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Author Topic: Finding lag  (Read 67 times)

Tajucin Mire

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    Finding lag
    « on: December 20, 2006, 11:31:47 pm »
    alright...i have been finding alot of lag in places in Layonara...mostly in cities and at Road to Fort Llast, was wandering when thats going to get cleared up?

    Tajucin Mire

    Talan Va'lash

    Re: Finding lag
    « Reply #1 on: December 20, 2006, 11:54:39 pm »
    Sever lag is dependant on how many players are on the server and how many are in a single area. It will be cleared up when everyone goes to bed.

    Area based "lag" is (excluding a few other things that can cause it) a result of your PC or video card and will be cleared up in most cases if you upgrade your hardware.

    The other things that can add to area based lag are 1) the area being very large (like point harbour) 2) tons of NPCs or PCs in the area.


    Steps to reduce area based "lag":

    1) Turn off shiny water! - This setting is generally more trouble than it's worth and can even cause repeated crashes upon entering a certain area.
    2) Turn down your video settings - Specifically grass, creature wind on grass, environment shadows and # of shadow casting lights.


    Settings that make stuff look better but have little effect on "lag" (might as well keep these at best)

    1) Texture quality - The only reason to set this down from high is if you have a very old or unsupported video card and stuff looks funny. In that case I reccomend setting it to low. The other reason to turn it down is if you experience really long area load waits. Setting textures lower will speed area load time (though not in a huge way.)

    2) Resolution - This actually behaves differently on different machines/configurations. On some machines I notice a vast performance increase at the native resolution of the monitor (and if I lower the resolution performance actually goes down.) On other machines I see the logical gain in performance as I decrease resolution, so you'll need to play with this one, but I recomend trying the shadows/shiny water things first.


    Recomendation for everyone:

    Make sure your video card drivers are current. Sometimes this can yield a dramatic increase in performance.


    Re: Finding lag
    « Reply #2 on: December 21, 2006, 01:16:51 am »
    Also.....turn on Enable Hardware Sound in the sound options.

    I had this switched off.....and it was causing me all kinds of lag issues which I thought were graphics related.

    Not much....but it made a difference


    RE: Finding lag
    « Reply #3 on: December 21, 2006, 04:23:27 am »
    One lag-preventing tip that was pointed out to me -- turn off the mini map if you don't need it.  This has more effect when traveling in parties (as party member "pins" need to be updated), but even solo, it's just another drain on precious clock cycles.

    Talan Va'lash

    Re: Finding lag
    « Reply #4 on: December 21, 2006, 04:27:41 am »
    LordCove - 12/21/2006  2:16 AM
    Also.....turn on Enable Hardware Sound in the sound options.
    I had this switched off.....and it was causing me all kinds of lag issues which I thought were graphics related.
    Not much....but it made a difference

    This one really can make a difference. I haven't noticed it that much in NWN1 but in NWN2 I was choking without it.


    One lag-preventing tip that was pointed out to me -- turn off the mini map if you don't need it. This has more effect when traveling in parties (as party member "pins" need to be updated), but even solo, it's just another drain on precious clock cycles.

    I've heard this one too, but I'm unable to notice any change in FPS when I have the minimap on or off myself.


    Re: Finding lag
    « Reply #5 on: December 21, 2006, 04:55:24 am »
    LordCove - 12/21/2006  10:16 PM

    Also.....turn on Enable Hardware Sound in the sound options.

    I had this switched off.....and it was causing me all kinds of lag issues which I thought were graphics related.

    Not much....but it made a difference

    Reason is...the graphic card takes the grunt work. if it is turned off the CPU has to take care of that as well as keeping everything running.


    Re: Finding lag
    « Reply #6 on: December 21, 2006, 05:04:10 pm »
    *looks at the topic title* Is it like finding nemo?

    heh. Yeah, ive noticed no change in fps with the mini map on or off. I only notice lag really, in point harbor.

