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Author Topic: Gamecube or Playstation 2?  (Read 1238 times)


Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2007, 04:57:56 pm »
 sega genesis and ps1 pwn noob64 and stupidnes *digs up and resurrects an old console war for no apparant reason*


Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2007, 04:59:01 pm »
Oh, and if you are like me and prone to trip over your controller sending your console half way across your room, then GC is your only choice.



Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2007, 05:13:56 pm »
Quote from: lonnarin
After Final Fantasy 9, the entire franchise is dead to me.

Here here.

Huzzah for SNES! Favourite console to date. Still playing SNES games to this very day. *Points to Magic Urn on sidepic* Though now with the Wii, I must say my hopes have been slightly raised - feels like Nintendo's "done it again." Returning gaming to the fun of gameplay for a wide audience, instead of selectively targeting only 14-17 year old boys.

I say go for the GC, the Playstation was the best of it's time (silence, N64 fans! :B) but the PS2 was rather lacking - never enticed me enough to waste hundreds of dollars on it. *Points to the games Kindo listed for GC*

Oh and a curse on your very soul if you so much as consider Xbox (or as we clever folk like to call it... Xsux ;) har har har)

*Is like AeonBlues in tripping respect*


Btw - PS controllers are the most comfortable and efficient ever created (Wii aside)


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    Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
    « Reply #23 on: April 24, 2007, 05:47:00 pm »
    Aye, from what i've read here, GC is looking much better, has good games, the multiplayer, Conker's Bad Fur Day and Mario Party on n64 gave me a good feeling about 4 players on a single, and funny (the most important) game...
     Just... any suggestions about games like Resident Evil or Silent Hill, or even Fatal Frame? (Survival Horror is good sometimes, i've played all REs from PS1, Code: Veronica on a friend's Dreamcast... and up to chapter 5 on a friend's PS2... :B)
     Then, I think GameCube is the choosen =)


    Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
    « Reply #24 on: April 24, 2007, 06:11:52 pm »
    Resident Evil is more of your typical zombie killing.
    Silent Hill is targeted more to your mind, a scare that you give yourself more than the game gives you.
    Fatal Frame is like a mix, although the second one was like a bad horror film. Expect running to be your normal way of fighting, since it takes way too much film to kill a monster ...


    Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
    « Reply #25 on: April 24, 2007, 06:29:02 pm »
    "Oh and a curse on your very soul if you so much as consider Xbox (or as we clever folk like to call it... Xsux ;) har har har)"
     yeah, its not like it doesnt have the best graphics and the best versions of all the multi-platform games or...
     forza motor sport (they say its better than gran turismo. honestly i cant pass judgement since i havent played it but i havent heard a single word of criticism about it)
     halo 2- best fps ever, period
     knights of the old republic 1&2- if you like rpgs, get these games TODAY
     morrowind-see above comment (theres so much to find in this game, i spent months on it, seriously)
     fable&jade empire- again never played em but i havent heard any complaints
     (i hope i dont come off as fanboyish or troll like. but seriously, someone tell me one bad thing about x-box. i have had plenty of experience with all of them and find x-box to be best)


    Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
    « Reply #26 on: April 24, 2007, 08:01:39 pm »
    Morrowind - months? How about years.. lol

    Morrowind on the PC! The point of Morrowind was basically the mods. I have NO idea how you people survived without them. Hundreds and hundreds of mods...

    Of course, Oblivion has been out for a long time now, and it's pretty much souped up Morrowind. So... I prefer the PC for that.

    Heard good things about Knights of the Old.

    But the Zeldas (especially Wind Waker), Eternal Darkness, and the Metroids are the GC's selling points, I think.

    One good thing about the PS2 - Castlevania! :B

    Then again, I still think it was better on the SNES.



    Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
    « Reply #27 on: April 24, 2007, 08:17:33 pm »
    The only negative thing I have to say about X-Box is that most of its top games are already on PC, so I never saw the need to get one.  If they had more console-exclusive titles, I'd be more interested; though I am appreciative for them being open in their licensing, being a heavy PC gamer.  Sure I miss out on a whole lot of classic franchises by not owning a console, but after Final Fantasy became "watercolor animanga fluffykins marshmallow land in space", I really haven't looked back to consoles since.

