is there anyway to change her alignment?  She seems to be accepting of anyone as long as they are going the right thing wether Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic, as long as it's good...  She takes issue with people for not treating others right but judges no one on race, skin tone, diety, alignment, etc... I would like her to be accepting of every one in the world as long as they are doing good and I think this is where Neutral good falls in.

Please send your thoughts I would really appreciate it, and I don't want to start over so I can have a Neutral Good character, but I don't think I'm playing her right as Chaotic Good... Because I can't break the habit of being accepting of everyone who is helpful...


Re: Alignment question... Need feedback
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2006, 07:33:12 pm »
You can change your alingment through a CDQ.  Just make sure you have a development thread and it shouldn't be that difficult since your moving from chaotic to nuetral.

From the thread:

Neutral Good
 1. Always keeps his word.
 2. Is VERY unlikely to lie, expept perhaps to an evil person.
 3. Never attack or kill an unarmed foe.
 4. Never harm an innocent.
 5. Never tortures for any reason. Is very unlikely to allow torture for any
 6. Never kill for pleasure.
 7. Always tries to help others.
 8. Works well in groups.
 9. Never take dirty money or items.
10. Never betray a friend.

Chaotic Good
 1. Keeps his word to any other good person.
 2. Lies only to neutral or evil people.
 3. Never attack or kill an unarmed foe.
 4. Never harm an innocent.
 5. Never torture for pleasure or information. Threats may be permissible.
 6. Never kill for pleasure.
 7. Always tries to help others.
 8. Distrusts authority.
 9. Works well in groups, but dislikes confining rules and 'red tape'.
10. Never take dirty money or items.
11. Never betray a friend.



Re: Alignment question... Need feedback
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2006, 07:42:12 pm »
Well maybe I'm not doing so bad after all...  I appreciate the help, my character is not as far off as I thought.

But I would love more feedback.

