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Author Topic: DM quests and soulstones  (Read 248 times)


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    RE: DM quests and soulstones
    « Reply #20 on: June 19, 2005, 08:41:00 pm »
    Why would you carry more than one soulstone?


    RE: DM quests and soulstones
    « Reply #21 on: June 19, 2005, 08:42:00 pm »
    Why wouldn't you carry more than one? :D Dying twice is possible afterall...


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      RE: DM quests and soulstones
      « Reply #22 on: June 19, 2005, 08:57:00 pm »
      Does it get used up after one use?  I didn't know that...Dang...I have to buy another one.  They still are alittle expensive.  The most GP I've had at one time was 1000 and that got split in half due to death so now the most I ever have is 600.  hehe Remy Zephyr is always such a poor basturd. :)


      RE: DM quests and soulstones
      « Reply #23 on: June 19, 2005, 09:03:00 pm »
      Romona, 250gp is not very much and you know that by now.  Killing goblins one area (and the beginng of a cave) west of Hlint will give you nearly that amount in a very short period of time--not to mention the crypts and other very near areas.  You are a high enough level that you can get that amount of gold in a quick time.
        Why would a SOUL STONE not be used up on a death?  It is rescuing your soul after all, or do you think the rescue of a soul from the Soul Mother is to be taken lightly? 
        Come on now, lets not milk things more than what we have already stretched to the max in a RP fashion.  I am all for allowing players to have fun while RP'ing but to stretch "realism" any more would destroy the immersion to the max.
        There really is a line that we have to draw and not cross, this is certainly one of them.


      RE: DM quests and soulstones
      « Reply #24 on: June 19, 2005, 09:32:00 pm »
      just a thought
       ..the cleric  candetect if you have a soul stone on you right.. can that cleric also detect which god you choose to worship (if any) so as to present the cleric with the reason to not raise the dead person, if the dead persons god is not allied to theirs, or is this capability outside the game parameters? Or has this been brought up before.
      There can be only One.


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        RE: DM quests and soulstones
        « Reply #25 on: June 19, 2005, 09:50:00 pm »
        I was just joking, completely joking.  I honestly didn't know that they got used up, so I was going "oh I see...didn't know that..."  And it is still very hard for remy (who is a rogue) to kill those goblins, they like killing him first ;).  I was joking when I call him a poor basturd (remy calls himself that in game as RP).  Balit and I tease about that in game as part of my character's personality (he has a sense of humor, and don't tell me there is no swearing in game, "Damn your eyes" is built into the game after all).  I wasn't complaining; and for me, personally, it is hard for me to raise money and not be massacred in most of those areas still.  I didn't mean for anyone to take my comment so badly, I apoligize.  Supposed to bring laughter...oh well.


        RE: DM quests and soulstones
        « Reply #26 on: June 20, 2005, 04:05:00 am »
        silverblades - 6/19/2005  11:32 PM

        just a thought
         ..the cleric  candetect if you have a soul stone on you right.. can that cleric also detect which god you choose to worship (if any) so as to present the cleric with the reason to not raise the dead person, if the dead persons god is not allied to theirs, or is this capability outside the game parameters? Or has this been brought up before.

        There's this little gem that clerics can buy called the Soul Eye Gem or something like that which detects soulstones.  Unless that's changed, I don't think it detects one's diety....and it probably shouldn't, even though it is possible within the game's parameters, since that specific info should come out through RP.  There's the "Bless Test" where a cleric casts Bless and sees who actually gets blessed and who doesn't, thereby fishing out who may be following an eneme diety, but that's specifics.


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          RE: DM quests and soulstones
          « Reply #27 on: October 27, 2005, 10:04:00 am »
          *Bumping since we got a lot of new players starting to go on quests*

          Two notes:

          New non-clerics: carrying soulstones is a mark of respect for the other players.
          New clerics: you dont have to raise people. They just insulted your diety? Then let them rot. They don't carry a soulstone? Heh must be their way of saying "no thanks - dont want to be raised"

