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Author Topic: Character Build Calculator for Layonara (Beta 2 now available)  (Read 826 times)


This is a Layonara-specific version of Kamiryn's Character Build Calculator (CBC) from the IGN Neverwinter Vault.  The CBC is a very useful tool for character planning, allowing you to try out different combinations of classes, feats, and skills in order to better define your character (strengths and weaknesses) while still ensuring that your choices will allow you to progress the character as desired.

The file (too large to be attached here) is located at:

CBC 2.80.1 for Layonara (Beta 2)
CBC 2.80.1 for Layonara (Beta 1)

Please post questions, comments, and bug reports here.


Quick Start Guide[LIST=1]
  • Assign attribute scores (cells W2-AB2), the row below (W3-AB3) will show you the point costs of your selections
  • Assign race (cell AP2), this will display racial feats (cells AP6-AP16), including, when appropriate, an entry field for the human bonus feat at level 1; also, ability adjustments will be made (cells W4-AB4) and final adjusted abilities will be displayed (cells W5-AB5)
  • Assign up to three classes (cells BJ3-BL3) that the character will use
  • Enter your first class, by abbreviation (cell B6); this class must be one of the three you selected in the previous step.  Note that once the class is selected, the rest of the row will automatically update itself to reflect the properties of that class (BAB, saving throws, etc.).  If the class choice is illegal based on various prerequisites, the class abbreviation will show up in red text.
  • Assign feat(s) available at that level (cell AV6, possibly also AP6, BA6, and/or BF6).  If you try to take an invalid feat due to prerequisites or other requirement, the feat name will appear as red text.  If you try to hand-enter a feat and it comes up gray (it may takke a second before a valid entry turns black), then you have made a typo.  Certain classes have special class abilities that are represented as bonus feats, for example, Clerical domains, Ranger favored enemies, Weapon Master's weapon of choice, etc.
  • Assign skill ranks (cells EL6-FM6) as desired.  If a rank shows up as red text, then you've put in more ranks in that skill than is allowed for your character level.
  • Repeat for the next class level (this time, row 7); continue until you've assigned all the class levels you want (you do not need to go all the way to level 40)
  • Every fourth character level, you can add an ability increase by choosing the proper value in column AU.
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Re: Character Build Calculator for Layonara (Beta 1)
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2007, 11:25:21 am »
Could come quite in handy, once I get the hang of how it works. I will also report any bugs or inconsistencies I might come across.

Thank you.


Re: Character Build Calculator for Layonara (Beta 1)
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2007, 11:35:32 am »
Yeah, the original doesn't come with instructions either.  :)

You only need to be concerned about two of the tabs on the sheet -- "Character" and "Output".  "Character" is the only one you should (hopefully, even can) edit.  Select your race and class(es) from the appropriate drop-down boxes, assign ability cores (point buy), assign a class (by abbreviation) to each level on the far left, and choose the appropriate feat(s) at each level.  Also, assign ability score advancements at the appropriate levels.

You can also scroll the sheet over to the right and assign ranks at each level (class, cross-class, and prohibited skills should work correctly).

Clerical domains, ranger favored enemies, rogue special abilities, etc., all are represented as bonus feats -- you should be able to only select valid options in these cases.

The "Output" page then summarizes all of your choices in one, relatively easy to read (and post, if desired) format.


Re: Character Build Calculator for Layonara (Beta 1)
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2007, 12:07:19 pm »
I hope the uptake of this isn't too great. I salute you for the idea, but Layo should be about Character not Power-builds.


Re: Character Build Calculator for Layonara (Beta 1)
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2007, 12:20:07 pm »
Quote from: Nibor21
I hope the uptake of this isn't too great. I salute you for the idea, but Layo should be about Character not Power-builds.

I did this as an outgrowth of this thread.  Character planning isn't just about powerbuilding (and every powerbuild has weaknesses anyway, not to mention that the most significant abuses of the mechanics are weeded out via the submissions/approvals process), it's about planning in general.

Newer players can use the tool to make sure they don't make mistakes, e.g., get to level 10+, want to take a PrC, only to find out they goofed on feat or skill selections despite otherwise RP'ing the character correctly for the PrC.

More experienced players can use it to check the feasibility of certain class/feat/skill options.  It can be used to powerbuild, but it can also be used to introduce flaws without wrecking character concepts.  

In short, it's a tool.  Any tool can be used for good or for ill.


Re: Character Build Calculator for Layonara (Beta 1)
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2007, 12:31:56 pm »
incidentally it doesn't work. I get an error on opening it. It appears to be trying a doc called CBC280-Layo.xls


Re: Character Build Calculator for Layonara (Beta 1)
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2007, 12:35:15 pm »
Quote from: Nibor21
incidentally it doesn't work. I get an error on opening it. It appears to be trying a doc called CBC280-Layo.xls

Yeah, check the README.txt -- it's a known bug.  Just select "no" and you should be OK (I hope).  If not, this is a showstopper.


