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Author Topic: Amazement  (Read 391 times)

Thunder Pants

RE: Amazement
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2005, 07:08:00 am »
and a couple halflings Zero (Lue and Tribs both hate drow)


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RE: Amazement
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2005, 07:48:00 am »
I agree that seeing a wemic would be shocking and fun to RP as well as a goblin, orc, or drow. I've had a run in with a drow and snub the PC. I've also snubbed a Teifling since I am an Aasimar. As long as no one takes offense, I find it enjoyable RP and found it quite funny to have the drow giving me crap for not wanting to trust them.

As for the Half giant, I am confused. The creature they use to depict a half giant does not at all meet the description in the players guide that says they can be mistaken for large barbarians and are raised in either giant or human culture. Does this not make them uncommon yet accepted? I wouldn't let the troll like creature affect your judgement based on the guide description, though would agree that some isolated type character races may not have seen them still ... and all (typically) dwarves hate giants ...


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    RE: Amazement
    « Reply #22 on: July 13, 2005, 07:54:00 am »
    Personally, my character finds half-giants to be some of the friendliest humanoids in Hlint.  Now dwarves ... give me a drow any day over a dwarf.


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    RE: Amazement
    « Reply #23 on: July 13, 2005, 10:31:00 am »
    I just posted on the "drow thread"....

    But yeah, I have only been at Layo for a few weeks now, and drow are just an accepted norm.

    I had no idea how many there were. I applied for a wemic on the 10th, and I am just patiently waiting for a reply. If that submission fails, I'll just pick something else and start a new submission.

    I guess it's disappointing, because I really enjoy Ayreon's history. I guess it's fairly unique, but I don't know how much time I want to spend on a "special" subrace that isn't special anymore??

    Maybe we could ask the team not to accept any drow for a little while? Just until the numbers die down...i dunno...just throwing around ideas.

    There's my two cents.


    RE: Amazement
    « Reply #24 on: July 13, 2005, 06:41:00 pm »
    I don't think it strange if most adventurers
    do not react noticably when a new creature

    You become quite hardened quite fast. And
    that's not strange if you begin counting
    every creature you met on your explorations
    on West only. Add to that Central and East,
    then the variety of different creatures become



    RE: Amazement
    « Reply #25 on: July 13, 2005, 07:07:00 pm »
    And I very much do not agree with that.

    If I am out bashing bad guys and I see something I have never seen once we are done I ask questions.

    If I am in town and a *huge* lion beast walks down the street, I am sorry but that *should* get attention. This is not the wilds, this is in the niddle of town.

    Again, just my opinion,


    RE: Amazement
    « Reply #26 on: July 14, 2005, 12:10:00 am »
    well, cole has heard of wemics from some travelling buddies. When I saw you I hid and followed. You couldn't find the gate to the wall. I then followed you to the camp fire, where you rested. Do wemics like fire? Then I stepped out from befind the tree I was hiding behind and tried to communicate. Was pretty fun. But Luna was needed elsewhere and you logged your wemic :(


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      RE: Amazement
      « Reply #27 on: July 14, 2005, 12:47:00 am »
      I had allot of fun meeting Tai for the first time, was a bit of a chore learning to communicate with you though. And then leading a half blind wemic around by the hand and figuring out ways for you to see with out having to hold your hand, geesh.  I still think I should train you a seeing eye dog. But Ael views the Wemics are much like a elfling. Your half animal half humanoid. SO as a ranger she wants to protect the wemics and help them adapt at leat to an extent she would be teaching you any human ways. Those vile money grubbing, lying, cheating, nature defiling short lived..  Oh I'm sorry what was I saying? Oh yeah help the wemics adapt.  And maybe teach them common or elvish or at the very least the language of animals.

      Seh'Spar I took a much more academic view on them. OH yeah a wemic I heard stories about them, their in town peopel all around them no one being mauled or eaten. They must be friendly now where was that note book and why do those halflings keep looking and pointing? Do they think  I have all day to show them around Hlint I told them its called a wemic and it is friendly what more do they want?


