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Author Topic: Oleoresin Capsicum  (Read 687 times)


Oleoresin Capsicum
« on: February 01, 2011, 06:35:42 pm »
Just wanted to share this thought with you:

Oleoresin Capsicum Spray (OC Spray) or pepper spray is no fun.

Thank you, continue with scheduled program.


Re: Oleoresin Capsicum
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2011, 08:56:55 pm »
Random. I like it.

gilshem ironstone

Re: Oleoresin Capsicum
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2011, 09:19:19 pm »
I was at a party once where someone thought it would be fun to ventilate the apartment with pepper spray.  I agree with Aerimor.


Re: Oleoresin Capsicum
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2011, 09:30:20 pm »
I'm hearing you. Loud and clear.

At least you'll have clear sinuses for a bit! I have always tried to take some small consolation from that on the (multiple) times I have copped it in the face.


Re: Oleoresin Capsicum
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2011, 10:36:19 pm »
When the officer says dont try to kick his car window out he means it.


Re: Oleoresin Capsicum
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2011, 03:23:24 am »
The clue is in....
 This will probably really sting and is no fun at all we use it to disable would anyone like to volunteer?


Re: Oleoresin Capsicum
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2011, 06:08:53 am »
It was training. We had to run, then do jumping jacks, to make sure the sweat was going.

Then we got sprayed full in the eyes, had to open our eyes.

Had to run to two bags and knee strike and elbow strike them twenty times.

Then had to run over, grab handcuffs, handcuff someone and double lock them.

Then run a little ways, draw of fake guns on someone and call out how many fingers they had.

Then we were allowed to rinse out what we could.  Then an hour later we got to shower, and... the shower reactivates the stuff.

I of course refused to display any emotion and I walked with my long stride from station to station.

This earned me the nickname 'Jason" from one of the instructors. As we watched the video he said "And here is Jason, he is thinking only one thing at this point. Kill. Kill. Kill."  
He was pretty close, I was thinking. "If someone sprayed me, I would like to beat them with their own arm, until I felt better."


Re: Oleoresin Capsicum
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2011, 07:40:50 am »
Yeah, qualifying with OC spray is rough. I took a hit from a buddy of mine, a few years back - we thought it'd be hilarious.

Well... It was. xD Just not for the reasons we thought.

The only balm for the pain was knowing that every one of my friends, who had laughed when I first started flipping out, had drawn the aerosol into their lungs and were now hurting almost as badly.

Waaay worse than the tazer.


Re: Oleoresin Capsicum
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2011, 08:49:00 am »
So.... When do you get to play with the taser???


Re: Oleoresin Capsicum
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2011, 09:15:31 am »
Being nicknamed Jason is a tremendous honour man, cherish it! Jason rocks.


Re: Oleoresin Capsicum
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2011, 10:42:12 am »
Jason Voorhees <3

Then again, I would prefer to be Michael Myers if I had to choose between the two.

Oh, and since the ingredient that does the sting in the Pepper spray (optly named such, for a reason), is the same as in Chili plants. The best way to dissolve the effect is either milk, or animal grease, such as butter. Vegetable cooking oil works too.

Haven't tested the stuff myself :)

But I know from experience that when "enjoying" things like Naga Jolochia, the best way to ease the suffering is animal fat or veggie oil.


Re: Oleoresin Capsicum
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2011, 03:49:46 am »
I really feel lucky I don’t need to do now to what Aerimor aka. Janson did :D

That reminds me my own army training in military police. Well, it was not OC spray but military grade Mace isn’t fun either especially when you have to inhale it. First whole squad sitting gas-masks on in the small hut filled with tear gas testing it that masks worked. Next step is to redo your mask spiced up with on (in)voluntary inhale . Last step is all took their mask off sit a while and then we had to exit the hut in orderly fashion. Holding your breath really won’t help much as tear gas goes thought all over your face and being one of the last ones you really could not hold your breath that long anyways. It was really uncomfortable but I could keep my posture although it was one of those days that army got to get rid of their excess “near expire date” stuff so their budget would not get cut. That means we got more like about 3-4 times more extra CS to burn in that small hut and it spread wider area and you got to move much longer in CS cloud.

What followed next did not go so well.

The idea here was to how to move in field that is filled with tear gas without gas-masks. So you all you had to do were to move around near the tear gas clouds as you could. And of course we got tons of extra tear gas grenades tossed in the field just so we could get rid of them. Soon most of the open field was covered with huge mace clouds. Weather was calm as it should in this training but suddenly there was a gust of wind and our whole squad was engulfed huge and thick could of tear gas. We could not see because all the tears and dense cloud all over us and first we trying to move out from the cloud in orderly fashion that soon turned in chaotic rushing, falling and crawling. We could not see, we could not breathe. Our lungs where in fire as every breath we took were inhaling tear gas and it felt like we were suffocating. Lucky for us there come another gust of wind and we got out of the cloud. I heard we where a sorry sight. More than half of our squad was flat in the ground rest in kneeling or crawling positions all with swollen teary eyes. Few where unconscious hand had to go in hospital. I personally was kneeling just struggling to breathe or more like struggling not to breath. The funny part was that my lungs burned & stung so badly that I felt I did not want to breathe anymore even after getting fresh air, never mind eyes the burned so badly I could not open them and every inch of my sweaty skin burned. I took many short gasp of breaths before I got rest of tear gas out of my lungs. Burning sensation took little longer to diminish. I had no idea how long we were in that cloud they said we were there in many minutes but felt like ages to me. Oh, it was not good idea to wipe you teary eyes with hands or any other items on you possession you got still got CS all over you. Same reason no one really wanted to get near you without gas-mask. Good thing is that it wears off about in 15-30 minutes.  Fun times!


Re: Oleoresin Capsicum
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2011, 07:38:42 am »
I wish Choking Powder were that awesome.


Re: Oleoresin Capsicum
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2011, 08:55:11 am »
Hmmm, wondering how this idea could be used in casting.  If there were a pepper spray spell (pepper would be found in Layo) what would be the stats for that it? As long as the caster didn't rub his eyes before casting....could be quite good :)


Re: Oleoresin Capsicum
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2011, 10:46:02 am »
not in casting, as a rogue item, grenade-like object.  Alchemical based.


Re: Oleoresin Capsicum
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2011, 05:54:40 pm »
Well done @Aerimor! We will all feel safer with you holding back the hordes.