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Author Topic: Be Careful of your in game Love intrests  (Read 313 times)


Be Careful of your in game Love intrests
« on: February 13, 2006, 08:58:56 am »
This is a link to a news story.

I saw this story and thought of all the couples in the game.
Its disturbing to hear of such.Just remember ,you nver know who is on the other side of the computer.


RE: Be Careful of your in game Love intrests
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2006, 09:01:34 am »

Thunder Pants

Re: Be Careful of your in game Love intrests
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2006, 09:12:57 am »
heres a few notes if you ever plan to meet people that you meet online or in a game of any kind

1) meet at a nuetral public place, this means don't have them drive to your home, meet them at a coffee shop or something first, it's a place in public and reletivly safe, and if it turns out you don't like the person or something to that end you don't have to tell them where you live and there is no worry of them stalking you

2) don't imedietly leave the nuetral point to go somewhere more private, the idea of the nuetral point is so you can get to know the person in a face to face environment without danger

out of curiosity Force, do you know when that article was written, i don't see a time stamp on the silly thing anywhere


RE: Be Careful of your in game Love intrests
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2006, 09:55:39 am »
Gay marches in WoW servers? Seriously, you're playing an RP game, what does yourself being a gay has to do with this. Sick!

Never playing a MMORPG!


Re: Be Careful of your in game Love intrests
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2006, 09:59:24 am »
TP, it was Oct 25 2005 per this website on Domestic violence victims:

Scroll down a bit.



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    RE: Be Careful of your in game Love intrests
    « Reply #5 on: February 13, 2006, 10:03:58 am »
    Ar7 - 2/13/2006  5:55 PM

    Gay marches in WoW servers? Seriously, you're playing an RP game, what does yourself being a gay has to do with this. Sick!

    Never playing a MMORPG!

    True Say

    playing online for me is about escaping your normal everyday life.


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    Re: Be Careful of your in game Love intrests
    « Reply #6 on: February 13, 2006, 10:09:15 am »
    WoW isn't all about RP sadly, and much like any competitive PvP game, like First Person Shooters, the term 'gay' is mostly used in an offensive way...
     I guess that some people got fed up and fought for the cause mentioned above, instead of simply ignoring spoiled brats and sour losers that are easily found in WoW and other non-RP, PvP environments.


    Re: Be Careful of your in game Love intrests
    « Reply #7 on: February 13, 2006, 12:08:09 pm »
    Yeah, I played WoW for a few month.  Really isn't much RP as much as exp trend mill and doing NPC quests.  Instead of actually "becoming" a character when playing like in Layo, the WoW character at most just feel like a tool, and nothing else.  Since sexuality is an integral part of a person, it is no wonder that there will be LGBT friendly guilds in WoW.

    Too many immature players in most of the MMORPG out there, no doubt about that.


    Re: Be Careful of your in game Love intrests
    « Reply #8 on: February 13, 2006, 12:42:41 pm »
    Ya I really can't stress enough how wise and important it is to keep these fantasy role-play relationships just that - fantasy. I've been fortunate enough that who ever I've had a PC relationship with (though none on this server) we've kept in touch yet kept it "professional" if you will.  Please be careful if you decide to meet and like Thunderpants has stated, keep it to a public place.

    Thunder Pants

    Re: Be Careful of your in game Love intrests
    « Reply #9 on: February 13, 2006, 12:43:09 pm »
    you have to realise that in a sense we are very fortunete here on Layonara, Wow, and most MMRPG's there is actually very light on the roleplaying part, and when you consider there are a large part of the players that tend to say things along the lines of "i can't believe they nerfed rogues, thats so gay" or "you got me killed you fagot" and all these instances go by unpunished it's actually not that surprising that some people may advertise their guild as GLBT "friendly" this by the way did not mean that you were only one of those if you were in the guild, just that people of that sexual persuasion could be free of insensitive banter while in it

    also since banter such as above go unpunished it's not unsurprising the amount of media attention this recieved when the girl was reprimanded for it

    Thunder Pants

    Re: Be Careful of your in game Love intrests
    « Reply #10 on: February 13, 2006, 12:45:56 pm »
    Shadowblade225 - 2/13/2006  12:42 PM

    Ya I really can't stress enough how wise and important it is to keep these fantasy role-play relationships just that - fantasy. I've been fortunate enough that who ever I've had a PC relationship with (though none on this server) we've kept in touch yet kept it "professional" if you will.  Please be careful if you decide to meet and like Thunderpants has stated, keep it to a public place.

    to be fair there is nothing wrong with meeting people that you meet online, so long as you are smart about it, infact i have met a few people from Layonara including Leanthar as well as several other people that don't play here anylonger


    Re: Be Careful of your in game Love intrests
    « Reply #11 on: February 13, 2006, 01:00:00 pm »
    Didn't bother to read the articles, because of my disgustingly vast experience in regards to 'net relationships.

