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Author Topic: Excellent Quest, Dezza  (Read 55 times)


Excellent Quest, Dezza
« on: November 08, 2005, 07:08:00 am »
Had a blast this morning travelling interdimensionally and vanquishing ghoulies every step of the way.  Wickedly well made puzzle near the end there.  Thanks for the wild ride! :)


RE: Excellent Quest, Dezza
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2005, 07:19:00 am »
Yup Dezza,
  Great job. Kat's dice really got a work out and even semi-liked herĀ  :)
  Pat on the back for a great job.


RE: Excellent Quest, Dezza
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2005, 07:31:00 am »

I'm seriously considering sacrificing more often to meet your aussie scheduling,   ;)  (it is aussie, isn't it?  :P ) which means i must get up 3:30 am or 5:30 am in my time zone.  

You succintly provided us newcomers to the series a solid background.  Then the action started right away and we were forced several times to think well and cooperate under pressure.  Plenty of great combat sequences!  Then some very nice puzzles that made us slow down the pace and think together - the main one being where that sleeping bone dragon golem was there to kill us if we goofed up. lol

And then...the open question that remained unresolved, despite our overall success..when we took something that perhaps should have been left behind.  Very realistic!

From what I've seen by the great gm's'ing is an art - and this quest was nothing short of a work of art.

Thanks!  This seems like a weak way to end...but i really mean it: thank you very much :)


RE: Excellent Quest, Dezza
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2005, 07:45:00 am »
Good job Dezza! :)

