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Author Topic: Funny things happen on Layo  (Read 580 times)

Grid Blader

Re: Funny things happen on Layo
« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2006, 02:43:54 am »
I do becouse as soon as I hit 30 my eye sight went down hill fast, so I play Q's the same way.


RE: Funny things happen on Layo
« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2006, 02:58:39 am »
miasma_hemlock - 11/21/2006  9:01 AM    
Anyway my funniest moment is anything involving Maple or Earl but I haven't seen either of them for a month now...:(  Where do people go anyway?

The world of Layonara has many cracks and hidden openings...sometimes adventurers slip and fall into these cracks and are never seen again. Somewhere under the world there is a vast pit were everything eventually ends up...filled with lost adventurers trying to get home :)


RE: Funny things happen on Layo
« Reply #22 on: November 21, 2006, 03:40:38 am »
steverimmer - 11/21/2006  5:58 AM

miasma_hemlock - 11/21/2006  9:01 AM    
Anyway my funniest moment is anything involving Maple or Earl but I haven't seen either of them for a month now...:(  Where do people go anyway?

The world of Layonara has many cracks and hidden openings...sometimes adventurers slip and fall into these cracks and are never seen again.  Somewhere under the world there is a vast pit were everything eventually ends up...filled with lost adventurers trying to get home :)

I think they call that the Underdim.


Re: Funny things happen on Layo
« Reply #23 on: November 21, 2006, 06:00:22 am »
Hey Steve, What about Immune Pyyran?


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    Re: Funny things happen on Layo
    « Reply #24 on: November 21, 2006, 08:05:55 am »
    Gabriel: Well this looks safe
    (Wonders around the woods and runs into a bandit camp)
    Gabriel: As a druid, i should wipe them clearn.
    (Watches his summon and pet drop, runs into town. Guards kill the monsters and a person heals him)
    Someone: Gotta be more careful, travel alone only when your sure.
    Gabriel: Thanks ^.^
    (They leave, Gabriel wonders out of the city)
    (Gets drop by rest of the bandits)

    Another thing i found funny is i went into the sewers with my dire wolf pet.. he got dropped by three rats without killing one. So i went and charmed the cat that hangs by the city watch, brought it in with me. That thing was dropping rats left and right. I aint seen my wolf sense then *Rubs chin*


    Re: Funny things happen on Layo
    « Reply #25 on: November 21, 2006, 09:26:41 am »
    indeed invulnerable pyyran was awesome

    fighters fall clerics fall until only pyyran stands toe to toe with the darkstome pit fiend and they both stand hitting and hitting each other and pyyran takes no damage

    then we hear an oops thats not right


    Re: Funny things happen on Layo
    « Reply #26 on: November 21, 2006, 02:59:25 pm »
    Oh, wow. I remember that. Pit Fiend vs. Pyyran, heheheh.

    So, we've got a Pit Fiend Darkstrom that's laying WASTE to the party, everyone's dead or dying, and Pyyran's the only one left, thanks to my cunning skill with the whole click-and-he-runs-away thing.

    So there's a point at which Pyyran gets tired of running literally in little circles around an evil altar, and turns to fight, shouting for the weakened but living party members to grab the items we were after.

    I take the first few hits and don't even think about it, figuring the Stoneskin's a REALLY NICE cast, and hope it holds a little longer. Meanwhile, Pyyran's shouting prayers that "if there is good in this world, let me hold" and such.

    And he's not taking damage.

    So, after a little while, I begin to wonder, but about that time, the Quest server pauses, and Regnus pops up.

    "Wait a moment, Pyyran's not taking damage."

    My though: "Ohhhh @#$%!!!"

    Six seconds later, Pyyran was dead on the ground.


