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Author Topic: explanation please....  (Read 94 times)

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explanation please....
« on: May 27, 2005, 01:28:00 pm »
with out appearing to be highly pissed:

i go through a transition.  i rest.  i SUCESSFULLY buff to hell and back, including invis.  i go back through and immediately get killed by ogres who SHOULD NOT HAVE SEEN ME........

this is very irritating.... perhaps SOME one can explain it to me.... and please... don't give me the "invis/gsanc is flawed" crap.... i know it...   this was NOT that.....this was outrageous, and very unfair!!...  (i have as much of the screen shots as you can take when you are dead)

i go to craft some gems.   i break my gem crafting tool.  i go buy a new one.... i go back to the gem polishing table.... suddely i can't move.  i look at the gems... they are now unidentified Were 10 topazes or some such... turns out they weighs 5567745..... (i have the screen shots)  i lose the 10 gems... i lose the polishing oil (at 26g/bottle.....)  now i am out 260 gold, 10 gems... and hours.....

without trying to be sounding..... whatever.....  can SOMEone tell me what the heck is going on?  or, am i just supposed to suck it up and stop whining.... and move on?  (just curious...)

i'm JUST trying to understand.... and DON'T say i'm overly ecited or to "calm down"  i'm not excited or uncalm.... i want to understand why this happened, how it can be addressed and what my options are....


RE: explanation please....
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2005, 01:35:00 pm »
  First off, Invisibility and Greater Sanctuary spells DO have bugs on them. As a matter of fact just last night I cast Sunburst on some giants (Blinded them all) but of course they ran towards me as they always do and I calmly cast invisibility before they got to me. Now to my surprise they started taking swings at me (one of them a stunning fist) so I couldn't move, and they knocked me flat to -3 hp (note I had Greater Stoneskin on so this took a while). It was a bug. No GM. No player's fault. It's the targeting system. Seems once in a while it forgets to send the little blip of a message to the monsters saying "He just turned invisible, stop targeting," and they continue to come. And trust me when I say, dying at my level to this, is a lot more painful (and I suck it up all the time).
    As for the gems. It's common that gems and gem dusts will be taken off the crafting table and say Unidentified. When you examine them, it says Bad Sttref, and says it weighs an obscene amount (it doesn't). Just put them back on and craft like you would if they didn't have the funny name it works. Listen... if I took things as badly as you "Appear" to be taking them I wouldn't have stayed on Layo for the almost two years I have. Trust me, I've been whacked a lot harder than you have by bugs, but at the end of the day I can laugh and say, least I had fun before then, and I get back in game, and have some more fun.


RE: explanation please....
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2005, 01:36:00 pm »
Heh.. on the first, I'm telling you man its a Bioware bug with invisibility/gsanc and creatures fixing on players. When the AI targets a player it locks onto it and sometimes it skips the recognition of invisibility or greater sanctuary. The only thing I've noticed that help a bit here is keep on moving and hope for the best. Generally though the best solution is not rely on these spell overly much and know that sometimes they just don't work. Trust me many many many many mages and clerics do so as such.
  On the second question, the gems may appear unidentified but you can still use them. So worry not and stick them in the bench, they will work and be recognized by the system. Try however, to avoid this problem just to use as many gems as necessary (only gems that you have oils for) and not have extras, that way it wont bug out on you. But you can still use the gems in any case.

