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Author Topic: adding a bio to existing character  (Read 128 times)


adding a bio to existing character
« on: August 04, 2006, 08:56:19 pm »

I have been playing my character Eghaas Treebringer for a month and thoroughly enjoying the experience. However what I failed to do at the beginning of the character creation process is to change the biography. Now I have a standard stock bio. Is there any way that I can change that to make it a bit more interesting?


Re: adding a bio to existing character
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2006, 01:28:18 am »
By bio do you mean the description in game that people see when they examine your character?


Re: adding a bio to existing character
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2006, 01:28:25 am »
You mean the in game description?

Just post a thread in the "Disputes, Grievances, Request for Reimbursements" forum for that.

To make things go as smooth as possible, please follow the format when posting. Something like:


Thread Title: *Name of PC* - Character Description Change


Name of Character: *Name of PC*
Bioware Login: *Name of Bioware account*

*A few lines of "why" you want to change it.*

*The new description for the character.*