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Author Topic: This is what I like about Layonara...  (Read 158 times)


This is what I like about Layonara...
« on: July 26, 2005, 03:31:00 pm »
Ok, we all here the complaints and frustrations when something bad/wrong happens with a player. What about the good?

Imagine this, you put most of you time and money into a project. You put all your thoughts and dreams into it to make it fit what you think everyone would like. Something that you created and can stand back and say, “I made that.”

Then, all you hear is the negatives, the rants and raves, but hardly ever a compliment. (With the exception of a post quest thread) What would your reaction be?

So I ask that players share the good fortunes and the reason why they enjoy playing on Layonara in this thread. Let’s give the Layonara staff a reason to continue the great job that they are doing.

To start it off…
…the DM channel is awesome and having someone to help you get down off of a ledge when you are by yourself is great.
…the quests are very diverse and fun.

I could go on and on, but my two typing fingers are getting cramped. Please add more!


RE: This is what I like about Layonara...
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2005, 03:51:00 pm »
Just off the top of my head:
- the tremendous RP, both in and out of quests. I've learned a lot about how to RP from playing with and observing other characters
- character development threads. Some of these are truly outstanding, making me believe that the character really is the author. I am just floored by the creativity of so many of the people here.
- the forums. They provide a venue to draw people into the game world as well as to suggest ideas, resolve differences, etc. Most important, the overall level of maturity is very nice.
- a truly outstanding GM team. I haven't interacted with many of the GMs but each interaction has been positive.
- the fact that when decisions are made, Leanther and the GM team take the time to explain the reasons behind their decisions. It's a compliment to us that they trust us (the players) to be mature and intelligent.

I am quite certain I don't fully appreciate the level of effort and attention to detail that Leanther and the entire team devotes to creating and running this world, and saying "thank you" just doesn't seem to be quite enough. So this thread is an excellent idea, and just a small start towards letting them know that we appreciate their efforts.



RE: This is what I like about Layonara...
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2005, 04:55:00 pm »
Whats not to like?

A GM team that is nothing short of amazing.  They give us the opportunity to play out our characters and have a killer time doing it.  The content team keeps things fresh and new.  It make the world that much more believable.  

And for all the headaches that the CNR system can give you, I still love it.  When you finally make something you have been trying for so long to make, it makes it really worthwhile.  The amount of work involved in creating and maintaining it is much appreciated.

Plus, what other game or world has such a tight knit community as Layonara?  Where else can you submit your ideas and actually have a chance to change the world?  

A big thank you to Leanthar and all the GMs that make it so fun here.


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    RE: This is what I like about Layonara...
    « Reply #3 on: July 26, 2005, 05:47:00 pm »
    I love the outstanding RP of everyone.
    The GM team is great, the quests are fun, the responce time to a problem is amazing, they are fair and united.
    The campaign is indepth and the world is huge.
    The players are friedly and make it fun to play.
    WHats not to love about Layo

    Germaine Lorn

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      RE: This is what I like about Layonara...
      « Reply #4 on: July 26, 2005, 06:34:00 pm »
      Very patient team - even when the same complaints surface again and again (I am guilty of this too)

      I especially like the background story.  The fact that they put in even more time to give Layonara a sense of history unfolding leaves me speechless.............

      Germaine Lorn


      RE: This is what I like about Layonara...
      « Reply #5 on: July 26, 2005, 07:16:00 pm »
      There are many wonderful things about Layonara, and a lot of them have been mentioned.