    I haven't found one yet that reproduces the undying beauty that was the holy trilogy of NES, SNES & Genesis.  The games were simple, novel, inventive and addictive.  Only a handful of the modern generation console games look tempting to me... the latest in the Chrono series, Smash Bros, that weird ultra cinematic game with the little red guy who slows time on the cube, Gauntlet, and the whole line of WWE games which release on everything BUT PC. (I weep every night at my PC for it's lacketh of smackdown)

    Certain games in the timeline killed the joy for the console for me.  This is my death to consoles rant.  Let is go in chronological Order. (as much as current sobriety can facilitate)

    January 31, 1997: FInal Fantasy 7.  Not because it was bad, quite the opposite.  It was so bloody good, you'd be insane NOT to get a copy!  This meant however, that all the hardcore Final Fantasy fans had to do a very scary and expensive thing; jump ship in the console wars and buy a Playstation.  Such was the betrayal of Squaresoft an aching and painful memory for us growing up... that sometimes you'll be dedicated to a game loyal to a console and it will just up and turn it's back on you without the common decency of releasing to any other console but the one which bribed it best.  The searing discomfort in the core of our souls was quite like the first time ever being dumped by a girlfriend.  It's like, what baby?  I meant nothing to you?  You're going over to HIS house, won't call, won't write?  What about all the good times?  It was my BIRTHDAY!  *cries*

    March 11, 1999: Castlevania 64.  Listen up console companies... You are NOT ALLOWED to make bad ports of Console Classics!  I repeat! You are NOT ALLOWED to make bad ports of Console Classics!  I grew up living, breathing, eating, sleeping, stabbing, worshipping all that was Castlevania, and THIS wretched thing wasn't even remotely anything closely resembling it!  After this, the Castlevania franchise jumped ship to Playstation... and actually rocked very hard there with wicked action and an unmatched soundtrack for a while. Not only was Castlevania 64 horrible in every aspect, but this was also the first game where one was required to shell out 50 bucks for a ultra kewl N64 RAM CHIP!  Oh but wait... it's only FOUR MEGABYTES!!!  ARGH!  

    1998, 4mb Expansion Pak RAMchip: So let me get this straight Nintendo... you decided to put an ultra-kewl slot on the board that you could slip back the hatch and ponder as a child... "what wonderous hightech gizmo will they invent for this mysterious slot?" and all it turns out to be is 4MB of RAM that could have just been soldered to the board in the beginning, and initially releasing it with... *gasp* 8mb RAM!  And the only games that use it are Majora's Mask, Donkey Kong and Castlevania!  I call pre-planned farce.

    Febuary 11, 1999: Final Fantasy 8.  The day the mana died.  Now all spellcasters are just vampiric mimics who "steal spells" and EVERYBODY knows magic...  I much better liked it when the main characters had different abilities and methods of battle to differentiate themselves from eachother, instead of being all the same character class with different stats.  In the olden days you had roles that each character would play, but by this game you never had to worry about mixing your casters with your fighters and your healers and summoners... because everybody pretty much did everything.  What worse, the story wasn't anywhere near as epic as 7.  Such a letdown after the franchise JUST made me shell out gp for a new system.  
    SQUALL!!! *shakes his fists to the air and screams like klingon just murdered his son*

    November 14, 2000: FInal Fantasy 9. *insert game* I am the main character.  I have a tail.  I have not yet entered puberty.  Everything is all fluffy, everything is nice.  Except the Black Mages are all esper-bots... ooops.  And the evilest character is a chicken... ow.  The villain is an effeminant man in a thong and a cybernetic halter top.  Image:Kuja.JPG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  
    *eject game*
    *cries in corner*
    Evil Playstation, I'me getting a Cube!

    March 24, 2003 Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker.  Link is not Link.  Link is some random kid who's about 6 years old and makes baby giggling noises when he talks.  Everything is all fluffy watercolor and looks like it was produced by Disney. I am afraid I might be attacked by teletubbies...

    I never bought another console.


    Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
    « Reply #28 on: April 24, 2007, 08:28:31 pm »
    very well put *grins* just wanted to point out that most multi-platform games are on pc and the only xbox exclusive games i know of for pc are:
     kotor I
     halo I


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      Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
      « Reply #29 on: April 24, 2007, 08:39:20 pm »
      Quote from: lonnarin
      Evil Playstation, I'me getting a Cube!

      March 24, 2003 Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker.  Link is not Link.  Link is some random kid who's about 6 years old and makes baby giggling noises when he talks.  Everything is all fluffy watercolor and looks like it was produced by Disney. I am afraid I might be attacked by teletubbies...

      I never bought another console.

      I guess you should play RE 0, 1 or 4... or even MP (1 or 2)... at least Leon is Leon, Rebecca is Rebecca, Chris is Chris, Samus is Samus, no one look younger than 18... and... I'm sure you're not going to be attacked by Teletubbies =P


      Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
      « Reply #30 on: April 24, 2007, 09:47:57 pm »
      Quote from: lonnarin
      March 24, 2003 Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. Link is not Link. Link is some random kid who's about 6 years old and makes baby giggling noises when he talks. Everything is all fluffy watercolor and looks like it was produced by Disney. I am afraid I might be attacked by teletubbies...