Re: Character Build Calculator for Layonara (Beta 1)
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2007, 12:44:01 pm »
*Gives Faldred an old fashioned look* Read a readme.txt? Are you mad?.............. ;)


Re: Character Build Calculator for Layonara (Beta 1)
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2007, 12:45:24 pm »
Quote from: Nibor21
*Gives Faldred an old fashioned look* Read a readme.txt? Are you mad?.............. ;)

I will say the software developers who work for me would be shocked to see that I voluntarily documented anything...


Re: Character Build Calculator for Layonara (Beta 1)
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2007, 01:10:33 pm »
Quote from: Nibor21
I hope the uptake of this isn't too great. I salute you for the idea, but Layo should be about Character not Power-builds.

Powerful characters are nothing to frown at.

Talan Va'lash

Re: Character Build Calculator for Layonara (Beta 1)
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2007, 09:51:08 pm »
Quote from: Nibor21
*Gives Faldred an old fashioned look* Read a readme.txt? Are you mad?.............. ;)

The README.txt is still a very common convention. However many people (including yourself apparently hehe) ignore them and go through life quite unaware of their existance.


Re: Character Build Calculator for Layonara (Beta 1)
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2007, 07:04:42 pm »
Looks pretty... I was able to open it, select a race and assign ability points but I could no figure out how to assign a class.  Little drop down menu thing was empty (though it had 3 "selectable" slots), I tried typing in the class abbr. and it screamed at me...

Kinda stuck on level 1 :/


Re: Character Build Calculator for Layonara (Beta 1)
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2007, 09:46:16 pm »
Quote from: minerva
Looks pretty... I was able to open it, select a race and assign ability points but I could no figure out how to assign a class.  Little drop down menu thing was empty (though it had 3 "selectable" slots), I tried typing in the class abbr. and it screamed at me...

Kinda stuck on level 1 :/

Anyone else having this problem?  

This should be cells BJ3, BK3, and BL3 -- you need to use the full class name, not the abbreviation.  Once you fill in those cells, then you can select a class at each level in column B by abbreviation.


Re: Character Build Calculator for Layonara (Beta 1)
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2007, 12:09:13 am »
Yep.  Class drop down box was empty.  

I had a quick look at the program, as I was curious.  But I wasn't too worried as I already have plans for my current characters.


Re: Character Build Calculator for Layonara (Beta 1)
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2007, 07:11:08 am »
Quote from: stragen
Yep.  Class drop down box was empty.

And that was in cells BJ3, BK3, and BL3?

Are you using OpenOffice or Excel?


Re: Character Build Calculator for Layonara (Beta 1)
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2007, 08:04:09 am »
Added quick-start guide to the main post... those having trouble selecting classes, please be sure you are trying step #3 before step#4.


Re: Character Build Calculator for Layonara (Beta 1)
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2007, 08:16:34 am »
Well... I got the classes in, but I can' seem to make it think that Skald is legal. BAB 6, Toughness Lore 6, Discipline 6, Perform 6 Still shows up as red.

Will monkey with this when I have more time.


Re: Character Build Calculator for Layonara (Beta 1)
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2007, 08:32:55 am »
That's a bug... for some reason, I have Barbarian Rage instead of Bard Song encoded as a prerequisite.  Fixed in the next version.


Re: Character Build Calculator for Layonara (Beta 1)
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2007, 11:08:11 am »
Beta 2 coming soon (I hope)... current changelog:
  • [BUG FIX] Found and removed external document link that created an annoying prompt when loading the sheet
  • [BUG FIX] Corrected Skald prerequisites to use Bardic Music ability rather than Barbarian Rage ability (Reported by minerva)
  • [BUG FIX] Sacred Fist base skill points per level changed from 2 to 4
  • [BUG FIX] Updated class requirements text for Undead Slayer to indicate Lore 6 ranks instead of Lore 2 ranks
  • Added feats to lay groundwork for adding divine casting levels to Sacred Fist and Undead Slayer classes via a class level 1 "bonus feat"; the calculations still need to be modified accordingly.  The sheet will still allow you to take Sacred Fist with only one level of Paladin or Ranger, but you won't be able to select a valid "bonus feat" at SF level 1 without the correct spellcasting prerequisite (ditto for Undead slayer with only 1 level of Paladin; for some reason, the sheet isn't properly recognizing the Cleric and Paladin Turn Undead abilities as a valid feat prerequisite, even though it should)
  • Updated available/bonus feat lists for Layonara-specific classes
  • Minor typos corrected


Re: Character Build Calculator for Layonara (Beta 1)
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2007, 08:19:53 am »
Beta 2 now available (see [edited] original post) with the changelog as previously specified.

Most importantly, the external document link has been found and eliminated.