    Long ago, before NWN, berfore WoW, and before the rest of that crap (even before Furcadia became popular!), there were IRC chatrooms. Now, these chatrooms were specifically tied to an RP forum, where lots of forum-style RP went on (write a bigass post about your character and his/her actions, let the other go, repeat), so these chatrooms became venues for RP themselves. Just as people have relationships, so too, did characters in these chatrooms have relationships; however, due to the more immersive nature of this style of RP (not Players and Player Characters, but just one person with a given screenname), the line between character and player became so blurred as to be nonexistent.

    You can see where things go from there. People start calling each other, even taking trips to see one another, and all hell could and did break loose.

    With Layonara, however...

    There is a very clear distinction between player and character on Layo, a distinction made stronger by the multiple characters many players have. As such, there are quite a few in-game relationships in which the players actually aren't interested in each other any more than two novellists who write in the same genre are interested in each other. For example, myself and EvilPhd (Silool). Pyyran, my character, and Silool, EvilPhd's, are very much involved, yet EvilPhd and I see each other as fellow roleplayers, and little more (though EvilPhd is a decidedly niftycool person). Personally, it's more and more refreshing, the more I think back to the olden days when I have to wonder at how I wasn't losing my mind.

    So... Funfun.


    Re: Be Careful of your in game Love intrests
    « Reply #12 on: February 14, 2006, 12:49:43 pm »
    So Celgars gonna come kill me?  cool...  too bad his girlfriend would string him up by the well... male area if he thought about it, and my boyfriend would probably tie him to a tree and take an axe to him...

    I think that the problem comes when people forget the basic rules: yeah, it would be kinda fun to meet people from Layo...  see if they are anything like thier characters-but in reality?  probably never gonna happen.

    I was on a MUD (I think it was a IRC thing... lots of words, no pictures...)  and was going to meet people off of it.  never did.  They had a get together every year in the mountains down south...  woulda loved to go, but too far...  you know what I mean?

    Sometimes people need to be reminded what is reality, and what isn't.  I am not and never will be in love with someone from Layo: its just really tons of fun to hang out with certain characters!  and to talk on MSN with them is sometimes ok too....  Celgars girlfriend is awesome-and just as sick minded as myself!

    Its sad that someone died because she thought that a motel room would be a safe place, and that a fake character would be a person like that RL:maybe it will teach some people the facts of life.

    now, whats dangerous is having reef fish tanks: we meet people, absolute strangers, all the time in thier homes... all because of a certain fish, or coral, or rock...  hopefully there aren't too many psychos out there that would take advantage of THAT situation... it would be terrible!!!


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    Re: Be Careful of your in game Love intrests
    « Reply #13 on: February 14, 2006, 08:08:41 pm »
    Plutonic or Romantic attachments can be made in any medium, I'm sure the odd sicko used to exsist in the form of 'penpals' in a time before the Net. All i can say is that the media only reports the two extremeties of the situations eg: that poor ladies death or eg. Brad says he met Angelie in a Wow chatroom etc etc
    I am sure that there are communities that exsist on the Net that talk over the phone and/or meet regularly and have had no problems above and beyond lifes normal dramas too. It comes as no surprise me to me either of these two instances, albeit a tragic one in the case of the death and an odd one in the case of the Gay Rights.
    The thing about the Gay Rights one I find confusing is why do they feel the need to advertise the fact? Doesn't this in fact open the door to persecution of themselves? IMO i think the girl is just an attention seeker who goes out of her way to be noticed and/or different.
    Hey btw does anyone want to join my exclusive Layo guild for Hetro white Buddahist men over the age of 30?

    Talan Va'lash

    Re: Be Careful of your in game Love intrests
    « Reply #14 on: February 17, 2006, 12:30:18 pm »
    Thunder Pants - 2/13/2006  1:43 PM

    you have to realise that in a sense we are very fortunete here on Layonara, Wow, and most MMRPG's there is actually very light on the roleplaying part, and when you consider there are a large part of the players that tend to say things along the lines of "i can't believe they nerfed rogues, thats so gay" or "you got me killed you fagot" and all these instances go by unpunished it's actually not that surprising that some people may advertise their guild as GLBT "friendly" this by the way did not mean that you were only one of those if you were in the guild, just that people of that sexual persuasion could be free of insensitive banter while in it

    also since banter such as above go unpunished it's not unsurprising the amount of media attention this recieved when the girl was reprimanded for it

    Blech, I'd join this guild just becuase language like that pisses me off.


    Edit: If I were ever to play WoW... which I'm not going to... so, this is purely hypothetical.