      Hilarious. But not very thoughtful! Link is basically never the same Link in any of the games.. but that's besides the point.

      Wind Waker is beautiful. I don't know about you, but I'm sick of "photo-realistic" rendered faces and shiny, shiny water! The graphics and display of Wind Waker was novel, daring, and while all the 12 year olds cried and screamed "what the hell is this?", myself (and others like me) breathed a sigh of relief. Physics engines and photorealism are all well and good for, say, Half Life 2. But they more often cause games to just look and feel the same - at the expense of time and production cost of innovation, creativity, heart and soul...

      Err my point being, I love Wind Waker's unique take on the series. Do you really want every single installment to be exactly the same as the last? Also.. the Legend of Zelda is a fairy tale. It features a young boy in green who has a fairy-guide and slays bestial monsters to save the princess. So Wind Waker was chibi-fied, maybe that's not to your style. But would you have preferred it looked like every other game being produced at that time (and even now)? With a poorly-attempted realistic polygon of a rather androgynous pretty-boy somewhere in his teens?

      I LOVE the Link in Wind Waker. I LOVE the fact that they included sound blurbs instead of voice-acting (I can't stand voice acting. I want to PLAY a game, not LISTEN to some dull voice actor READ the lines to me, very, very slowly! I am capable of reading myself!)

      The expressions in Wind Waker are just incredible. Have you seen the look Link gets on his face when a boss pops up? Grrr!! Or when he sidles? <.<

      Well, other than that, the music fits perfectly, battles are terribly fun (if not terribly challenging), it's quirky, quick, inventive, and addictive. It's not FF7, it's not Ocarina of Time, but it's an incredible game that has a lot to offer, even if it's chibi-fied.

      But I'll wait for Kindo to jump down your throat on this. ;)

      Other than that, I agree with everything else in your post, Ionnarin. Except that I'm a Playstation fan - Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX, Tactics, Chrono Cross, and some minor fun things like Bandicoot (heh) were more than enough for me. Not like I had money to throw around on many games and consoles, anyways.

      Edit: The #1, indisputable, invariable, incontestable reason why Wind Waker is worth it...
      Piggies. Delicious, nutritious, mind-burstingly adorable, fat, fat piggies! Grunting and snuffling about! Piggies! :o

      Re-edits: And what's wrong with Disney? Disney's awesome! At least, much like everything else, it used to be. :B Beauty and the Beast, anyone? Eh heh heh heh

      Err I failed my will-saving throw against resisting the urge to go on a Final Fantasy rant. So.. here's a tiny tiny one (keep in mind it's 4am for me..)

      FFVIII - As a member of the series, I find it looks rather shameful - can't so much as hold a candle to VI and VII. Every character is incredibly annoying, the same age, and has the same background - and thanks to Nomura's "designing skills," has the same face with a different hair-style. How terribly dull and aggravating. The plot attempted to be more "modern day" and just was left dull and un-fantastical, what with its poorly made "political struggle" and all. And I would basically re-iterate what you said about the combat system - either you're watching the same horribly long GF animations (boredom mildly alleviated by square-button mashing), or you're drawing the new couple spells from the enemy. Over and over and over and over until you've got between 100-300. Tra la la. Thank god the battles are easy enough that you very rarely have to worry about dying in the meantime, so long as you do remember to draw.

      The junction system was a gamble, and it lost. It was a bit addictive to begin with, but it didn't last and it felt wrong.

      The plot failed, the characters were completely aggravating, the battles were more often than not a tedium of hearing the "draw" sound played over and over and over again. Yet I still like this game. It doesn't elbow up to any other titles in the series (and like lo, I consider the series to be I to IX, and nothing after that), but I still consider it a well-made game. Just not a good Final Fantasy.

      If you like different classes and skillsets, why didn't you like Final Fantasy IX for that respect? FFVII is my (and I'm being so unique here) favourite, and a huge part of that is the amount of grunge, darkness, and grittiness in the game. As far as sci-fi, anime, fantasy and RPGs go, the plot is nothing short of a masterstroke (plot-holes and gaps considered, we gotta remember, their release date was slashed by a month or so). Characters and char development - incredible for a game. I mean, for 2/3 of the game, the main character thinks he's someone else! Area design, atmosphere, music, battle, monsters, materia-system, LIMIT BREAKS, Shin'ra - all getting 11/10 here. Gotta love the purple jumper. Okay. I'll shut up about that now. What I was trying to say was - Grittiness.