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        RE: Amazement
        « Reply #28 on: July 14, 2005, 06:36:00 am »
        *Alanna tugs on Seh'Spar's robes, her eyes wide*
        "But look! It's like a big kitty-person! I love kitties!"

        By the way, thanks for tour, Xerina! The 3 of us hobbits enjoyed it quite a bit!


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        RE: Amazement
        « Reply #29 on: July 14, 2005, 09:09:00 am »

        "I am sorry.  Wemics are brand new to PC's and as such I am not willing to allow for others traveling with them for a period of time before they are "discovered".  Please change that part of the submission--most likely drop the whole wemic connection and we will review it again.

        If this is submitted in about 6 months or so (RL) it would probably be approved since Wemics will be ingrained in to the community by then."


        Just as a side note, I wanted to point out that wemics are supposed to be brand new to PC's...just incase people start getting outrageous notions of having wemic cousins, or sisters or something =P. haha

        I just wanted to mention this because a lot of people seemed to have a lot of prior knowledge about the race in game...and I'm sure it's because they have met Tai or someone. I guess this for everyone else's sake.



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          RE: Amazement
          « Reply #30 on: July 14, 2005, 09:40:00 am »
          SeaWraith - 7/14/2005  6:36 AM

          *Alanna tugs on Seh'Spar's robes, her eyes wide*
          "But look! It's like a big kitty-person! I love kitties!"

          By the way, thanks for tour, Xerina! The 3 of us hobbits enjoyed it quite a bit!

          Aye we did! Thanks again to everyone we met. It was quite an amazing sight to see Wimecs my first time in town! :)


          RE: Amazement
          « Reply #31 on: July 14, 2005, 09:45:00 am »

          Daeron never even saw elves before he came to Layonara, let alone wemics. He thinks they're some kind of magical attraction from an upcoming magefair in Hlint.:)

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          RE: Amazement
          « Reply #32 on: July 14, 2005, 09:53:00 am »
          I thought alot of people played their first encounter really well while I was on - particularly this aggressive half giant.
          As for the drow...why so many people want to play them baffles me. But they seem to be the same people who like Forgotten Realms books and why anyone wants to read that drivel baffles me even more.


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            RE: Amazement
            « Reply #33 on: July 14, 2005, 10:00:00 am »
            well the day you where in Hlint Trenton watched from a distance I tryed to ask questions to many where gathered around you. so Trenton stayed and made sure the peace was kept.


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            RE: Amazement
            « Reply #34 on: July 16, 2005, 09:54:00 am »
            Quin saw his first Wemic while walking out of the craft house ... and the two of them had a bit of an old western stile standoff with staring at each other until Tai-Shar introduced himself.

            I think that a good number of the more experienced adventurers are confident enough in their own abilities to not be frightend of such a creature .... though I would expect the common townspeople to react viciously


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              RE: Amazement
              « Reply #35 on: July 27, 2005, 09:51:00 pm »
              Anyone got an epid druid?


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                RE: Amazement
                « Reply #36 on: July 27, 2005, 09:53:00 pm »
                "I just feel I need to say this. I am surprised at how many people walk by a wemic in their midsts and do not say a darn thing or react in any way.

                This just baffles me. These have not been seen around Hlint. Most characters would not have seen one before, yet a half lion/half man is walking around and most think nothing of it.

                If a dragon were to suddenly appear, would the same thing occur?

                *shakes head sadly*"

                Anyone got an epid druid?

                Talan Va'lash

                RE: Amazement
                « Reply #37 on: July 27, 2005, 10:27:00 pm »
                That question doesnt really pertain to this thread.


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                RE: Amazement
                « Reply #38 on: July 28, 2005, 06:56:00 am »
                I believe that the suggestion is that someone use Dragon shapechange in the middle of town to get a reaction.


                RE: Amazement
                « Reply #39 on: July 28, 2005, 02:54:00 pm »
                When Turor saw his first wemic, his reaction wasn't surprise or worry, or any of that.

                It was hunger! And I think Acacea was there to clarify that he almost ate a wemic. "Woonder ehf eht'd test loik biff or checkin'..."

                "You better not! The cat might eat you instead!"