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Author Topic: Buffing Summons/Familiars/Pets  (Read 66 times)


Buffing Summons/Familiars/Pets
« on: March 01, 2007, 03:12:07 pm »
I was on the Suggestions thread and it made me think of this topic which i was interested about.

Should Summons/Pets be privy to all the spells that PC's are privy to.

Now i believe if the pet or summon is a living & breathing entity, it probably should, however, it has always niggled at me when I see people healing Golems and casting spells like regeneration, stoneskin, barkskin...etc.

This is only my opinion and I welcome and feedback.



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RE: Buffing Summons/Familiars/Pets
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2007, 03:17:41 pm »
Well, golems with barkskin or stoneskin are fine, since those don't need any metabolism on the target's side. As for healing, on PnP D&D there is a series of spells that repair golems just like the cure ones heal humans. Perhaps clerics could have access to these on Layo, to explain RP-wise how Cure spells can heal golems.


Re: Buffing Summons/Familiars/Pets
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2007, 06:01:19 am »
Your familiar shares a very special bond with you... you SHOULD be concerned for its safety and not treat it as disposable.  Wouldn't you feed your dog a healing potion if he got hit by a car and was bleeding to death?  Especially a magic one, who often times licks your face and sends an empathic "I wuv you!" feeling down your arcanist spine.  Sure the floating beholderkin might seem a little gross at first, but he's so cute kicking with his little eyestalks in his sleep while he floats there, dreaming of chasing fairies.


Re: Buffing Summons/Familiars/Pets
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2007, 06:06:30 am »
Haha exactly, I would think a Druid's animal companion, or a Wizard's familiar would more often than not be their best friend. They have been whenever I played them, at least.


Re: Buffing Summons/Familiars/Pets
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2007, 06:26:47 am »
Well, we all know that the Mithril golems are just squishy lovable hunks of flesh inside... So healing works. ;) Riiiight.

Lonnarin's got it dead-on, though.