      Yes, FFIX is fluffy and hasn't much in the ways of gravity or epic-ness, which is all that VII (and VI) was/were. But IX too has wonderful design, atmosphere, and characters - it's just of a very different sort. I can't say I enjoyed IX anywhere near as much as I did other titles, because of that very point you're raising - "marshmallow fluffykins" isn't up my alley. I'd rather be following the trail of blood, bodies, and claw-rents in the metal walls up the many levels of the Shin'ra HQ. But IX I still find has value (and Vivi's just the best, come on), is still enticing, endearing and fun, still very challenging, has an excellent music score, artwork, and well, it's much better than VIII, all things considered. Mmm, tasty ability stones..

      And whaddya mean, the main evil is a chicken? How about the toughest battle on any FF, the big floaty ball we call Ozma? :D


      Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
      « Reply #31 on: April 25, 2007, 07:18:25 am »
      Quote from: lonnarin

      November 14, 2000: FInal Fantasy 9. The villain is an effeminant man in a thong and a cybernetic halter top.  Image:Kuja.JPG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  
      *eject game*
      *cries in corner*
      Evil Playstation, I'me getting a Cube!

      *Steals Kuja and hides him in a basement* Mine I tell You!


      Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
      « Reply #32 on: April 25, 2007, 10:02:35 am »
      Quote from: kenty191
      *Steals Kuja and hides him in a basement* Mine I tell You!
      *Glove slap* I challenge you to a duel! The winner gets Kuja's heart. Heh, by far one of the most colourful and amazing villains in the series, only rivalled by Kefka (and possibly Sephiroth). Either way, I don't feel like ranting about FFIX for now. It is my undisputed favourite in the series, however.

      In any case, dear Ionnarin, The Wind Waker is a visual masterpiece. While most game designers try to create yet another photo-realistic WWII-shooter, and people were expecting another Zelda in the style of Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask, Nintendo (or Miyamoto, in particular) went out on a limb and created a masterful piece of art with never-before-seen cel-shading graphics. Nintendo has always been about  re-invention and re-building old concepts from the ground up. The Wii is a perfect example of what Nintendo is all about; revolution. They have always been holding the reins for the entire gaming industry. With The Wind Waker, they created beautiful art no other company would even dare to do. New games are not supposed to just be souped-up graphics of other, already-made games.

      Games are creations of people's souls, and supposed to be re-inventing, tugging at our hearts, leaving us thinking "I can't wait to see what will happen next, or what they will do in the future!" The Wind Waker is one of those legendary pieces that will live on in history, simply because it dared to step out of line and walk its own path. Just like Ico or Shadow of the Colossus. The Wind Waker is gorgeous, and an absolutely fantastic game. It's sad that you won't get to experience it the way I, and so many others, have. It is by far one of the best entries in the whole Zelda-franchise.


      Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
      « Reply #33 on: April 25, 2007, 10:07:23 am »
      Quote from: Kindo
      *Glove slap* I challenge you to a duel! The winner gets Kuja's heart.

      *Sneaks off with Kuja while the two K's are locked in a battle-to-the-death*

      Nyak nyak nyak... 8)


      Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
      « Reply #34 on: April 25, 2007, 12:23:32 pm »
      Quote from: MJZ
      *Sneaks off with Kuja while the two K's are locked in a battle-to-the-death*

      Nyak nyak nyak... 8)


      *Runs off to find Zell to steal instead...or Wakka*



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        Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
        « Reply #35 on: April 25, 2007, 01:13:00 pm »
        not to get off topic.. greatest Fighting game of all time..
        N64 Wrestlemania 2000  heck about once a year some of my friends come over and we have tournaments for 15 hours strait.. that game rox.. just go buy that for your n64..

        in reality.. PS2 has way more options and will be more fun, plus they are still making new ps2 games, where they are not making new gamecube games.

        get a ps2.. if you want gamecubish, go find some classics for your n64..


        Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
        « Reply #36 on: April 25, 2007, 01:44:20 pm »
        You know, I keep wanting to contribute something meaningful to this thread, but the last console I used was Colecovision.

        Donkey Kong FTW!


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          Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
          « Reply #37 on: April 25, 2007, 01:52:05 pm »
          DOnkey Kong?? BS.. it's all about mouse trap & the smurfs


          Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
          « Reply #38 on: January 28, 2010, 01:14:20 am »
          want the best rpg games...try to find a commodore 64 :) i love my c64 still to this day. but i still have room for my wii ps2 and 3 and lots of layo.