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RE: explanation please....
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2005, 02:32:00 pm »
ZeroVega - 5/27/2005  4:35 PM      First off, Invisibility and Greater Sanctuary spells DO have bugs on them. As a matter of fact just last night I cast Sunburst on some giants (Blinded them all) but of course they ran towards me as they always do and I calmly cast invisibility before they got to me. Now to my surprise they started taking swings at me (one of them a stunning fist) so I couldn't move, and they knocked me flat to -3 hp (note I had Greater Stoneskin on so this took a while). It was a bug. No GM. No player's fault. It's the targeting system. Seems once in a while it forgets to send the little blip of a message to the monsters saying "He just turned invisible, stop targeting," and they continue to come. And trust me when I say, dying at my level to this, is a lot more painful (and I suck it up all the time).
    As for the gems. It's common that gems and gem dusts will be taken off the crafting table and say Unidentified. When you examine them, it says Bad Sttref, and says it weighs an obscene amount (it doesn't). Just put them back on and craft like you would if they didn't have the funny name it works. Listen... if I took things as badly as you "Appear" to be taking them I wouldn't have stayed on Layo for the almost two years I have. Trust me, I've been whacked a lot harder than you have by bugs, but at the end of the day I can laugh and say, least I had fun before then, and I get back in game, and have some more fun.
 i could have SWORN i said i am well aware of the invis/gsanc bug!!!! hmmmmmmmm i also wonder why if i post a legitimate question about a problem or two that happens to me, it is automatically assumed that i want to quit!!!!!   what IS that????  this is the best place i have been on.  i'm NOT going to quit because of some adversity, or a bug or what ever....  PLEASE stop assuming that, if i question something, it means i am quitting or think i am being treated unfairly or whatever crosses your mind to admonish me in this manner!!!!!  i was JUST ASKING.... REALLY......  geeeze.... if i quit ANYthing, it would be trying to get answers from the forums!!!!!  all i wanted was an explanation... preferably technical...  and perhaps a hint at solutions....  *sigh*   am i THAT abraisive in my postings???????

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RE: explanation please....
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2005, 02:33:00 pm »
Pankoki - 5/27/2005  4:36 PM    Heh.. on the first, I'm telling you man its a Bioware bug with invisibility/gsanc and creatures fixing on players. When the AI targets a player it locks onto it and sometimes it skips the recognition of invisibility or greater sanctuary. The only thing I've noticed that help a bit here is keep on moving and hope for the best. Generally though the best solution is not rely on these spell overly much and know that sometimes they just don't work. Trust me many many many many mages and clerics do so as such.
  On the second question, the gems may appear unidentified but you can still use them. So worry not and stick them in the bench, they will work and be recognized by the system. Try however, to avoid this problem just to use as many gems as necessary (only gems that you have oils for) and not have extras, that way it wont bug out on you. But you can still use the gems in any case.
  so.... even if i am in another area.... then i rest, then i buff... all successfully... it will STILL target me?


RE: explanation please....
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2005, 02:41:00 pm »
Likely the reason he thinks you are quitting is due to the excess of question marks and exclamation points. In a medium such as the internet, punctuation means the difference between an idle tone and an elevated one. My recommendation is to keep the usage of that to when you are really trying to express those feelings. Otherwise it will be misinterpreted.
  Now to answer your question let me give you an example.
  In the central server there are certain creatures that are "camping", basically they are always on the map and do not spawn, they simply always remain there to guard something. That means that if the player leaves the area they will remain in game and not be destroyed after the cleanup script goes into action.
  Now I once was doing some quest setup in Central and was finished early so I decided to watch on some players. A mage was in one of these areas where the creatures camp, he proceeded to cast a spell at them and tried to go invisible. 5 of the monsters completely ignored him but one of them did not. This sucker followed him all the way from the mountains to Pranzis. So they are persistant.
  Now in your case is simpler because I believe the area you were in is Greypeaks and there are no camps up that mountain. Simply my recommendation is if you have a feeling that you are being chased even invisible, get out of the mountain range and return 10 minutes later, allowing for the cleanup script to take place and you can face a new batch of creatures who are free of bugginess.

Talan Va'lash

RE: explanation please....
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2005, 02:58:00 pm »
The invis targeting bug in my experience is only problematic when a creature has sighted/targeted you before you cast invis.  The Gsanc bug is different I believe.

With invis, as long as out cast it out of line of sight, or even better, before you enter the area with the enemies, you should not have a problem.  Where it gets problematic is if you are trying to attack then invis, or use invis to cover an escape.

If you are being attacked while invisible, run a bit, if any creatures are following, let them get close, start an attack, then start running again.  They may get a hit off on you, but often the bug is cleared after they complete one attack (the one they had initiated before you were invisible.)


