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Author Topic: nwn2 changeover  (Read 258 times)

tom bombadill

nwn2 changeover
« on: September 09, 2006, 11:37:58 am »
forgive me if this has been addressed already, a quick search of nwn2 didn't reveal the answer.

it's my understanding that the server is going to switch over fairly quickly after release. i am wondering what the plans are for carrying over the plot and moslty with characters. there seems to be a few changes with some classes and feats awarded at levels. will old characters stay the same or will character builds be updated or revamped with the switch as well?

Guardian 452

Re: nwn2 changeover
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2006, 11:43:03 am »
I dont think Layo has even commited to switching at all yet.

L and company can adress that, and I know their is thread out there someplace taoking about it.

EDIT Here is one of the better links to go through.



Re: nwn2 changeover
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2006, 12:34:10 pm »
I want to stress again...I do not know if we are going to nwn2...I can't stress that enough. If we do (or do not) we will have another campaign run and it will be starting within a few months and I have actually done two things to start moving it foward...We are several months away before an official campaign starts--it will happen with or without nwn2 though.


Re: nwn2 changeover
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2006, 03:05:11 pm »
Sweetness. (And that's all I have to say about that.)


Re: nwn2 changeover
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2006, 07:03:29 pm »
I for one would be perfectly content with Layonara continueing on as it is.

If at some point in time in the future Leanthar and crew DOES switch over to NwN2 I would hope it would be after:

A)Major bugs and patches have been worked out.
B)The price comes down on it.
C)The NwN community gets ahold of the toolsets and stuff and some of those brainiacs out there that lurk on the vault make a few utilitarian patches to make PW's easier (if they are even going to be possible)
D)The GM team here had enough time to put together a quality RP world.



Re: nwn2 changeover
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2006, 04:27:32 pm »
I agree with Vyris on this. I have read through a few posts in the forums that discusses whether Layonara is moving forward with NWN2. IMHO, the strength of Layonara comes from the hard work by the GMs, and everyone working behind the scenes and the community. I am sure that there are limitations within NWN, but I am sure with the mods that Dorg makes to the existing engine, most of those limitations are mitigated.

What makes me keep come back to Layonara?

-Its the RP and the people I meet. There are a few people that I have started to especially enjoy RP with, with good or bad outcomes. It always keeps me guessing what they will do next.

-Its the player led stories that Layonara has. Never have I heard of a world where the players can create their drama. And do it well. The CDTs tell all.

-Its the spontaeneous events that DMs put ingame. I also appreciate the endless effort to keep the game clean and running smoothly and L or the GMs taking the appropriate measures.  Griefing/Banning/Recovering items. I am guilty of bad inventory management and while helping out with another issue, one of the GMs casually pointed out the problem and the effect on the server which I was not aware of (i am trying to sort that out now).

-Its the scheduled quests that now the official campaigns that L runs (the last was Blood, now he is saying he is drumming something up!excellent)

If Layonara ever does move to NWN2 what I fear most is that we lose a part of this wonderful and interesting community. The cost of NWN2 is going to be NZ$100 or more, (not quite sure what the US or rest of the world is going to be). Not to mention the upgrades to the computers. From my understanding that NWN2 requires a fast  machine. I know for a games machine its going to cost $3000NZ, and yes some will go right ahead and buy it straight away. But there will always be some that will be left out. And any kind of loss of a community (that makes this world real IMO) is something that I for one would not like to see in a community such as this one.


Re: nwn2 changeover
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2006, 04:32:50 pm »
I'm on a Mac so the longer the delay to NWN2 the better (as far as i'm concerned!)

*thought* I give my two cents worth so often, I think i'm up to about $6.34 . . .

Talan Va'lash

Re: nwn2 changeover
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2006, 10:55:08 pm »
Pseudonym - 9/20/2006  5:32 PM

I'm on a Mac so the longer the delay to NWN2 the better (as far as i'm concerned!)

*thought* I give my two cents worth so often, I think i'm up to about $6.34 . . .

Mac and especially linux support, I'm sure is one of the concerns in going to NWN2. Not only would we lose that portion of our players if NWN does not support them but a significant percentage of our development team are non-windows users.

I really hope Atari does not decide to put out a windows only product as a lot of the NWN community that is involved in custom content creation (module design etc.) and running nwn1 servers are non windows users as well.


Re: nwn2 changeover
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2006, 11:12:19 pm »
I'm certain that the laptop I do a good 85% + of my playtime on won't run NWN 2 so I don't mind waiting a while for the change over either.


Re: nwn2 changeover
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2006, 05:45:13 am »
Talan Va'lash - 9/21/2006  12:55 AM  
  I really hope Atari does not decide to put out a windows only product as a lot of the NWN community that is involved in custom content creation (module design etc.) and running nwn1 servers are non windows users as well.
  Right now, the key limiting factor is one of technology. NWN2 does not use OpenGL, a cross-platform 3D graphics library. Instead, it relies on DirectX 9.0c, which is a (currently) Windows-only graphics library. So either someone (be it Atari or Obsidian) has to make the decision to extend support to OpenGL (and thereby make Linux/Mac ports possible) or someone needs to port the DirectX libraries to OSX and Linux.
  Either way, it's likely not going to happen any time soon, and surely not by the release date of NWN2.


Re: nwn2 changeover
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2006, 10:47:57 am »
Which has been moved back again... to Halloween, October 31st.



RE: nwn2 changeover
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2006, 12:09:55 pm »
As a player, I'm entirely content with taking however long Leanthar and the Team need to build a first-rate world on the Nwn2 platform comparable to what we have now.  So I'm seconding Vyris' suggestions, above.  Furthermore, for me it's immaterial whether or not we +ever+ convert to Nwn2.