      I am continually floored by the dedication of the whole gm team.  Problems and issues are delt with in a timely manner.  I have never seen the level of openeness and willingness to hear and give weight to all sides of a story that I have here.  The level of maturity on this server is outstanding.   The "off the cuff" quests are varied in style and you never know when one will be the start of a series, or even a teaser for something new in the main plot.   The players here are dedicated to their characters, and to make sure all are having a good time.  I could go on, but I am sure others want to say how awesome it is here too.   In short Layonara Rocks! Thanks to all who make it so. :)


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      RE: This is what I like about Layonara...
      « Reply #6 on: July 26, 2005, 08:27:00 pm »
      The fact that despite that, as long as I have been here, there have been complaints and people who hate the GM team because of a decision they made, that the GM team still not only does a great job, but goes above and beyond all reason to develope a product that delivers far more than the original Neverwinter Nights did,and which probably makes some of the people at Bioware very jealous.

      The fact that, as a whole, the community is very mature, even younger players like Zerovega and myself (I guess I shouldn't mention me, but I am the only other one I can think of.) Whenever there is a problem, it is usually solved in a decent and acceptable manner, and when there is a problem that we cannot handle ourselves the GMs stop us and make us think for a moment.

      The role-playing here is far above average. I have NEVER felt like I was simply grinding. Every time I play Quin, I feel like Quin, and I feel like I am actually living with the people around him. There has never been a single moment that I have regretted here. Some that have ended badly, but none that I would ever want to change.

      Finally, the website looks really cool. And when it comes down to it, isn't that all that matters?


      RE: This is what I like about Layonara...
      « Reply #7 on: July 26, 2005, 11:25:00 pm »
      I like the fact that there are people here who care enough to start a thread like this.

      Kit Ironfist(thats for Cole)
      Huge world
      on and on and on


      RE: This is what I like about Layonara...
      « Reply #8 on: July 27, 2005, 12:29:00 am »
      - Great huge world in which you can lose yourself.....(has anyone seen everything yet.....dont think so) - Great RP - Great DM team with lots of patience - Great crafting system - Great community

      Xandor Loriland

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      RE: This is what I like about Layonara...
      « Reply #9 on: July 27, 2005, 01:35:00 am »
      Before I found Layonara I was playing a single player RPG every two weeks or so just to get a fix of the type of interactive story that I love.  At $40-$60 a pop it was an expensive habit.  I must have played a hundred different games over the years.  NWN left me wanting more and I started looking into online games.  All of the ones I looked at cost monthly fees and were designed to just get you to play more and had very shallow story lines.  When I stumbled across a link to Layonara on the Bioware web site I thought I would give it a try.  I was looking for a story that I could involve a character in that wouldn't end after 2 weeks.  Layo has surpassed my wildest dreams in this regard.  I haven't touched another game in over a year.  The depth of story and the interaction with other characters is so immersive.  L and the team have been there to answer every question I've had and have made the experience so much more than any other game I have ever played.  It is truly amazing.  The best part is the fact that they allow the player to change the world.  Since starting here Rawkwin has joined a group of adventurers, helped to unite dragons in an alliance, opened a store and now is starting an adventurer's Guild.  There is so much more to do than just kill monsters, get gold, level up, get more stuff,... ad infinitum (that's what most games boil down to).  Well done guys and keep up the good work.


      RE: This is what I like about Layonara...
      « Reply #10 on: July 27, 2005, 02:11:00 am »
      Yeah, uh, Rawk, you were not happy with your own addiction; you got eight more of us addicted. Now we all play together in the evenings and talk about it during working hours. I haven't played another game since I have started with Layonara back in March. If I am on the computer, the game is loaded or the forum is displayed.



      RE: This is what I like about Layonara...
      « Reply #11 on: July 27, 2005, 02:21:00 am »
      Good things about Layonara... That's quite simple.

