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Author Topic: Elf stats - Typo?  (Read 57 times)


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    Elf stats - Typo?
    « on: February 15, 2006, 08:09:03 pm »
    I was looking at the Subraces and I noticed that the Gray Elf has the following stat modifiers posted =
    -2str, -2dex, +2con, +2int
    Are these correct, or is it a typo and the stats are actually =
    -2str, +2dex, -2con, +2int



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    Re: Elf stats - Typo?
    « Reply #1 on: February 15, 2006, 08:23:25 pm »
    The listing for the subrace is correct.  It evens out the regular elven modifiers and makes the strength lower and the int higher.  Basically, the effect of the skin changes the racial modifiers from +2 dex and -2 con to +2 int and -2 str.


    Re: Elf stats - Typo?
    « Reply #2 on: February 15, 2006, 08:52:50 pm »
    From LORE:  ESA -2str, -2dex, +2con, +2int.  That is the Effective Stat Adjustment once the skin loads.


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      Re: Elf stats - Typo?
      « Reply #3 on: February 15, 2006, 09:14:37 pm »
      I'm sorry, Rayenoir, but I've read your post 3x's and it doesn't make sense.  Please help me out here -
      (This is what I got out of it)

      Rayenoir = It evens out the regular elven modifiers and makes the strength lower and the int higher.
      Sterling = Okay, that I understand.  No problem...BUT...

      Rayenoir = Basically, the effect of the skin changes the racial modifiers from +2 dex and -2 con to +2 int and -2 str.
      Sterling = Here is where I'm confused.  I had thought it was a simple typo where the bonuses of the DEX and CON were transposed.  (Meaning, an Elf normally gets a +2 DEX, and -2 CON, and the Gray Elf is (as I've seen it) listed with the 'standard' Elf with the following additional modifiers to stats = -2 STR,  and +2 INT.  So, the sticky part here is that according to the [subrace] page, it reads; "The Gray Elf subrace skin once in game will apply -2str, -2dex, +2con, +2int". and I thought is should be -2str, +2dex, -2con, +2int; the DEX & CON transposed.
      But based upon you're post, am I correct in deducing that you have CHANGED the +2 DEX & -2 CON into a -2 STR & +2 INT?  (Meaning only two (2) stats have modifiers, instead of four?)

      Thanx and sorry for the mess...


      Re: Elf stats - Typo?
      « Reply #4 on: February 15, 2006, 10:08:20 pm »
      Sterling - 2/15/2006  10:14 PM

      But based upon you're post, am I correct in deducing that you have CHANGED the +2 DEX & -2 CON into a -2 STR & +2 INT?  (Meaning only two (2) stats have modifiers, instead of four?)

      That is correct, Gray Elves effectively have only a -2 STR and a +2 INT, The other adjustments are just erasing the normal elf bonuses.

      I hope this helps


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        Re: Elf stats - Typo?
        « Reply #5 on: February 16, 2006, 06:37:11 am »
        Got it...thanx~!

        I presume that this is the same for the other races as well (e.g. a Half Ogre's +2 STR is *added* to the Half-Orc's +2 STR, etc...)


