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Author Topic: Friendly reminder about logging on after a reset  (Read 134 times)


Friendly reminder about logging on after a reset
« on: February 02, 2007, 01:20:44 pm »
Right, so every now and then we get one of these crashes or resets that makes a server go down. It's very unfortunate for all of us who want to play.

Then we have 30 players logging on back to the server when it's not ready, all trying to be the first on to get that amazing double XP and it crashes again... This bad, right?

Even if NWN tells you that a server is up and running, and even if the latency number there seems normal... it doesn't mean it's really running. I mean it's running in the sense that it's running but it might not be running anything yet. As in loading the stuff it's supposed to be running. So spam logging on it at this point can be kinda bad.

If you see a server up with 0 players there, go to your gamespy server list, select the server that just crashed and click on the little "server details" button. Now if it looks like it's missing some information there, it means the server isn't exactly really up... it just looks like it.

Usually if the server isn't done loading some things yet, it'll give you a "waiting..." in the version and server description windows at least. Probably the latency number you see there somewhere looks a bit more normal than -1 or something like that.

Patience over all.

Witch Hunter

Re: Friendly reminder about logging on after a reset
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2007, 01:35:01 pm »
you are wise in the ways of science.


Re: Friendly reminder about logging on after a reset
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2007, 03:21:17 pm »
Of course he is.  He's Arthur, King of the Britons.