      -Good chased with a coke
      -Even better chased with a pepsi (It's just the better quality drink)
      -Lot of fun and interesting people
      -Only one or two people that I can't stand and probably wouldn't try to not hit with my car
      -Aleister's wry way of being difficult no matter what
      -Aleister's overwhelming control of the cosmos
      -DMs' overwhelming control of Aleister's control of the cosmos
      -Helpful DMs
      -There's a stapler on the desk beside me... a stapler I've never seen before
      -My printer is jammed
      -Now I'm just rambling
      -But it makes the list look real impressive!
      -And nobody will be able to think of as many good things as me
      -That is, assuming nobody will bother reading all of this
      -Oh, and another good thing:
      -Leanthar's dedication to a well-run everything
      -Leanthar's seemingly perfectionist attitude
      -Leanthar's commitment and sacrifice to make Layo so great
      -Leanthar is better than Salvanus
      -Now I'm sleepy and my nose is getting brown
      -Okay, let's think of ONE more...
      -CNR's good
      -But that's too easy
      -Immersive Roleplaying environment
      -Atmospheric areas
      -Not bards

      That is all. :)


      RE: This is what I like about Layonara...
      « Reply #12 on: July 27, 2005, 02:24:00 am »
      Forgot to quote something...

      Zhofe - 7/26/2005  9:27 PM

      ...the GM team ... probably makes some of the people at Bioware very jealous.

      Bioware is made of Canadians. So they're humble and not jealous, and probably proud that someone was able to put their product to such amazingly great use. :)

      That's another thing about Layonara... They took something Canadian made (And therefore approaching absolute perfection) and managed to improve it. Uberx0rs.


      RE: This is what I like about Layonara...
      « Reply #13 on: July 27, 2005, 03:46:00 am »
      The best thing since sliced bread

      If you had not worked out yet im dysleic as are some others with in the game
      not one players has had a go at me about this in game or on the bord and for me thats a rear thing.

      Ive only been a player for a short wile but boy is good
      Hats off to the GM team and all the players that make such grate use of NWNs.

      But to me Layonara is a wonderfull place where I can lose stress and that is truly priceless thing.



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      RE: This is what I like about Layonara...
      « Reply #14 on: July 27, 2005, 10:30:00 am »
      lol Diamondedge, nice list, oh and you might want to wash that off your face, might start to stink...


      RE: This is what I like about Layonara...
      « Reply #15 on: July 27, 2005, 10:42:00 am »
      thats quite an impressive rambling list, (but coke is better than pepsi  :) )


      RE: This is what I like about Layonara...
      « Reply #16 on: July 27, 2005, 10:55:00 am »
      -Being a GM.
      -Not being sent to the corner if I accidentally pause the server.
      -Being able to lose 5 hours of sleep and NOT regret it.
      -Logging off with a smile on my face.
      -Not resenting the automatic deduction on my debit card every month because I love this place.
      -Not having once heard anyone say to my character "Noob".
      -Not having ever been PK'd on purpose.
      -Playing a game where a certain level of maturity is expected from the community.
      -Second, third and fourth chances.
      -The ability to focus my RP in whatever direction I wish.
      -I don't feel like the time I spend online here is wasted.
      -I don't have to shell out another $30 every time theres an update.
      -The CNR system is frustrating, but ultimately rewarding.



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      RE: This is what I like about Layonara...
      « Reply #17 on: July 27, 2005, 02:16:00 pm »
      I like that layonara makes NWN actually fun. :)


      RE: This is what I like about Layonara...
      « Reply #18 on: July 27, 2005, 02:52:00 pm »
      Vyris - 7/27/2005  11:55 AM

      -Being a GM.
      -Not being sent to the corner if I accidentally pause the server.
      -Being able to lose 5 hours of sleep and NOT regret it.
      -Logging off with a smile on my face.
      -Not resenting the automatic deduction on my debit card every month because I love this place.
      -Not having once heard anyone say to my character "Noob".
      -Not having ever been PK'd on purpose.
      -Playing a game where a certain level of maturity is expected from the community.
      -Second, third and fourth chances.
      -The ability to focus my RP in whatever direction I wish.
      -I don't feel like the time I spend online here is wasted.
      -I don't have to shell out another $30 every time theres an update.
      -The CNR system is frustrating, but ultimately rewarding.


      My list was longer. :D

      Edit: Noob