RE: explanation please....
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2005, 03:03:00 pm »
I once had some giants in Xantril chase Ser and Triba while invisible and we had cast the invisibility about 10 areas before. *shrugs* I've experienced this bug in a gazzilion ways.


RE: explanation please....
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2005, 03:05:00 pm »
Yah, same. The more you use invisibility, the more bugs you notice in the whole thing.

Just accept it as a part of the spell. Makes it less of a sure invulnerability spell anyway. Kinda fun...

Xandor Loriland

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RE: explanation please....
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2005, 03:13:00 pm »
A little advice on how to avoid being percieved as excited and not calm.  When you SHOUT you appear excited.  When people shout at me I ask them to calm down.  When you present a problem in a way that implies that someone owes you an answer because you have been wronged by them, you will put your self in a position of offending those who have worked very hard to give you something you have not earned or deserved.  If you enter a discussion in a way that implies that you know everything you will look foolish when it turns out that you don't.  I think you will find you have much more success if you approach people with respect assuming that they are working hard to serve you and that you may have missed something.  It may turn out that you have very useful information.  You will find that the information will get communicated more effectively if you use tact and not acid.  I hope this helps.  

You get more flies with honey than vinegar   - -  Mom
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt - - Abe Lincoln


RE: explanation please....
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2005, 07:53:00 pm »
FIRST OFF...THE INVISIBLE THING IS A BUG!!!!!!!!! YOU TELL PEOPLE NOT TO SAY THAT, BUT THAT IS WHAT IT IS!!!!!!! FROM WHAT I HAVE SEEN MOST CREATURES WILL FOLLOW YOU THROUGH A  TRANSITION, SO I AM THINKNING TRANSITIONS DON'T MEAN ALOT TO THEM.  SECOND, AND DONT TELL ME I AM WRONG CAUSE I AINT!!!! WHEN YOU SAY SOMTHING LIKE THIS IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU ARE JUST GRIPING AND WILL NOT LISTEN TO ANY REASONS SAID. AND WHEN YOU USE CAPS AND EXCLIMATION POINTS LIKE THIS IT TELLS PEOPLE YOU ARE YELLING, OR MAD, OR EXCITED!!!!!!!!  Now when you type something like this it is easier to read and DOES NOT make people cringe when you use the yelling sparingly. It is just a more pleasant way to communicate. I used all CAPS above to prove a small point. I bet alot of people just skimmed through it, not rally reading this post untill I got to this part. Granted I used ALL CAPS but you see my point.  First off...The invisible thing IS a bug!  You tell people not to say that but that is what it is. From what I have seen most creatures willl follow you through a transition, so I am thinking transitions don't mean alot to them.  Second, don't tell me I am wrong cause I aint! When you say something like this it sounds like you are just griping and will not listen to any reasons said. And when you use caps and explanation points like THIS, it tells people you are yelling, or MAD, or EXCITED.  Better huh?


RE: explanation please....
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2005, 08:07:00 pm »
  Right, so lets break it down...
    Invisibility does have a bug that cannot be fixed by us because it's a Bioware Bug. It's been reported three times by me alone and I've been told the same thing every time (blame repetitive reports on my poor memory). It cannot be fixed by us, and it is a bug.
    The gems will always work as you want them to, the "Unidentified" and 139692.392lb thing, is just a little bug that doesn't mean anything. They're still gems, they'll still work like gems, and after a server reset, they'll look normal again.
    Also, to clerify what I said earlier. I didn't say that you wanted to leave or you should (if I implied it, that's my bad). What I meant to say is if I had as big a problem as you SEEM to be having, I probably would have left long ago.
    Also, if you really don't have a big problem with all this. If it really isn't making you made, angry, or excited. Then there's no need for multiple !!!!!!!s or words/sentences written in caps. It just gives the wrong impression. Sorry if I've offended you or gotten on your bad side, wasn't my intent to be anything but helpful.